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US Army begins relief missions in Swat Valley .Chinook in action


Jan 7, 2009
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Pakistan's worst flash floods in decades, which have left more than 1,500 people dead, have provided an opportunity for the Obama administration to repair the tattered image of the U.S. with a crucial ally.

U.S. officials on Wednesday spelled out the administration's efforts to help those affected by the natural disaster.

"We've been working hard over the past year to build a partnership with the people of Pakistan, and this is an essential element of that partnership: reaching out and helping each other in times of need," said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The U.S. has committed $10 million in aid and sent humanitarian relief workers to Pakistan.

Six Army aircraft — four CH-47 Chinook helicopters and two UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters — arrived at Ghazi air base in Pakistan on Wednesday. The aircraft are lifting hundreds of people out of danger and providing critical supplies.

The helicopters were sent at Pakistan's request and will be operated in partnership with the government in Islamabad.

A Pew Global Attitudes Project survey released last week found that President Obama received the lowest ratings in Pakistan than in any other nation polled this year. Only 17 percent of Pakistanis had a favorable opinion of the U.S. and 61 percent had a negative view of Americans.

In a sign of respect to Muslim sentiments, the Obama administration is providing hundreds of thousands of halal meals to those affected by the floods.

The U.S. also has provided boats to help with search-and-rescue missions, water purification units and temporary bridges to replace those damaged by the floods.

"This represents just the start of our efforts," Mrs. Clinton said. "We will continue to help Pakistan in the days and weeks ahead."

- Washington Times

Let me be the first to say thank you to the USA. Your assistance is much appreciated in this hour of need.
Another case - of help from US , as they are always active in natural desasters world wide:usflag:
Pakistan's worst flash floods in decades, which have left more than 1,500 people dead, have provided an opportunity for the Obama administration to repair the tattered image of the U.S. with a crucial ally.

U.S. officials on Wednesday spelled out the administration's efforts to help those affected by the natural disaster.

"We've been working hard over the past year to build a partnership with the people of Pakistan, and this is an essential element of that partnership: reaching out and helping each other in times of need," said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The U.S. has committed $10 million in aid and sent humanitarian relief workers to Pakistan.

Six Army aircraft — four CH-47 Chinook helicopters and two UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters — arrived at Ghazi air base in Pakistan on Wednesday. The aircraft are lifting hundreds of people out of danger and providing critical supplies.

The helicopters were sent at Pakistan's request and will be operated in partnership with the government in Islamabad.

A Pew Global Attitudes Project survey released last week found that President Obama received the lowest ratings in Pakistan than in any other nation polled this year. Only 17 percent of Pakistanis had a favorable opinion of the U.S. and 61 percent had a negative view of Americans.

In a sign of respect to Muslim sentiments, the Obama administration is providing hundreds of thousands of halal meals to those affected by the floods.

The U.S. also has provided boats to help with search-and-rescue missions, water purification units and temporary bridges to replace those damaged by the floods.

"This represents just the start of our efforts," Mrs. Clinton said. "We will continue to help Pakistan in the days and weeks ahead."

- Washington Times

Let me be the first to say thank you to the USA. Your assistance is much appreciated in this hour of need.

Anyways I have recieved so many complaints from US that the meat is not Halal coming from US....nobody seen doing Zabeha Halal by their own eyes for beef cuz mostly the meat is coming from the JEWS Farms and they try to sell that meat with the Label of HALAL......But the meat of sheeps or goats could be Halal(but still suspicious) if it is coming from Muslims shops but not frm anywhereelse...Because some Muslim(very few) shops they have the permit to Do Zabeeha...
I checked with so many pplz who r involved in Meat business in Michigan nobody witnessed any Zabeehah by their own eyes. They all suspect the beef Halal as suspicious...But still they sell ..just to make money:woot:...they say if pplz dont care so we dont care as long as it is not pork:agree:...We r just trying to make money...
Anyways ..if in other states anybody have evidence or seen beef (done Zabeehah) by their own eyes..plz let me know....Cuz according to my knowledge the HALAL meat frm US is not HALAL:woot:
Absolutely - Geo Politics aside - US has helped us a lot during natural disasters.:usflag::usflag:

