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US drone strike kills three in North Waziristan

Drone strike kills 8 people in N Waziristan

At least eight poeple were killed when a drone fired misslies in Khaisura village area of of North Waziristan, Express News reported on Monday evening.
According to details, an unmanned aerial vehicle fired two missiles in ti Mir Ali.
It was not immediately clear how many people were injured in the attack.
Earlier on Saturday, A US drone strike targeted a vehicle, killing at least three suspected militants in Datta Khel, North Waziristan area.

Drone strike kills 8 people in N Waziristan – The Express Tribune
Fantastic news ; More of these Ababeels should be flying to clean out the vermin infesting the badlands of Waziristan. The only remedy lies in implementing my Signature !!!
people make joys as they are sure that the victim was terrorist , it can be a mother of two daughters as well or innocent people trapped in crossfire but alas they have their homes and lands there. Media tell lies and objective figures that I never trusted.

Death to misery , Longevity to happiness, this is just what common people want there.
people make joys as they are sure that the victim was terrorist , it can be a mother of two daughters as well or innocent people trapped in crossfire but alas they have their homes and lands there. Media tell lies and objective figures that I never trusted.

Death to misery , Longevity to happiness, this is just what common people want there.

I think the Job of pakistan intellegence is only to report when and where Drone attack occured.
to sad that the so called nuclear armed pakistan can't drown the three legged drone
Fantastic news ; More of these Ababeels should be flying to clean out the vermin infesting the badlands of Waziristan. The only remedy lies in implementing my Signature !!!

your signature proves that you an inferiority complexed indian.
your signature proves that you an inferiority complexed indian.
Oh no...we r gonna have eJihad from a JihadE. Pass the "Netwa" (or eFatwa take ur pick), my curiosity is killing me as to what it would be, my virtual head or my image being eburned !!!
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