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US bans bidis made by Indian tobacco company


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
US bans bidis made by Indian tobacco company

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US regulators Friday banned the sale and import of small cigarettes known as bidis made by an Indian company, their first such action since being given oversight of tobacco products in 2009.

Bidis are small, hand-rolled cigarettes that contain tobacco wrapped in leaves from a tendu tree, and may come in various flavors.

The move by the US Food and Drug Administration applies to four varieties made by Jash International, which an agency spokeswoman described to AFP as an Indian company with headquarters in Illinois.

The ban came about because the products were found to be substantially different from existing tobacco products on the market as of 2007, and did not meet new regulatory requirements, the FDA said.

US bans bidis made by Indian tobacco company


biri is a hand rolled "poor mans cigarette or cigar"

its very raw , very potent and un filteterd taste of tobacco and is the real thing
This will be a DISASTER for India-US Relations..........

US is TESTING our Patience.................

I just want to remind our friends in America that AGNI 5 CAN REACH LAS VEGAS. PERIOD.

No worries, US tightening screws around indian steel, solar panel, pharmaceuticals....
I remember in college we used to get bidis to fool girls into thinking we had joints... :D
Bidis are exported????????? that tooo to US?? Wonder who smoke them...... Bidi is poor man's 555
LOLzzz,didnt knew US imported bidis from India
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