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US DRONES, sucssesfully strike terrorists,AGAIN! after failed political stunt by PTI+JI!


take it for the dam knowledge , IK lacks?


Take it easy mate, no need to get hyper.. I really enjoy reading your posts against PTI, whenever I see your post against PTI, I donno why but I feel like just sit back, read your post and enjoy.

Its heavenly experience reading your anti PTI cr@p with cup of :coffee: LOL
for the last time, jst want clear your kid mind?
i dont love or hate, peoples or political parties, like your kind does?
but if anyone , supporting TTp, they should be ready to face all the hell, from every side?
tell IK, stop supporting TTp, you will never see my any posts apearing at any PTI , thread!

Where were you when your own army was busy along with uncle sam to create these jihadi's? Now when we are having the fruits, you are mad at political parties? These scumbags are creation of an army dictator, and the same army has been unable to curb these cockroaches in 9 long freaking years. Now you can keep crying a river against these political parties.. If for once, our army is clear on taking out these rats once and for all, these political parties won't be asking for dialogues with TTP by now. We've given army 9 long years to clear this mess before talking about dialogue, got it?

Now instead of you keep bashing political parties and we in return start bashing army, we all should stop this blame game and let the things progress and see where they will go. Let the time pass and let the time be the judge.

Starting these ridiculous threads and blaming every sh!t on PTI won't help, will it?
ohh so, NATO supplies are completly shut down through out pakistan, you need to wake up, brush your teeths & say salam to daddy, take your books & start reading it?
thats what is going to, make you a better person, but not foolishly following a fool, celebrity who, just wants to be a PM?

So principly you want NATO supplies to be stopped completely?
If so, you may appreciate that one of the two routes has came to a complete halt, thanks to PTI and it is is seeking complete blockade by stopping supplies in Karachi too, yet in Karachi, it must be in collaboration with other political parties as PTI is not the major party there. But that fact is making you banana is uncomprehending. Perhaps you should be getting out and start blocking route in Karachi too.

Ah, a mindless crap. I am here for better reasons than replying to such content.

Its your political opinion again instead of rational content and I choose to stay focus on the topic.

But here comes few things you got to answer and which you winged before.

- HOW IS PTI's DHARNA A FAIL? it didn't start in Karachi doesn't mean it failed where it started. You better defend your post with more logic this time.

- HOW ARE VICTIMS OF DRONE TERRORISTS? You are speaking same non-sense which Americans do and Pakistan as a whole trashes this argument, just like UN and right conscious people in rest of the world are doing. You talk of Hakeemullah, yet you will hide discussion on women, children and students. PTI never favours terrorist and never objects to their killing but the killing must come through prosecution and there must be no innocents. Its simple and law-full stance and what you back is war-crime and internationally identified crime. What is so difficulty in understanding?

- YOU FAIL TO EXPLAIN HOW IS THAT A POLITICAL STUNT by PTI and not a political stunt by PMLN, MQM and other parties who are refusing to budge or do anything on the issue at all? Look at the NATIONALS SLOGAN "Dharti-Hamari" instead of "KPK-HAMARA", unlike MQM who at every possible opportunity try to encase their Karachi link and "Mahajir" card.
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from your mother?lolzzz

for the last time, jst want clear your kid mind?
i dont love or hate, peoples or political parties, like your kind does?
but if anyone , supporting TTp, they should be ready to face all the hell, from every side?
tell IK, stop supporting TTp, you will never see my any posts apearing at any PTI , thread!

Now I understand what level you operate at.
from your mother?lolzzz

Reported and strongly hope the MODS take action against this totally uncalled for an uncouth statement. Utterly disgusted at this statement coming from someone as senior as you.

Sir, welcome to my Ignore list!
Reported and strongly hope the MODS take action against this totally uncalled for an uncouth statement. Utterly disgusted at this statement coming from someone as senior as you.

Sir, welcome to my Ignore list!

I reported that post too. And I've also become a victim of his abuses in past, but then I eventually learned to enjoy his posts. He's a master piece in creating conspiracy against PTI.. :lol:
open up , your pleasent nut case, may i make that truly priceless for you by shaking it by your own shoeses?
no body is dam protesting the 45,000 dead innocent pakistanis killed by TTp terrorists?
but the dam protest is against those suspected , gun running stupids called , TTp terrorists ?
who were killed angel drones?
thats the dam ,of irony is?

First of all you are mixing two issues, TTP killing people and protest against that is a different issue, For your information and clarification its our internal issue, take it or leaver it.
Second drone attacks are against our sovereignty, our national character comes under question because of it. There are many countries where there are internal conflicts but when foreign countries intervene it becomes a different issue. also you need to understand by continuation of these drone attacks you are creating more militants and you are also increasing their sympathy level in peoples mind. You need to understand the minds of the people how they think and see the whole situation.
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