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US charges pair over links to Pakistan spy agency


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
Two US men have been charged in the US with operating an illegal front group for the Pakistani government.
The two used at least $4m (£2.5m) in Pakistani funds in a bid to influence the US position on the disputed territory of Kashmir, prosecutors said. Syed Fai, 62, was arrested and charged with failing to register as an agent of a foreign government. Zaheer Ahmad, 63, was charged with the same offence.
Pakistan rejects the charges. Kashmir is at the centre of its row with India.

Mr Fai, who denies the charges, is a US citizen who comes from Indian-administered Kashmir. Mr Ahmad is a US citizen of Pakistani origin. Correspondents say the case is likely to worsen already strained relations between Washington and Islamabad.
The killing in Pakistan of Osama Bin Laden by US forces in May angered many in Pakistan, and left US officials questioning whether Pakistani intelligence had known about the al-Qaeda leader's whereabouts.
Since the raid, there have been a number of arrests in Pakistan of people alleged to have worked with US intelligence. The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says many in Pakistan view the arrest of Mr Fai as part a "tit-for-tat" row between the two countries.

Separatist denial

The US said Mr Fai's Pakistani handlers funnelled millions of dollars from the country's intelligence agency, the ISI, through a front group, the Kashmiri American Council.
"Mr Fai is accused of a decades-long scheme with one purpose - to hide Pakistan's involvement behind his efforts to influence the US government's position on Kashmir," US Attorney Neil MacBride said.
The group contributed money to US election campaigns, helped fund conferences and other efforts, including meetings with White House and state department officials, the US alleges.
An FBI agent said the government of Pakistan paid Mr Fai $500,000 to $700,000 a year.
Officially, the Kashmiri American Council had a much smaller budget and it said that it received no foreign grants.
The Pakistani embassy in Washington issued a statement denying any government knowledge of such an arrangement.
"Mr Fai is not a Pakistani citizen and the government and embassy of Pakistan have no knowledge of the case involving him," the statement said.

A separatist leader in Kashmir, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, told the Associated Press on Wednesday that Mr Fai was innocent and called the allegation the "result of India's diplomatic efforts and conspiratorial plans."
Prosecutors said the second man, Zaheer Ahmad, recruited people to act as donors who would give money to the council which really was coming from the Pakistani government. He is not under arrest and is believed to be in Pakistan. Kashmir has been a flashpoint between India and Pakistan for decades. Both countries claim the territory in its entirety and have fought two of their three wars over it.

simply they send massage to ISI
free Shakil Afridi or be ready for your agents here.
this is rediculous, US stand has gradually shifted from pkistani stance to indian stance, US now has rejected to interfer in kashmir, in history altough US has done nothing to bring peace in kashmir, but still US stance created a spot light for kashmir in the world, but now kashmir is as ignored as the US ignores ghaza!!

so what was the use of paying mr fai $700,000??? a yr

a fail to believe compell US for kashmir happen through diplomacy not through spy

its a joke
It is not just US men, some so called Indian liberals were also bought by ISI !

L'affaire Fai: US lawmakers, Indian liberals come under scrutiny

WASHINGTON: A number of US lawmakers and Indian liberals are coming under scrutiny for their ties to alleged ISI stooge Ghulam Nabi Fai following the FBI expose of his connections to Pakistan's notorious intelligence agency in its quest to reverse Kashmir's accession to India.

At the center of the growing controversy is US Republican Congressman Dan Burton of Indiana, who for years has been a recipient of political contributions from Fai and his Kashmir American Council (KAC), who US investigators have now determined were illegally bankrolled by Pakistan.

A search of Federal Election Commission records and websites tracking political contributions showed Fai and the KAC made a $23,500 contribution to U.S lawmakers and the US political system over the past 15 years, although the FBI estimates that Pakistan funneled in more than $ 4 million in that time to manipulate the debate on Kashmir in its favor. More contributions to the US political system are thought to have come from other Pakistani-ISI proxies, including U.S-based physicians and businessmen.

Among the principal recipients of donations was Congressman Burton who frequently raised the Kashmir issue, echoing spurious and exaggerated charges against Indian security forces. Fai also funneled money to lawmakers Joseph Pitts, James Moran, and Gregory Meeks, among others. Modest contributions were also made to the Gore and Obama campaigns.

But Burton is believed to be the biggest recipient of Pakistani largesse, something Indian officials believed turned him into the biased and vituperative critic of the Indian position on Kashmir.

In a statement following Fai's arrest, Burton acknowledged getting political contributions from him, but maintained that the money is ''completely legal'' because Fai was a US citizen.

''I am deeply shocked by Dr. Fai's arrest. I've known Dr Fai for 20 years and in that time I had no inkling of his involvement with any foreign intelligence operation and had presumed our correspondence was legitimate,'' Burton, who invited the joke ''Empty Burton makes much noise'' among Indian activists for his stridency, said. Burton loosely translates as vessel in Hindi.

