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US ire over Dhaka’s Crimea role


Feb 21, 2012
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US ire over Dhaka’s Crimea role

March 31, 2014
Filed under: Foreign Policies
Posted by: Jahangir

A day after Russia’s Dhaka envoy ‘thanked’ Bangladesh for abstaining from voting on the UN General Assembly resolution on Crimea, the US ambassador in Bangladesh was found fuming.

“I regret that Bangladesh was not able to join the majority on that important issue,” Ambassador Dan Mozena told a press briefing on Monday.

The UN voting, aiming to declare the result of the referendum as invalid was held on Thursday. However, Bangladesh’s foreign ministry had not initially cleared its position on the issue.

But Bangladesh’s position became clear on Sunday, when the Russian ambassador in Dhaka, Alexander Nikolaev, “thanked” Bangladesh during a seminar. He said he was “grateful” to Bangladesh for abstaining from voting.

There were 100 votes in favour of the resolution, 11 against, and 58 abstentions in the 193-nation assembly. Two dozen countries did not take part either because they did not show up or because they have not paid their dues, Reuters had reported.

The US ambassador on Monday said that he saw the vote as crucial because it made it clear that “international community does not accept the annexation of Crimea by Russia”.

Washington is upset with nations which did not go with the majority in voting for the UN resolution that seeks to let Russia know ‘the disapproval of the global community’, though the resolution is not binding.

Mozena, however, said US policy was to engage with Bangladesh for ‘mutual benefit’ of both countries.

Russia earlier said the Mar 16 Crimean referendum had fully conformed to democratic procedures and international norms. President Vladimir Putin called it as “reunification”.

Bangladesh foreign ministry officials earlier told bdnews24.com that Bangladesh avoided UN sessions during such confrontation between major global powers. Bangladesh earlier abstained from voting in UN sessions on Bosnia, Georgia, and Kosovo. Source: bdnews24

US ire over Dhaka’s Crimea role | The Bangladesh Chronicle
AL govt. flicked its middle finger at USA for trying to bring BNP into power illegitimately.
Even Bangladesh can afford to defy USA these days with the backing of China and India.

Welcome to a multi-polar world USA
For once I agree with Awami League.:lol:

BD should have no part in US actions against Russia.

Russia has always been a good friend of BD.

AL govt. flicked its middle finger at USA for trying to bring BNP into power illegitimately.
Even Bangladesh can afford to defy USA these days with the backing of China and India.

Welcome to a multi-polar world USA

Dude, the real reason is that BD usually takes a neutral position when it comes to great power arguments.

We are a desperately poor country and cannot afford to antagonise major powers like Russia and the US.
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WTF man! America is no keeper of human rights. It ain't lily white either. Why then are they preaching the world on human rights?? Why that holier than thou attitude?

It is outrageous, that instead of strengthening the principles of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the American government’s counter-terrorism policies are now clearly violating at least 10 of the declaration’s 30 articles, including the prohibition against “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

From killing of thousands of innocent men women and children by drone strikes in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen that are not in any war zone, right to indefinite detention, targeted assassinations, invocation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to allow unprecedented violations of rights to privacy through warrantless wiretapping and government mining of electronic communications, laws that permit detaining individuals because of their appearance, where they worship or with whom they associate, which would have been unthinkable in previous times to the gross abuses at Guantanamo Bay and the tens of thousands of innocents including children who were massacred in the opening hours of Operation Shock and Awe.

Do the Americans have the license to kill? Do laws no apply to them? How have they arrogated to themselves the role of the world's policemen?

And the have the audacity to blame others for human rights violations? Don't they have any shame?
So Bangladesh Abstains in UNGA resolution on Crimea....OK, But what about Pakistan and India....how did they responds on this in UNGA.....Anyone???
So Bangladesh Abstains in UNGA resolution on Crimea....OK, But what about Pakistan and India....how did they responds on this in UNGA.....Anyone???
Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka chose to stay neutral.
For once I agree with Awami League.:lol:

BD should have no part in US actions against Russia.