Thankz US for ure good works...But we still dont like ure innocent killings in Afghanistan and Iraq as evidenced by wikileaks and so many resources and witnesses ...cuz it wont clean ure sins like that...
In order to clean ure sins u have to trust Muslims and and PakArmy plus the Muslims and families who r effected by ure killings forgives u ...then there is chance that Allah(SBWT) might forgive u otherwise there is noway that u can get rid of the Hell made by Allah(SBWT) in the end.
Cuz according to my knowledge the HALAL meat frm US is not HALAL
You are correct, we must ensure the meat is Halal. However, you are relying on hearsay, so you cannot definitively say the meat is Haram. Let me see if I can find out where the meat is coming from (I would welcome the help of anyone in the US).
Does it really matter if the meat is hallal or haram in severe crisis? I mean people in those area are badly affected and in dire need of food, clean water, clothes. We shouldn't be raising unnecessary issues here.
Does Islam allow eating of Haram meat in a catastrophy like this? Thats a rhetorical question.
Does it really matter if the meat is hallal or haram in severe crisis? I mean people in those area are badly affected and in dire need of food, clean water, clothes. We shouldn't be raising unnecessary issues here.
You are correct, in dire crisis, you can eat meat that is questionable. However, it is definitely not an unnecessary issue. The people there care deeply about this, and as a Muslim Pakistani, so do I.

Secondly, it's a matter of accountability and dependability for the US and Pakistani Governments. If the meat is not Halal, it must be made clear. You cannot distribute non-Halal meat as Halal. That is a crime.
Does it really matter if the meat is hallal or haram in severe crisis? I mean people in those area are badly affected and in dire need of food, clean water, clothes. We shouldn't be raising unnecessary issues here.

Is it really necessary to feed those people meat? Any thing else can be fed.
Anyways I have recieved so many complaints from US that the meat is not Halal coming from US....nobody seen doing Zabeha Halal by their own eyes for beef cuz mostly the meat is coming from the JEWS Farms and they try to sell that meat with the Label of HALAL....

According to my understanding and knowledge, you can consume meat from Jewish firms as they also do sacrifices with the name of Allah, since eliminating the doubts of being Haram and as a matter of fact, I have confirmed this from a few well renouned scholars too.So just chill out and thank the US Govt. for sending in these Aids .

Cuz according to my knowledge the HALAL meat frm US is not HALAL:woot:

Please don't spread silly rumours about genuine humanitarian assistance. The Halal MREs are made by various factories owned by muslims in the USA and asia, the largest provider being J&M.

Here is the description of the MRE Contents:

I have a picture of the meal being drop shipped into Pakistan, i am trying to upload it but having trouble, will share it once uploaded.

You can check their halal status here:

Please stop spreading baseless rumours. It is not fair!

Thank you to the Americans for the assistance in this hard time.
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Here is the picture of the Halal MRE:
You are correct, we must ensure the meat is Halal. However, you are relying on hearsay, so you cannot definitively say the meat is Haram. Let me see if I can find out where the meat is coming from (I would welcome the help of anyone in the US).

Bro justice is done on the base of witnesses...if u dont find witness that has seen anything happening even the pplz who r running the shops(for selling meat) then what u gnna say...Im not just saying on the ground of hearsay..bro ...u can check ureself..
I just found from somebody in Indiana State that they have a slaughterhouse anybody can go overthere and perform the Zabeeha HALAL... based on the witness there...there is big majority of Muslims in Indianapolis city.,.
So this means somewhere u can find HALAL but shold not go just on the HALAL stamped meat...gotta be vigilant...There is another thing in US they also stamp meat for HALAL means that it is not pork...but it doesnt mean that this has been Zbeehah HALAL(slaughtered by Muslim on the name of Allah(SBWT))
Another thing the shopkeepers told me that if u wanna make sure that it is Zahbeehah HALAL then just dont buy the HALAL stamped meat from the market cuz nobody knwz who is selling it and where it is coming from..and shopkeepers dont give its guarantee.
Some shopkeepers who gurantees their meat(be Zabeehah Halal) cuz they perform their own Zabeehah in the slaughter houses. themselves as they dont trust the market available meat...:agree:
If we dont care about Haraam and Halal then Allah(SBWT) will not care about us. and we cannot expect mercy from him cuz we not sincere to him..

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