''My campaign does not accept contributions from anyone not legally authorized to donate to US political campaigns. However, if there is any doubt about the origin of these contributions, I will donate those funds to the Boy Scouts of America,'' the Indiana lawmaker said, in a mild note of contrition.

Another group which has come under the lens is Indian liberals and so-called bleeding hearts who accepted Fai's and KAC's hospitality to attend conferences and seminars in US on the Kashmir issue where US authorities say Fai and his ISI handlers plied the Pakistani agenda. Indian hypernationalists and right-wingers have identified journalist-activists Kuldip Nayar, Rajinder Sachar, and Gautam Navlakha among those who attended KAC events organized by Fai which turns out were funded by ISI.

US authorities have bluntly stated that Fai and KAC pushed the Pakistan agenda on Kashmir with illicit money, and the hardline nationalist crowd say -- mainly on social networking sites -- that the Indian liberals should have been aware of that. "Many desi Left-libbers will be sleepless tonight...thinking of ways to defend their association with Fai and KAC," one right-wing commentator tweeted on Tuesday.

The so-called Left-lib crowd has been put in a further bind by the blunt U.S stand on how the Kashmir conferences were manipulated. ''Mr. Fai is accused of a decades-long scheme with one purpose – to hide Pakistan's involvement behind his efforts to influence the US government's position on Kashmir,'' US Attorney Neil MacBride said on Monday. ''His handlers in Pakistan allegedly funneled millions through the Kashmir Center to contribute to US elected officials, fund high-profile conferences, and pay for other efforts that promoted the Kashmiri cause to decision-makers in Washington.''

In fact, the FBI affidavit shows that the ISI and the Pakistani government micromanaged KAC conferences and seminars, including dictating which Indian guests and how many would be invited. The affidavit did not name people, but cited one instance where an ISI handler gave Fai a list of Indian nationals to invite to a Kashmir conference in the US. The FBI also recorded Fai's direct contacts with his ISI handlers at one such conference.

Burton, who invited the joke ''Empty Burton makes much noise'' among Indian activists for his stridency, said. Burton loosely translates as vessel in Hindi. :rofl:
Not that big a deal, news just jumped on it because it had the words "Pakistan" and "ISI." Basically about laws we have regarding foriegn political contributions, not spying.
this is rediculous, US stand has gradually shifted from pkistani stance to indian stance, US now has rejected to interfer in kashmir, in history altough US has done nothing to bring peace in kashmir, but still US stance created a spot light for kashmir in the world, but now kashmir is as ignored as the US ignores ghaza!!

so what was the use of paying mr fai $700,000??? a yr

a fail to believe compell US for kashmir happen through diplomacy not through spy

its a joke

This is a rather simplistic look at US foreign policy. The US has very complex dealings with most countries- it claims to have "friends"," allies" and " partners" but they are all the same in US's eyes, they see the entire world as a problem thar needs to be pro-US and need their $$$. Now the if you were to ask any US polotican or average man on the street they wouldn't see Pakistan as an ally or friend- they are a nessercary evil that needs to be dealt with to fight the WOT and Pakistan is a/the major cause/player in this. After 9/11 we all know about the "either with us or against.....bomb back to stone age" Bush remarks so no more needs to be said. Before 9/11 Pakistan was a proxy against USSR for the US.

Now India is a very different case, as opposed to being a nessercary evil they are a wanted friend (again for a number of reasons) not only for their new found prosperity but, importantly, shared beliefs and ideology- secularism, democracy, equal rights etc (yes neither country is perfect in these regards but common beliefs exist) and it is key the US wants to be good friends with India especially given the fact that India has the ability to carve ounttheir own path and an be friends or enemies with who they want, Pakistan can't- they need a bigger power to ride off (US/China). The US clearly sees India as a major partner in the future in the likes of Japan, UK, France etc and can be seen by the rhetoric used by both sides- Hilary Clinton's recent remarks highlight this. The fact that the US army conducts the largest number of exercises with Indian Army is testament to this.

Unfortunately, for you, Pakistan has very little (except contribution in WOT, and even this is being questioned by US politicians) to offer US in terms of economy, culture, common beliefs, jobs, finance etc whereas India has an abundance of these. But in the end it is, and will always be (hence why the are the world's only Superpower) what is in the best interests for the US.
This is a rather simplistic look at US foreign policy. The US has very complex dealings with most countries- it claims to have "friends"," allies" and " partners" but they are all the same in US's eyes, they see the entire world as a problem thar needs to be pro-US and need their $$$. Now the if you were to ask any US polotican or average man on the street they wouldn't see Pakistan as an ally or friend- they are a nessercary evil that needs to be dealt with to fight the WOT and Pakistan is a/the major cause/player in this. After 9/11 we all know about the "either with us or against.....bomb back to stone age" Bush remarks so no more needs to be said. Before 9/11 Pakistan was a proxy against USSR for the US.

