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US B-2 bombers sent to Korea on rare mission


Jan 10, 2013
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Washington : The stealthy, nuclear-capable US B-2 bomber is a veteran of wars in Iraq and Libya, but it isn't usually a tool of Washington's statecraft.

Yet on Thursday, the United States sent a pair of the bat-winged planes on a first-of-its-kind practice run over the skies of South Korea, conducting what US officials say was a diplomatic sortie.

The aim, the officials said, was two-fold: to reassure US allies South Korea and Japan in the face of a string of threats from North Korea, and to nudge Pyongyang back to nuclear talks.

But whether North Korea's young new leader, Kim Jong-un, interprets the message the way the White House hopes is anybody's guess. His first reaction, according to North Korean state media, was to order his country's missiles ready to strike the United States and South Korea.

A senior US official said Kim's late father, Kim Jong-il, was at least more predictable: He would issue threats that got the world's attention without provoking open conflict, and then use them as leverage in subsequent diplomatic negotiations.

This time, US intelligence analysts are divided over whether Kim Jong-un is pursuing the same strategy. "It's a little bit of an 'all bets are off' kind of moment," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The official said the idea for the practice bombing run, part of annual US-South Korean military exercises named Foal Eagle, emerged from government-wide discussions over how to signal to Seoul and Tokyo that Washington would back them in a crisis.

It is less clear whether Washington informed China, North Korea's neighbor and only major ally, in advance.

The plan was approved by the White House and coordinated with South Korea and Japan, the official said.


While the 20-year-old B-2 often flies for long durations - 44 hours is the record - Thursday's flight of approximately 37-1/2 hours was the plane's first non-stop mission to the Korean peninsula and back from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, Air Force officials said.

With Pyongyang threatening missile strikes on the US mainland, as well as US bases in Hawaii and Guam, the flight seemed designed to demonstrate how easy it would be for the United States to strike back at North Korea.

It is far from clear that Pyongyang, which has had mixed success in its missile tests, can make good on its own threats.

"This is useful reminder to the South Koreans that the U.S. nuclear arm can reach out and touch North Korea from anywhere. We don't need to be sitting there at Osan Air Base," south of Seoul, said Ralph Cossa, president of the Hawaii-based Pacific Forum CSIS think tank.

"This also reminds the Chinese that North Korean actions have consequences. It tells them that the U.S. is taking North Korean threats seriously but we're not panicking," he added.

The senior U.S. official said that once the Foal Eagle exercises are concluded, the Obama administration hopes to pivot to a diplomatic approach to North Korea, and hopes Pyongyang will reciprocate.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to travel to East Asia in about two weeks, the first of a parade of senior Washington officials headed toward the region.


Thursday's drill was a rare moment in the limelight for the B-2 "Spirit" bomber, which began life with a slew of cost and development troubles for manufacturer Northrop Grumman Corp but has become a mainstay of U.S. nuclear deterrence.

Long-duration missions, in which the bomber is refueled in midair, are "a challenge on your body and mind, staying sharp," said an Air Force captain and B-2 pilot. Under the service's security rules, the pilot could only be identified by his radio call sign, "Flash."

The captain, who did not participate in Thursday's practice mission over South Korea, said flight doctors have devised special regimens to keep the plane's two-man crew sharp.

They include 45-minute naps, on a cot in the back of the plane, that end a half hour before "critical events" such as in-air refueling or dropping ordinance, he said.

All 20 of the United States' B-2 bombers are based at Whiteman, and they saw combat during the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the NATO mission that led to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's overthrow.

In the 1980s, the Pentagon had planned to buy 132 of the bombers, whose main mission was to penetrate the Soviet Union's airspace undetected. The program was drastically cut back after the Berlin Wall collapsed in 1989.

So elite is the B-2 pilot corps that more people have been in outer space than have flown the aircraft, "Flash" said.

US B-2 bombers sent to Korea on rare mission: diplomacy not destruction | NDTV.com
It invades other peoples countries if someone did that to US they wouldnt like it.

It is a shame it hides in the wild west, because if it didnt several countries would have finished it off by now. It is about time US was wiped off the map one way or the other.
It is about time US was wiped off the map one way or the other.

Ohhhh! Such love for my country!!!!!You should get down on your Knees and pray that your "wish" is never fulfilled. It is ONLY the USA that has saved YOUR nations (both of them) from total destruction .....
It invades other peoples countries if someone did that to US they wouldnt like it.

