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US eyes Port Blair as new drone base


Jul 14, 2011
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NEW DELHI: Port Blair might not be anything more than a vacation spot for most Indians, but a new Pentagon- commissioned report seeks to turn it into something radically different: a base for American drones.

In possibly the first reference to the use of Indian territory for the US military in recent times, the paper, put together by the RAND Corporation, suggests that the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands could be ideally suited as a base for American drones in the event of an offensive against China.

The paper, titled 'Overseas Basing of US Military Forces', was commissioned by the Pentagon on the instructions of the US Congress and looks into the presence of the American military at various bases and locations across the globe.

As part of this assessment, the researchers at RAND looked into large- scale operations against potential adversaries, including Iran, North Korea and China.

Under this scenario, the paper suggests significant changes in the Indo-Pacific region. "The Navy and the Marine Corps would also increase the number of combat forces that are stationed on US territories in the Pacific, in particular in Hawaii and Guam, while seeking to retain more marines in Okinawa than currently agreed," the paper says.

It adds that the US should seek to increase the presence of troops at bases in Australia. It then goes on to refers to the use of Indian territory to look over the strategically important Straits of Malacca, which carries about a quarter of all oil that is transported.

"The Navy would strive to station a detachment of broad area maritime surveillance UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles or drones) at Port Blair airport in the Andaman Islands, to increase surveillance over the Strait of Malacca," the paper said.

James Brown, a Military Fellow at the Lowy Institute's International Security Program and Project Coordinator of the MacArthur Foundation Asia Security Project, points out that this is a possibly unprecedented suggestion - particularly because of its China focus.

"While there is no doubt that the Andaman Islands are strategic real estate, this is the first time I have seen anyone float the thought bubble that the US might be able to operate maritime surveillance assets from Indian territory," Brown wrote in a post examining the paper.

"At first glance it seems incredibly unlikely, but the US and Indian navies have been steadily increasing their cooperation since 2006... In the event of Chinese aggression, it is not inconceivable that India might permit the US to operate maritime surveillance platforms from its Andaman Islands territory."


A new Pentagon- commissioned report, put together by the RAND Corporation, suggests that Port Blair could be ideally suited as a base for American drones in the event of an offensive against China

The paper was commissioned by the Pentagon on the instructions of the US Congress and looks into the presence of the American military at various bases and locations across the globe

As part of this assessment, the researchers at RAND looked into large- scale operations against potential adversaries, including Iran, North Korea and China

The paper said the Navy would strive to station a detachment of broad area maritime surveillance UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles or drones) at Port Blair airport to increase surveillance over the Strait of Malacca, which carries about a quarter of all oil that is transported.
US eyes Port Blair as new drone base


President Obama would be well advised to slap his chief of staffs if they come to him with such a suggestion and they in turn to knock some sense into the fools at Rand.

When the day comes that India becomes a part of the USA then they can have a drone base in Port Blair..till that day..hands off!

President Obama would be well advised to slap his chief of staffs if they come to him with such a suggestion and they in turn to knock some sense into the fools at Rand.

When the day comes that India becomes a part of the USA then they can have a drone base in Port Blair..till that day..hands off!

Guys @ Rand are pretty ingenious overall. I think we should not call them fools.
Tying up with the US comes with a lot of baggage. i doubt India will agree to this.
You realize that they just cooked up a scenario where we hand over Indian sovereign territory to them for a drone base? Have they confused us with Pakistan, damn it all brown people don't act alike! :pissed:

Scenario cooking is exactly what they get paid for.

I personally respect Rand Corporation.
i earlier read it as port bihar..:ashamed:

on topic-not gonna happen..
Seems like uncle Sam is spreading his Dronocracy every where

Dont worry not gonna happen.... they tried it on much bigger scale after 9/11 when they approached India to open her ports for NATO supplies and asked for support inside Afghanistan as well...... and they did not succeed.

Any ruling party will be raped apart by all other parties if they even want to attempt to allow foreign militaries to station troops inside India,
highly unlikely. opposition wont allow:disagree::no: even if ruling party allows..and that is a big IF...even if the bill passes public protests will squeeze the political leaders balls in a vice..:cheesy:
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