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US foreign debt as of now: $28,109,151,496,202

They are stopping calling inflation "transitory" because they need to get dumbasses to listen to them.

It's still transitory, the people crying about inflation simply won't like the solutions.

The solution is obviously to stop the border enforcement that has been ratcheting up since the obama administration and/or simply allow more legal immigration into the country.

It is also to not renew that new monthly child subsidy when it eventually ends.

You will note that people started complaining about inflation exactly when the helicopter money slowed down.

This is because people simply want helicopter money, without apparently realizing that the helicopter money is the cause of the inflation.
Inflation has overtaken the coronavirus as the number one concern of Americans, a CNBC poll found on Friday.

Inflation has overtaken the coronavirus as the number one concern of Americans, a CNBC poll found on Friday.

The Labor Department announced on Friday that soaring inflation hit a 40-year high in November, and Americans have marked inflation as the top national concern, transplanting the coronavirus, crime and immigration.

Prices have gone up everywhere. Prices for gasoline, food, housing, shipping, electronics and energy have all increased, offsetting workers’ wages.

A November poll found that a majority of Americans blame Biden for inflation, while 77% said inflation had an impact on their lives, including a majority of Republicans and Democrats.

Inflation replacing the coronavirus as the main concern is likely to have a negative impact on the Biden-Harris administration. The main subject of Biden’s poll was the virus. For example, a January 2021 poll suggested Biden had a 61-29% approval rating on the topic.

Candidate Biden has vowed to shut down the virus during the 2020 campaign, but data shows more people have died under Biden’s presidency than under former President Donald Trump. As a result, Biden now holds five points underwater on the coronavirus.

With inflation being the number one concern for Americans, the White House will likely have to engage in inflation-mitigating messages, a less popular topic for the president than the coronavirus.
Fifty-seven percent of Americans blame Biden for inflation, two percentage points worse than the coronavirus.
Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @ WendellHusebø

Gimme more helicopter money.

Along with Trump promising more helicopter money if he wins.

The reason why the entire press corp supports trump's election in 2022 is because they want more QE and more helicopter money.
Along with Trump promising more helicopter money if he wins.

The reason why the entire press corp supports trump's election in 2022 is because they want more QE and more helicopter money.
I couldn't understand this part. All these are conspiracy against the Biden administration?

If your answer yes: So basicaly you claim that the US media and capital holder elite cliques in the US supports Trump's back to office? And actually all these are kind of post-modern overthrow/counter-attack attempt?
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I couldn't understand this part. All these are conspiracy against the Biden administration?

If your answer yes: So basicaly you claim that the US media and capital holder elite cliques in the US supports Trump's back to office? And actually all these are kind of post-modern overthrow/counter-attack attempt?
They won't go that far, they just will give traditional pushes like with media coverage slant.

One has to remember that QE is always 100% positive for rich people, and that Helicopter money can also somewhat be mitigated by rich people who will see their assets at least keep up with inflation.

What they 100% do not want is tapering and/or rate hikes.

Those two things make rich people less rich.

The reason they want Trump is the same reason why the Turkish oligarchs want Erdogan.

Trump would do exactly to the U.S. what Erdogan is doing to Turkey currently economcially.
Could the US government be manipulating the figures? When you look at the general public, middle-class Americans seriously feel inflation. Toilet paper economy has become a phenomenon in social media. Many of the world's economies have been accustomed to living with this inflation for decades. The question is, will Americans be able to get used to it?

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An interesting breaking news: Former president Donald Trump announced that he would go to the Bureau's building, after the US Bureau of Statistics did not give an appointment. Trump said, “How to explain consumer inflation as 6.8% while gasoline increased 58.1% in the USA”.

I was listening to someone saying that the crash could happen alot sooner then predicted before which was predicted to be somewhere around the 2050s but it could come as soon as just next decade now because the Covid19 has speed things up
. .
No one is immune to the effect of increase in money supply.
Turkish posters always seem the most delusional.

Erdogan doing helicopter money for years and years and is shocked when his currency goes into nearly hyperinflation.

Your nice negative bar in your chart means in reality that people have zero faith in European or Japanese growth and are thus flocking to the U.S. for growth.

This is heightened due to China locking down investment into their companies, making the U.S. pretty much the only choice for investments for now into the near future, especially with the relative monetary tightening in the U.S. on the horizon.

Everyone here will apparently be shocked when the USD jumps in relative value massively when tapering starts.

In 2021, China will most likely become the largest FDI recepient. I am not sure about 2022. But, the fact that China has put leash on speculative financial decisions does not mean that real investor intetest is dampened.
And why not?

China provides a safe COVID free environment for investors with 1st world infrastructures.
I don't think you understand.

If China was allowing more investments into the country, they wouldn't have that ratio of inflow and outflow nearly as bad as Germany and Japan.
Why worry about the debts? Just print more money, or better just mint a few hundred of the One Trillion Dollar Coins.
I am just thinking of day when US will go bankrupt and all these creditor will not even be able to cry.
As long as the US dollar is the reserve currency of the world, it can just print money and in effect “tax” the rest of the world to support its spending. When the British pound lost that status, only then did they really have to balance the books.
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