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US Citizens! Help Pakistan!

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Nov 27, 2008
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United States
United States
Dear fellow US Citizens here at the PDF,

Please support the passage of the Biden-Lugar Bill for Non-Military Aid to Pakistan. This Bill would provide ~ $1.5B of non-military aid to Pakistan each year over the next 10 years. Below is the note that I sent to my two Virginia Senators asking them to support the Bill. All you have to do is go on to the websites of each of your State's two Senators and find the "contact" tab to send them a message. Feel free to lift my words below, adapted to your own Senators. If you do, please don't forget to change the names to YOUR Senators names, Your State name and to use your correct real name! :cheesy:

I sent the following message to my two US Senators:

Dear Senators Warner and Webb,
Please give favorable consideration to prompt action and approval of the Biden-Lugar Bill (S.3263) introduced last year to extend non-military aid to Pakistan in the amount of $1.5B/year for a decade. News reports say that the Bill expired with the 110th Congress but will be, or has been, re-introduced in the 111th Congress. Pakistan is struggling with multiple internal security and development problems. Non-military aid is critical to Pakistan's progress as an Islamic and democratic State. The US must do all it can muster to help the Pakistani people with economic, health services and educational development needs. Please put Virginia on the side of the Pakistani people and vote for swift passage of this much needed US assistance. Please vote for the the Biden-Lugar Bill for Non-Military Aid to Pakistan (S. 3263).

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Im no Pakistani but i love them! Its good to know that, they're also good humanaterians like you living in the U.S.
i read in some other thread that the pakistani memebers wanted their govt to stop receiving us govt aid...almost everybody was posting against the aid...are you still of this opinion or are things different in reality?
i read in some other thread that the pakistani memebers wanted their govt to stop receiving us govt aid...almost everybody was posting against the aid...are you still of this opinion or are things different in reality?

No matter what our personal views or preferences may be, the reality is that US and Pakistan both need eachother. I personally am of the opinion that US has a lot of making up to do with Pakistan for her past mistakes. Civil and economic asiistance is the best way to reward Pakistan for her role in WoT and we should welcome it.
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No matter what our personal views or preferences may be, the reality is that US and Pakistan both need eachother. I personally am of the opinion that US has a lot of makug up to do with Pakistan for her past mistakes. Civil and economic asiistance is the best way to reward Pakistan for her role in WoT and we should welcome it.

you are right....but dont you think with so much mutual mistrust and the fact that the common pakistani would not want anything to do with the us...pakistan should stop this non-profitable venture?

"reward for the WOT"?
is it not imperative for paksitan itself to fight terrorists functioning on it's soil without a second country instructing and scrutinizing?is it not beneficial to pakistan itself?why do you want to get paid for that especially when it has given the americans the leverage to attack your territory and your sovereignty!
what do you think about it?
you are right....but dont you think with so much mutual mistrust and the fact that the common pakistani would not want anything to do with the us...pakistan should stop this non-profitable venture?
Comon man can't do anything about our foreign policy nor does he get any direct returns from USaid or assistance.
For the time being economic aswell as military aid/assistance is welcome. :coffee:

"reward for the WOT"?
is it not imperative for paksitan itself to fight terrorists functioning on it's soil without a second country instructing and scrutinizing?is it not beneficial to pakistan itself?why do you want to get paid for that especially when it has given the americans the leverage to attack your territory and your sovereignty!
what do you think about it?
Íts imperative and we're just doing that!

Don't forget that we were forced to play this role in WoT which actually is the result of fall out of joint political and military rape of Afghanistan by the Sovjet Union and USA. Afghanistan served as another front for these Super Powers to stage their Cold War games, we're caught in the middle of it. Its in US' interests to assist Pakistan. :coffee:
Neo, Rigi nest is somewhere near Kuwaite if you found him kill him for us, We'll give 2 million dollar as a reward for his head! (dont forget we want him dead not alive!). If you let us kill him that would have been nice too, We'll construct 2 more power plant as reward! what you say? :D
What the heck! Non-military aid is fungible for anything that Pakistan needs. Anyway, it's not in the bank yet, so no need to thank anyone, yet. If/when the first $1.5 B is tendered, then you can see if there are sticky strings attached. If so, just cut them. The Yanks won't mind, they will be off to the next "crisis" anyway. Pakistani's know how to be gracious, even when they are a bit (or a lot) ticked off.
Sometimes I wonder, when will the time come when WE can actually provide the U.S. with some sort of aid in terms of money or something else to keep their heads up instead of the other way around. :coffee:

*turns around in his sleep*
my uncle who is a citizen called both his congressman and senator that they want him to support this bill. he even go a reply from the office of the congressman that he would favor such a bill and will work to pass it.
my uncle who is a citizen called both his congressman and senator that they want him to support this bill. he even go a reply from the office of the congressman that he would favor such a bill and will work to pass it.

My turn!! My turn!! :yahoo:
This bill can change US image in Pakistan.

Thank you all for supporting Pakistan. :usflag::pakistan:
You see, actually, this kind of citizen contact is what the Jewish Lobby in the US does so very, very effectively on behalf of Israel. There are a lot of Pakistani-Americans and others who support Pakistan living in the US. If some Pakistani group would only mobilize this support, it could go a long way to making the US Congress more responsive to Pakistani concerns. I think Musharraf has relatives, maybe a brother, in Maryland. I wish he would form a political action committee and create a website ("GoPak"?)to support Pakistan. The embassy can't really do it because that looks like just GoP lobbying. A Pakistani NGO needs to orchestrate US public opinion on behalf of Pakistan.
Sometimes I wonder, when will the time come when WE can actually provide the U.S. with some sort of aid in terms of money or something else to keep their heads up instead of the other way around. :coffee:

*turns around in his sleep*

If Pakistan can create, for itself, a vibrant democracy which protects the human rights of all of its citizens, the US will be cheering and thanking the people of Pakistan! In spite of what you may think, the US BELIEVES that constitutional (e.g., "the rule of law, not personalities") republics are what will lead to world peace. Our biggest problem is we DON'T KNOW how to best help societies to achieve this, if they haven't already. We try this and that, but we really are just guessing what might help. And too often, I guess, our efforts either don't help or make things worse.
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