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US building military base in Afghanistan near Iran border


May 29, 2013
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The United States is building a military base in Afghanistan near the border with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Press TV reports.
Press TV’s correspondent in Afghanistan said the base is being built in an area known as Chahlang in Afghanistan’s Farah Province. The site of the construction is three kilometers from the Iranian border.
According to information obtained by Press TV, the US forces have already constructed a communications tower and dug some channels in the ground at the site of the base.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on May 9 that the US had demanded to keep nine military bases across the war-torn country, adding that, “We are in very serious and delicate negotiations with America.”

On Thursday, however, White House Spokesman Jay Carney rejected Karzai’s remarks, saying that Washington “does not seek permanent military bases in Afghanistan.”

Emal Feizi, a spokesman for the Afghan president, later denied Carney’s claims and said Washington has even chosen some cities for establishing the bases.

On May 2, 2012, Washington and Kabul signed a deal that authorized the presence of US troops for a period of 10 years after 2014, which was the original date agreed earlier for the departure of all foreign combat troopers from Afghanistan. Afghanistan’s Parliament approved the pact on May 26.

Karzai had confirmed for the first time in 2011 that the administration of US President Barack Obama had demanded the establishment of a system of permanent US military bases across Afghanistan.

The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity remains high across the country despite the presence of many US-led foreign troops.
remember when you invade with america afganistan iran. what goes around comes around:laugh:
remember when you invade with america afganistan iran. what goes around comes around:laugh:

Well there is a debate on who helped invading of Afghanistan. I like to see your source for the claims.

By the way we like US to be there. The nearer they are to us the more we can harm them . Do you knew how many artillery pieces like zelzal and fajr-5 we have that technically need only a ramp to be fired
Well there is a debate on who helped invading of Afghanistan. I like to see your source for the claims.

By the way we like US to be there. The nearer they are to us the more we can harm them . Do you knew how many artillery pieces like zelzal and fajr-5 we have that technically need only a ramp to be fired

Trust me when we have enough arty to take care of those.
Well there is a debate on who helped invading of Afghanistan. I like to see your source for the claims.

By the way we like US to be there. The nearer they are to us the more we can harm them . Do you knew how many artillery pieces like zelzal and fajr-5 we have that technically need only a ramp to be fired

Bingo! People don't realize that being close is a 2-way street.
remember when you invade with america afganistan iran. what goes around comes around:laugh:

we didnt do enough we should have wiped every taliban and alqaeda and their sympathizers from the face of the earth. how do they allow terrorists sympathizers like you in NL?

Northern Alliance helped US invade Afghanistan.... after the mysterious murder of Ahmed Shah Massod.

Any one who followed the Afghan invasion.. on TV can confirm this.

so? they did a really good job! too bad they couldnt kill them all. one day ... one day
Northern Alliance helped US invade Afghanistan.... after the mysterious murder of Ahmed Shah Massod.

Any one who followed the Afghan invasion.. on TV can confirm this.

Well , its not even two weeks I posted the kist of the countries who helped attacking afghanistan and Iran is in that list but the help was helping solving an uprising in harat when they dismissed the governor of harat which the people loved and had very good relation with iran.
remember when you invade with america afganistan iran. what goes around comes around:laugh:

Bullshit argument. Taliban roaches were no humanbeings and they had close ties with terrorism funding regimes.
They had to be killed by chemical weapons. If I was in command I would deliver Massouds army with chemical weapons to attack the roaches.
Well , its not even two weeks I posted the kist of the countries who helped attacking afghanistan and Iran is in that list but the help was helping solving an uprising in harat when they dismissed the governor of harat which the people loved and had very good relation with iran.

Dear.. i'm not objecting you, just go back a little in time line, count the key events vis a vi Afghanistan, before US invasion...
Do you not wish same for Pakistan?

now lets not narrow our perspective doesnt matter if theyre in pakistan or afghanistan for all i care i want to see them all dead including if theyre present in iran

anyone who doesnt want to join the 21st century must die and be torn to pieces and be fed to the pigs

terrorism must be eradicated with extreme measures

i hope my message was clear enough

Dear.. i'm not objecting you, just go back a little in time line, count the key events vis a vi Afghanistan, before US invasion...

before the invasion pigs have slaughtered iranian diplomats

that alone would have granted iran the permission to annihilate taliban with the use of nuclear weapons (which unfortunately it didnt possess) as a matter of fact u.s. should have drop several hundred bombs in afghanistan and finished the job once and for all
now lets not narrow our perspective doesnt matter if theyre in pakistan or afghanistan for all i care i want to see them all dead including if theyre present in iran

anyone who doesnt want to join the 21st century must die and be torn to pieces and be fed to the pigs

terrorism must be eradicated with extreme measures

i hope my message was clear enough

before the invasion pigs have slaughtered iranian diplomats

that alone would have granted iran the permission to annihilate taliban with the use of nuclear weapons (which unfortunately it didnt possess) as a matter of fact u.s. should have drop several hundred bombs in afghanistan and finished the job once and for all

No one hate terrorism more than a Pakistani.. and no one has been victim of it more than us.

Do not get so narrow in your search.. do not ignore the murder of Ahmad Shah Massod, perhaps he also refused to sell him self... while both India and Iran failed to protect him .. with all there intelligence resources.

You are angry because of few diplomats and in Pakistan terrorists are being freed from jail, despite having caught red handed... and the person who is releasing them visited US and was debriefed and awarded there.
We have seen people profiting from TTP killings and still blaming the victims.
Look at the ground reality around you who is profiting?

Where as Islamic scholars have declared the TTP and their masters unislamic, we do not need any one telling us terrorists are bad people... we know it more than you.. we have suffered while some have profited out of it and Inshallah their profits will take them to deepest hell.
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