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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

They will get nothing out of this hearing. Pakistan army and ISI know each and every place in Balochistan province, and they can't be blackmailed. I saw the clip of the hearing, and most of them didn't even know what they were talking about its all a big joke. U.S. will not wage war on Nuclear Power Pakistan to free Balochistan, especially when 40% of Balochistan are Pakhtuns, the same warrior ethnic group who they are fighting in Afghanistan. ISI and Pakistan army can unite all of Pakistan against U.S. in less than 24 hours. Already anti-american sentiments are growing in Pakistan. What do these people want, all Pakistanis to be anti-american? American politicians are not very smart.

Bro, they aint stopping drone attacks any time soon. There is no Pakistani leadership, America wont invade nothing they will arm terrorists against us and call them protesters. They want to cause chaos throughout Pakistan. And they want the public to demand a new leadership/overthrow the existing one.

Then they can step in and "save" Pakistan..
US is using the Baloch issue to hard bargain supply routes to Afghanistan. Nothing to do with human rights or independence, the US cares a damn for the Baloch people who are suffering. Pakistan can quickly solve this issue if they grant autonomy to the Baloch and give them a fair share of their mineral resources.

you nailed it

and also it wants to punish Afghanistan and Iran too? how does that make sense if the problem is in Pakistan only but it wants to carve out part of Iran and Afghanistan as well.
Its the people who make policies so if you hate Pakistan and its policies (and we know that Indians do right or wrong) you automatically hate its people. So if you had the guts to admit one thing, then you don't need to sugarcoat another. Indian hatred towards Pakistan and its people is no secret and believe me we know and we can handle it and we don't expect anything different either.

No mate.. thats where you are wrong.. Hatred because of policies is easy to reverse.. Mostly it happens as policies change. For example, Americans were thoroughly disliked in India till 1980's and you can see the change in last 30 years..

On the other hand hatred towards people generally is much more deep rooted..
US is using the Baloch issue to hard bargain supply routes to Afghanistan. Nothing to do with human rights or independence, the US cares a damn for the Baloch people who are suffering. Pakistan can quickly solve this issue if they grant autonomy to the Baloch and give them a fair share of their mineral resources.

or open the supply routes for NATO.. Its pretty obvious which way Pakistan will go..

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

you nailed it

and also it wants to punish Afghanistan and Iran too? how does that make sense if the problem is in Pakistan only but it wants to carve out part of Iran and Afghanistan as well.

Its all posturing.. The more fronts US opens against Pakistan, the lower will be Pakistan's resilience on each front.. The end game is same.. Getting the supplies going and making PA act in NW.. Its a question of who blinks first.
or open the supply routes for NATO.. Its pretty obvious which way Pakistan will go..

I doubt Pakistani establishment didn't keep all this situation in mind when they stopped NATO supply lines. I don't know why you Indians think everyone behaves the way you behave here on PDF. Like Pakistani establishment would say "Oh Americans have started talking about Baluchistan, open the NATO supply line quickly". Thinks don't work that way buddy.
I doubt Pakistani establishment didn't keep all this situation in mind when they stopped NATO supply lines. I don't know why you Indians think everyone behaves the way you behave here on PDF. Like Pakistani establishment would say "Oh Americans have started talking about Baluchistan, open the NATO supply line quickly". Thinks don't work that way buddy.

as the zen master says.. wait and watch.. things are gonna get much worse before they get better
as the zen master says.. wait and watch.. things are gonna get much worse before they get better

Considering the fact you are an Indian your expectation is obvious. Just informing you that things don't work between the countries the way you do your school homework.
Considering the fact you are an Indian your expectation is obvious. Just informing you that things don't work between the countries the way you do your school homework.

LOL.. already on insults.. are we ?? ;)

No really.. USA will apply all kinds of pressure they can short of an attack on Pakistan to make Pakistan tow the line.. And considering that its only some assets that are on the line (the good terrorists), its just a question of time before Pakistan gets on with the program..
LOL.. already on insults.. are we ?? ;)

No really.. USA will apply all kinds of pressure they can short of an attack on Pakistan to make Pakistan tow the line.. And considering that its only some assets that are on the line (the good terrorists), its just a question of time before Pakistan gets on with the program..

What insults? Huh

And as I said it isn't like Pakistani establishment just realized that USA is talking about Baluchistan so let's reopen the supply line again. They knew all these things are going to happen and still they closed their supply line. They knew what is coming towards them and what they will do in response. Again Indians think everything behaves in the way they behave. Fortunately that doesn't happens most of the times.
Pakistan govt need to solve this issue by bringing those those nationalist tribes(Bugti, Marri & Mengals) to table as well as making a new province in the south of Balochistan naming it Makran & after few months make new province in that left over part by creating another province in the east area naming it Kalat. It will be easy to develop small provinces & also long insurgency will come to an end(or will happen in only the left over Balochistan that will border Afghanistan).
What insults? Huh

And as I said it isn't like Pakistani establishment just realized that USA is talking about Baluchistan so let's reopen the supply line again. They knew all these things are going to happen and still they closed their supply line. They knew what is coming towards them and what they will do in response. Again Indians think everything behaves in the way they behave. Fortunately that doesn't happens most of the times.