Russia has always been a good friend of BD.

Dude, the real reason is that BD usually takes a neutral position when it comes to great power arguments.

We are a desperately poor country and cannot afford to antagonise major powers like Russia and the US.

That still didn't stop the envoy from targeting you.

You are living in a high-octane zone, man. Simply put, people will expect you to take either this or that stand.

Technically even we and Chinese didn't explicitly support Russia but in diplomatic world, a simple gesture is enough to convey the meaning.

You abstained to state your neutrality. However, things will not be taken kindly by NATO countries this time.
ROFL!! its pretty much Asia vs Europe + America.Brazil also abstained from voting which means they are indirecty supporting Russia @blackface
shouldn't leave out the ones from the Americas who directly supported Russia rather than abstaining..... Bangladesh abstained just like 57 others.... not meddling in superpower affairs.... this has always been BD policy.....
That still didn't stop the envoy from targeting you.

You are living in a high-octane zone, man. Simply put, people will expect you to take either this or that stand.

Technically even we and Chinese didn't explicitly support Russia but in diplomatic world, a simple gesture is enough to convey the meaning.

You abstained to state your neutrality. However, things will not be taken kindly by NATO countries this time.

Exactly.. By not taking sides we actually took a side and the govt knows it well.
That still didn't stop the envoy from targeting you.

You are living in a high-octane zone, man. Simply put, people will expect you to take either this or that stand.

Technically even we and Chinese didn't explicitly support Russia but in diplomatic world, a simple gesture is enough to convey the meaning.

You abstained to state your neutrality. However, things will not be taken kindly by NATO countries this time.

Well the EU and US can hurt us badly if they stop or even reduce imports of garments but I don't think they would do that.

We will have to see what they do but BD's dependence on the Western markets is reducing with each passing year anyway. In a decade's time the West should only make up 50% of BD exports.
Well the EU and US can hurt us badly if they stop or even reduce imports of garments but I don't think they would do that.with

We will have to see what they do but BD's dependence on the Western markets is reducing with each passing year anyway. In a decade's time the West should only make up 50% of BD exports.

@ Who says that Bangladesh is a neutral. By not giving vote UNGA resolation Bangladesh indirectly sided with Russia and be at par with their friend India.

@ Now, if Russian annexation Crimea is valid then we are likely to face another disater for Bangladesh. Now, if in future India captures the Southern Bengal I mean greater Barisal and Khulna Division and then under their supervision a referendum is held for re-unification with West Bengal. Will it be valid ????

@ Same thing might happen with greater Sylhet. For years together Sylhet was part of Assam. In 1946/47 through a referendum it was merged with East Pakistan. Now, if India wants that it was a mistake and some how captures Sylhet and gives referendum by force. will it be legal ???

@ By not supporting UN Resolation Bnagladesh made a big mistake. sooner Bangladesh will have to pay for it.
@ Who says that Bangladesh is a neutrall. By not giving vote UNGA resolation Bangladesh indirectly sided with Russia and be at par with their friend India.

@ Now, if Russian annexation Crimea is valid then we are likely to face another disater for Bangladesh. Now, if in future India captures the Southern Bengal I mean greater Barisal and Khulna Division and then under their supervision a referendum is held for re-unification with West Bengal. Will it be valid ????

@ Same thing might happen with greater Sylhet. For years together Sylhet was part of Assam. In 1946/47 through a referendum it was merged with East Pakistan. Now, if India wants that it was a mistake and some how captures Sylhet and gives referendum by force. will it be legal ???

@ By not supporting UN Resolation Bnagladesh made a big mistake. sooner Bangladesh will have to pay for it.

You make some valid points but BD is in a very difficult position.

We are one of the poorest countries in the world and need the West, Russia and China for our development.

The West is by far the most important development partner for BD but the Russians are very important in areas like nuclear power and defence. BD should not also forget the crucial Russian help both in it's independence and thereafter. No-one can accuse Russia of not being a good friend of BD throughout history.

In essence, BD could only abstain in this vote within the contraints it finds itself in.
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