What do you mean "did that" All the U.S have done is fly aircraft in a training drill in an allies country. Every country on the earth does this.......
Ohhhh! Such love for my country!!!!!You should get down on your Knees and pray that your "wish" is never fulfilled. It is ONLY the USA that has saved YOUR nations (both of them) from total destruction .....
True that still it is you who are the trouble makers of the world if u lot stop interfering then i think it shouldn't have happened now u got all the love from various countries LOL:omghaha:
True that still it is you who are the trouble makers of the world if u lot stop interfering then i think it shouldn't have happened now u got all the love from various countries LOL:omghaha:

Yeah because throughout Britain's history they've never caused trouble in the world and be involved in any incident.
I am surprised China is silent at this.

It's such a shame to the growing superpower.
f117 retired after kosovo war,why?
f117 retired after kosovo war,why?
Because we got something better. But of course, you are free to be gullible and believe the ridiculous argument that it was retired because of that one lost over Yugoslavia.
I agree with this author. However, I wouldn't have cancelled the training exercise.


B-2′s flying highly publicized global strike training missions over South Korea during an incredibly volatile and uncertain time in that region? Ridiculous photos like this coming out of such a mission? It was B-52s last week and a massive training exercise, then this. Do you really think such swagger will help our cause over there? Do you really think that the North Koreans do not know B-2s are based in the area periodically (Guam) and that they can fly strike missions from CONUS with relative impunity? Do we really need to remind them that we have stealth bombers? Why not just send them a pamphlet on the Ohio Class SSBN, their Trident ICBM and its MIRV nuclear warheads instead?

If you were the North Koreans wouldn’t this crap just further cement the rationalization for obtaining a capable nuclear deterrent? It all seems so damn ridiculous and downright childish. Why not STEP BACK from the brink, say that the training exercises have been cancelled due to the alert status of forces and just tell the North that if they cross the line that Pyongyang will be vaporized? Why even lower ourselves to this sort of worthless bravado and saber rattling? The whole thing is alarming, seemingly idiotic for the US to be a part of and, quite honestly, embarrassing. It looks like we are fishing for another war, the “optics” are so bad.

Then again why is the US still in a now very wealthy South Korea, especially to the extent that we are, some 60 years after the war that never ended, ended? There will be a very powerful piece about my views on the US military’s global footprint coming down the line. Some will hate it, others will applaud it, one will stand behind it 100%, and that is me. In the end, if you really don’t at least ask yourself how much of this type of trouble do we actually make ourselves than you are a fool blinded by patriotism of the wrong kind. Our goal should be to prevent war not to play party to, or god forbid even instigate one! In the last decade I have seen so many signs (not just Iraq ok) that seem totally counter intuitive to that mindset. Do you really think ringing our sworn enemies borders with wildly overwhelming conventional military power would somehow make them less interested in arming themselves to the teeth with nuclear weapons? Laughable.

Please, take a step back, cool the engines, and let things simmer down before they boil over out of idiotic strategic direction or out of a simple accident or misunderstanding. Millions of lives and the fragile world economy is on the line. The actions you are taking are doing nothing but making the problem much worse. This kid, Kim Jong Un, is standing on incredibly volatile ground within his own power circle, who knows what hand he is being made to play or what circumstances his vulnerable “throneship” in currently under. Just stop stirring the pot and pushing him to escalate in a responsive fashion in order to show the old guard that he is strong.

On this stupid picture of the B-2 and F-16s- If this was taken near the DMZ, I am especially sickened by it, I really hope and think this would have happened some distance from this area. The B-2′s and F-16′s gear is down to presumably mask the B-2′s true radar signature and to let the North know that it is there, and those Vipers are probably F-16CJs armed with HARMs and AMRAAMs to show (train with as well) that they can defeat the North’s enemy air defense network, and possibly to actively respond to a possible play on that B-2.

I ask a simple question: at what point is a show of force actually bating? A normal dense response from Washington to that question would be “we exercise the right to train with our allies in friendly air space at the time and place of our choosing ” Does that really need to be said? But it is clear that those in power CHOSE THIS TIME AND PLACE to do so and I think that is pretty damn dumb.

Seriously I hated writing this today but the last thing this country or this world needs is ANOTHER war, especially this particular war. This is not an air show, this is not the invasion of a country we have militarily softened for a decade. The B-2, with all its coolness and capability will not save massive amounts of people from losing their lives in short order if a conflict erupted. This could be loss of life on an unimaginable scale. Just the North’s artillery alone could wipe out Seoul in a few barrages. Very nasty and incredibly scary. So much unknown here and one misstep could change so many lives. Even seeing defense related sites act like this sort of thing is some sort of “badass” waving of the American flag is so low-end and dim that I just had to respond.
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