Talking about Balochistan is the 1st step.. The pressure will go up steadily as Pakistani establishment tries to recalibrate the US-Pak relationship. They are just letting you know how and where they can hurt you.. Very soon its going to be a choice between enduring that hurt or stop protecting the good terrorists.. I have my guess which way Pakistan is gonna go.. You may chose to have your own..
LOL.. already on insults.. are we ?? ;)

No really.. USA will apply all kinds of pressure they can short of an attack on Pakistan to make Pakistan tow the line.. And considering that its only some assets that are on the line (the good terrorists), its just a question of time before Pakistan gets on with the program..

they already had things in place even when OBL was hiding in Tora Bora. right before invasion they were looking for "friendly" elements in Balochistan as a contingency.

supply routes and NW operation is just smoke screen and foreplay dont get too carried away with that issue. supply routes will open for sure but no NW operation, the drones are covering for that and by the way dont forget the meetings that are taking place in Doha and Saudi Arabia. NW operation might not be needed for all we know in the end.
Rights violations shame Pakistanis at Congress hearing | World | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON: Guilt and shame were the two dominant feelings that overwhelmed many Pakistanis at a US congressional hearing room on Wednesday as witnesses detailed human rights abuses in Balochistan. Some were also troubled – while some felt elated – as all five US lawmakers who attended this unusual hearing of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations stressed the Baloch right to self-determination.

But this emotive session – which often drew warm applause from Baloch nationalists – offered little insight into how to resolve this difficult issue. Perhaps, that’s not even the intention of those who had organised the meeting. They wanted to highlight Balochistan as a possibly explosive spot close to a US war-theatre and they succeeded in doing so.

There was some score-settling as well, particularly from US lawmakers upset with Pakistan over Osama bin Laden’s discovery in Abbottabad and with Islamabad’s decision to close Nato’s supply lines to Afghanistan.

“They sheltered the man who master-minded the slaughter of 3,000 Americans. Those who still believe Pakistan is a friend, they need to wake up,” said Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican, who organised and chaired the hearing.

Dr. M. Hosseinbor, a Baloch nationalist scholar, assured the Americans that the Balochs were natural US allies and would like to share the Gwadar port with the United States, would not allow the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline through their lands and will fight the Taliban as well.

Ralph Peters, a retired US military officer, urged the US administration to break up its ties with Pakistan and support the Baloch struggle for freedom.

C. Christine Fair, an assistant Professor at Georgetown University, in her written statement, disagreed with the suggestion, saying that given the ethnic diversity of the province, its complicated history, and the existing geographic constraints, an independent Balochistan was untenable.

But such comments on Baloch politics were not what shamed the Pakistanis, and others, in the room. It was rampant human rights violations by both sides that shamed them.

According to the statistics submitted at the hearing, around 6,000 people were displaced and scores killed in 2005 around Dera Bugti district alone.

Estimates of total number of people displaced from all districts range from tens to hundreds of thousands.

After Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s ouster, Pakistan’s Interior Ministry estimated that 1,100 Baloch had disappeared during his rule. So far, the government has only uncovered the fate of a handful of these people.

Armed Baloch groups are also responsible for targeted killings and destroying private property. In the past several years, they have increasingly targeted non-Baloch civilians and their businesses, as well as major gas installations and infrastructure. They have also killed teachers, physicians and lawyers and struck police and security forces and military bases throughout the province.

Militant religious groups also have carried out targeted killings of those Muslims who belong to sects different from there.

It was Prof. Fair, who was the first to point out, that while she understood emotions ran high, targeted killings were also being carried out by the Baloch.

Amnesty International’s Advocacy Director T. Kumar called on the US to “apply the Leahy Amendment without waivers to all Pakistani military units in Balochistan” to prevent the Pakistani military from using US-made weapons against the Baloch.

Ali Dayan Hasan, the Pakistan director for Human Rights Watch, said that Pakistan’s security forces and its intelligence agencies were involved in the enforced disappearance of Baloch nationalists.

He asked the US government to “communicate directly to the agencies responsible for disappearances and other abuses including the army, ISI, IB, Frontier Corps, police, to demand an end to abuses and facilitate criminal inquiries to hold perpetrators accountable.”

Congressman Rohrabacher declared that the hearing was no stunt, and that they wanted to start a national dialogue on what US policy should be in that part of the world.
Talking about Balochistan is the 1st step.. The pressure will go up steadily as Pakistani establishment tries to recalibrate the US-Pak relationship. They are just letting you know how and where they can hurt you.. Very soon its going to be a choice between enduring that hurt or stop protecting the good terrorists.. I have my guess which way Pakistan is gonna go.. You may chose to have your own..

Yeah I know buddy. They are going to go with the rhetoric of human right violation and all that but again I am telling you once again that Pakistani establishment knew that USA would fall this low when Pakistan wont follow it's orders regarding WOT etc etc and I am damn sure they have already prepared their response to such situation. NW operation isn't going to happen. Sorry. Yeah we can talk about the supply line but it would be the case of some give and take. USA would have to give some to get the some(supply line).
“They sheltered the man who master-minded the slaughter of 3,000 Americans. Those who still believe Pakistan is a friend, they need to wake up,” said Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican, who organised and chaired the hearing.

Dr. M. Hosseinbor, a Baloch nationalist scholar, assured the Americans that the Balochs were natural US allies and would like to share the Gwadar port with the United States, would not allow the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline through their lands and will fight the Taliban as well.

Counter point:> Khalid Shiekh Mohammad is an ethnic Baluch as is his nephew Ramzi Yousef and a few others in the Alqaeda syndicates.
Between the two they killed more Americans. When studied over time these Baluchs display extreme atavistic attitudes. They are the most middle-eastern minded Pakistanis- more than Pashtuns. They naturally tend to congregate and socialise with anti-US Arabs in the Persian Gulf countries. Upon deeper scrutiny their personal views on religion and modernity are at odds with what they profess to fawning congressmen and doe-eyed journalists. Hibyar Marri ( I hope I got that right) and his conduct in British bars is for all to see.

It is not entirely clear that in the long run these Baluch will be able to run a modern nation by themselvs or degenerate into a Somalia - another headache for International community.
Something that ought to give all do-gooders some serious pause......
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