Land of the free is restricting the travel of dual citizens of the country by introducing Bill HR-158
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SEC. 3. RESTRICTION ON USE OF VISA WAIVER PROGRAM 2 FOR ALIENS WHO TRAVEL TO CERTAIN 3 COUNTRIES. 4 Section 217(a) of the Immigration and Nationality 5 Act (8 U.S.C. 1187(a)), as amended by this Act, is further 6 amended by adding at the end the following: 7 ‘‘(12) NOT PRESENT IN IRAQ, SYRIA, OR ANY 8 OTHER COUNTRY OR AREA OF CONCERN.—
Which includes Iran as a designated state sponsor of terrorism ... by US state department ...
This is one answer of republicans to Iran deal making doing business with Iran harder and costlier than before. Shame on them for playing by Donald Trump's book
Next is internment camp same as Japanese for the Iranians who are one of the highly educated minorities! if this is not stopped. Most likely it will pass as it is not directly saying Iran but it covers Iranians and it will be set back.
Page 4, line 7,
SEC. 3. RESTRICTION ON USE OF VISA WAIVER PROGRAM 2 FOR ALIENS WHO TRAVEL TO CERTAIN 3 COUNTRIES. 4 Section 217(a) of the Immigration and Nationality 5 Act (8 U.S.C. 1187(a)), as amended by this Act, is further 6 amended by adding at the end the following: 7 ‘‘(12) NOT PRESENT IN IRAQ, SYRIA, OR ANY 8 OTHER COUNTRY OR AREA OF CONCERN.—
Which includes Iran as a designated state sponsor of terrorism ... by US state department ...
This is one answer of republicans to Iran deal making doing business with Iran harder and costlier than before. Shame on them for playing by Donald Trump's book
Next is internment camp same as Japanese for the Iranians who are one of the highly educated minorities! if this is not stopped. Most likely it will pass as it is not directly saying Iran but it covers Iranians and it will be set back.