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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier


Jan 20, 2008
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AFP: US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

WASHINGTON — The United States said Wednesday it would like China to explain why it needs an aircraft carrier amid broader US concerns about Beijing's lack of transparency over its military aims.

"We would welcome any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters when asked whether the carrier would raise regional tensions.

"This is part of our larger concern that China is not as transparent as other countries. It's not as transparent as the United States about its military acquisitions, about its military budget," she said.

"And we'd like to have the kind of open, transparent relationship in military-to-military affairs," Nuland said.

"In our military-to-military relations with many countries around the world, we have the kind of bilateral dialogue where we can get quite specific about the equipment that we have and its intended purposes and its intended movements," she said.

But China and the United States are "not at that level of transparency" to which the two nations aspire, Nuland added.

The comments came hours after China's first aircraft carrier embarked on its inaugural sea trial, a move likely to stoke concerns about the nation's military expansion and growing territorial assertiveness.

Beijing only recently confirmed it was revamping an old Soviet ship to be its first carrier and has sought to play down the vessel's capability, saying it will mainly be used for training and "research."

:rofl: :rofl: The best JOKE I have heard for a long time!!! :rofl: :rofl: Debt Ridden, Money Owing tenant asking the landlord on why does he need to have such a huge antenna on his house's roof? :rofl: :rofl:
Ignoring the troll comment; this request seems rather strange. I dont understand with what authority the united states makes these demands. I mean, lets call the spade a spade here, clearly, this qualifies as "meddling in internal affairs"? That being said, i wish the Chinese the very worst.
These americans are gonna drive me crazy one day:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Americans never get bored being the Uncle Sam. Has America ever explained, why does it need to have forces everywhere on the planet & go hunting at whims...
Why should a country exlpains to another country about it's defence matters? I' am sure China is not going to provide any explonation and I think it need not provide any such thing.
let me guess................ o o o its rite on the tip of my tounge........................ han now i remember......... its for their "NATIONAL SECURITY".:rofl:
"We would welcome any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters when asked whether the carrier would raise regional tensions.

I'm sure they would "welcome" an answer. :lol:

But they already know the answer, considering that they have eleven aircraft carriers of their own.
Just says -Aircraft carrier is for cruise ship to attract tourists. US will be satisfied by answer :lol:
This is the umpteenth time the US has said this. This is direct meddling in an internal affair of a country. Why should China show it's budget?, does the budget come from the US pocket?. Why should China's aircraft carrier be questioned while India's should be not, while France's should be not?. Real hypocrisy. US does not show any transparency in it's programs, did it show it in the U-2, SR-71 , F-117 et al?

Give em' a FU China!!
Neither India nor any other countries you mentioned really has any design to "overthrow" the United states. If it happens, we want it to be organic, evolutionary and above all, peaceful. India specifically, has maintained a carrier fleet from the late sixties no one had issues with it then. No one has issues with it now.
Well as a counter to the mutual appreciation society gathered in this thread, China is increasingly being viewed as a shady regime pushing for hegemony in Asia. What went wrong is the small fact that they push for growth while at the same time attempting to topple other nations working towards the same objective. Namely, India. Ethics aside, none of China's neighbours excluding a few banana republics; really want a powerful China. The US is simply utilizing the mutual and collective hate towards China to consolidate their position as " The superpower ". Its obvious, yet we go with it....why? Its because your leaders figured they could just "wing it" even at others expense.

There are huge factors and extremely volatile variables at play here.

LOL Indian hegemony?

You can't even stand up to Pakistan. Despite constant boasting of being able to "respond" to the Mumbai attacks.

True, there are Asian nations who are worried about China's rise.

But not a single one of them, have openly made their position anti-China. On the contrary, all of them are openly saying they want increased cooperation with China. :lol:

Even the USA was openly pushing for a "G-2" with China. And your own Indian politicians are pushing for increased cooperation too. :azn:
Neither India nor any other countries you mentioned really has any design to "overthrow" the United states. If it happens, we want it to be organic, evolutionary and above all, peaceful. India specifically, has maintained a carrier fleet from the late sixties no one had issues with it then. No one has issues with it now.

Exactly, it is everybody's internal matter, why should China disclose to uncle sam it's military programs??
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