I have been very depressed lately. We read every day about impeaching our President and we call it a NUMBERS GAME. Do we really believe that this is a GAME.
Why dont we wake up and look around us.
India is threatening of discontinuing the Peace Process. Incursions into Swat and North Waziristan have increased tremendously. On American Internet Grapevine we read that our Taliban Leaders are on C.I.A pay roll and possess encryption equipment which we can not decipher. The American sources also tell us of the massive build up of U.S Navy in our Southern Seas. In the U.S Presidential Elections it seems that the only way the Republican Candidate can win if the U.S shows their Military Muscle. Would they do it on Iran, North Waziristan, or in Georgia.
Do we stop to wonder what is going to happen to us.
And we still call it a GAME.