Now India is a very different case, as opposed to being a nessercary evil they are a wanted friend (again for a number of reasons) not only for their new found prosperity but, importantly, shared beliefs and ideology- secularism, democracy, equal rights etc (yes neither country is perfect in these regards but common beliefs exist) and it is key the US wants to be good friends with India especially given the fact that India has the ability to carve ounttheir own path and an be friends or enemies with who they want, Pakistan can't- they need a bigger power to ride off (US/China). The US clearly sees India as a major partner in the future in the likes of Japan, UK, France etc and can be seen by the rhetoric used by both sides- Hilary Clinton's recent remarks highlight this. The fact that the US army conducts the largest number of exercises with Indian Army is testament to this.

Unfortunately, for you, Pakistan has very little (except contribution in WOT, and even this is being questioned by US politicians) to offer US in terms of economy, culture, common beliefs, jobs, finance etc whereas India has an abundance of these. But in the end it is, and will always be (hence why the are the world's only Superpower) what is in the best interests for the US.

you wrote all this bullshitt just an offtopic reply to my post which you grossly misunderstood

i will not say anything because in the end, its not india but pakistan whos citizens are being killed by humiliating US bombings, and that our government recieves aid from US

but it will not change the reality that US needs pakistan badly so thats why US is pressurising pakistan and doing all other kinds of monkey acts

but US doesnt need india, atleast for now, US is preparing india to use it in a cold war with china, US owes so much to china and still US makes china its enemy, it doesnt really matter what india can give to US because US already has more than a fraction of india has, india cant really give much in the first aside its immigration and population influx, it is india and its anti china policy itself, its location and its billion people population which US can use against china and considers the only weapon to be used against it

today if pakistan turns against china, pakistan will become more a loving child to US, but we dont
you wrote all this bullshitt just an offtopic reply to my post which you grossly misunderstood

i will not say anything because in the end, its not india but pakistan whos citizens are being killed by humiliating US bombings, and that our government recieves aid from US

but it will not change the reality that US needs pakistan badly so thats why US is pressurising pakistan and doing all other kinds of monkey acts

but US doesnt need india, atleast for now, US is preparing india to use it in a cold war with china, US owes so much to china and still US makes china its enemy, it doesnt really matter what india can give to US because US already has more than a fraction of india has, india cant really give much in the first aside its immigration and population influx, it is india and its anti china policy itself, its location and its billion people population which US can use against china and considers the only weapon to be used against it

today if pakistan turns against china, pakistan will become more a loving child to US, but we dont

Nicely stated, and very true :D
you wrote all this bullshitt just an offtopic reply to my post which you grossly misunderstood

i will not say anything because in the end, its not india but pakistan whos citizens are being killed by humiliating US bombings, and that our government recieves aid from US

but it will not change the reality that US needs pakistan badly so thats why US is pressurising pakistan and doing all other kinds of monkey acts

but US doesnt need india, atleast for now, US is preparing india to use it in a cold war with china, US owes so much to china and still US makes china its enemy, it doesnt really matter what india can give to US because US already has more than a fraction of india has, india cant really give much in the first aside its immigration and population influx, it is india and its anti china policy itself, its location and its billion people population which US can use against china and considers the only weapon to be used against it

today if pakistan turns against china, pakistan will become more a loving child to US, but we dont

the very reason why today america needs you is because of war on terror , the day when war on terror ends it is not going to care for you , and there is no cold war between U.S and CHINA , both are trading partners and need each other for their own economic survival , U.S has made india its ally because it needs india currently and in furture as well, for its economic recovery from recession , that is the reason why U.S diplomats have been asking indian authorities to open up our economy for US products.
the very reason why today america needs you is because of war on terror , the day when war on terror ends it is not going to care for you , and there is no cold war between U.S and CHINA , both are trading partners and need each other for their own economic survival , U.S has made india its ally because it needs india currently and in furture as well, for its economic recovery from recession , that is the reason why U.S diplomats have been asking indian authorities to open up our economy for US products.

lol, barking is very easy, the ground realities are different wake up

i only said, US needs pakistan, i didnt say USA will need pakistan forever, pakistan doesnt need US at all so its long overdue to stop all coperation with US, we are not getting a single think by giving so much to USA, and thats why we are in trouble

china is already rescuing american economy by giving trillion dollar donation, instead india is the one which is actually getting american money in both form of aid and loan to rescue from its present situation

china is a trading partner to US and both need each other, yes, but china doesnt only need US, its products circulate in all the worlds market, US buys cheap china products which it cant manufacture easily, the products from china is cheap because of cheap labour, americans in this condition of resession needs to save more money so chinese products are a very good alternative

US is opening its weapons market to india which it doesnt to china itself, USA knows who is gonna be a pet dog afterwards :lol::lol:
lol India not only lobbies for its own cause, seems it even lobbies against other lobbyists :lol:

(Discolamer - In a lighter vein, do not take seriously)
lol India not only lobbies for its own cause, seems it even lobbies against other lobbyists :lol:

(Discolamer - In a lighter vein, do not take seriously)

yes, right india also lobbied to send raymind davis rampage in pakistani streets :lol:
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