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US has plan to attack Iran if needed


May 9, 2010
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Barack Obama's main military adviser said today the US does have a plan to attack Iran should it become needed as a means of stopping the Tehran regime from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the country's highest ranking officer, was asked by Meet the Press on NBC whether the military had a plan to attack Iran. "We do," he replied.

Mullen's comment was a rare admission on the part of any senior figure in the US government that plans have been drawn up for possible military action against Iran. The normal wording of disclaimers from those within and around the Obama administration is that "all options remain on the table".

He fell far short of suggesting there was any appetite on the part of the US for taking on the leaders of Iran in open conflict. He said it was unacceptable for Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, but he said that equally he would be "extremely concerned" about the prospect of a military engagement.

Striking Iran could have "unintended consequences that are difficult to predict in what is an incredibly unstable part of the world".

The US approach to the threat of Iran developing the bomb, in line with that of the UK and France, has been to apply increasing pressure on Tehran through sanctions in the hope that it will bend to international will and suspend its uranium enrichment programme. "I am hopeful it works," Mullen said.

The Obama administration has always stressed that a military option remains a final fall-back. As Mullen put it: "I hope we don't get to that, but it's an important option and it's one that's well understood."

Source: The Guardian
Its not about 'If needed', its about 'If feasible' or 'If affordable'. Not just Iran, US would go on a war with the whole world if it could afford so.
Its not about 'If needed', its about 'If feasible' or 'If affordable'. Not just Iran, US would go on a war with the whole world if it could afford so.

Even though Iran would lose, because Israel would join in with USA, i hope they are able to give crushing casualties to both USA and Israel.

Iran better be having a good counterattack plan right now.........
US's *** is smoking green. 1 soldier a day is killing himself with his/her own bullet and gun. HEHE.. its funny to even imagine USA would be planning to put the heaviest weight in weight-lifting rod and attempt to pull it even when it is not able to hold the current weight any further.

Get easy people, messing with Iran is not just messing with Iran... Only a dumb @ss peanut head would think about going after them and at the time of crunching economy and strategic defeat, not even peanut head would go for them.
this time the US should go for a big catch..father of all dis dirty fish...Focus on country who supports...Pakistan,North Korea, Iran, Syria etc...enemy of human being!!!
It is inidan army which is responsible for the terrorism in both Afgan and Pakistan.
US soldiers and afghna aid is going into the pockets of RAW and soem warlords of northern alliance.
Who do you think will come to america's priority of invasion next?

Iran because of the oil and bad attitude

North Korea...no cos it has no economic value

china...too economically tied and even if america wins america itself will be badly wounded and the economy ruined

pakistan?? as long as america can come up with a false accusation...
It is inidan army which is responsible for the terrorism in both Afgan and Pakistan.
US soldiers and afghna aid is going into the pockets of RAW and soem warlords of northern alliance.

It is inidan army which is responsible for the terrorism in both Afgan and Pakistan.
US soldiers and afghna aid is going into the pockets of RAW and soem warlords of northern alliance.

You might had meant Indian Elements instead of Indian Army.. ya?
Who do you think will come to america's priority of invasion next?
There will be no US invasion of Iran. We do not need to invade Iran in order to at least retard Iranian nuclear weapons program.
Of course the U.S has a plan to attack Iran. It doesn't mean they will though, it's better to have a plan just incase they need too.

I am sure NATO has a plan also.
I can't see the rationale of invading iran because iran has nuclear weapons...

america has the most nuclear weapons in the world and yet it's bullying countries with far fewer number of the weapon...

russia, china, & france also have nuclear weapons, why doesnt america do something?

america's military expenditure accounts for 40% of the world's total and yet it's population accounts for the disapprobation percentage of 5.

what is that the logic behind the belief that america justify more than iran for the possession of nuclear weapon when we see that america started war on afghanistan and iraq without UN approval?
I can't see the rationale of invading iran because iran has nuclear weapons...

america has the most nuclear weapons in the world and yet it's bullying countries with far fewer number of the weapon...

It's because Iran is a dangerous country......
the US in heading in same direction once the USSR was. Overseas wars, extensive weapon production and sales, loss of consumer industrial base, loss of economy, financial crisis, natural disaster and the golden nugget is engagement in Afghanistan.
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