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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

Right。 The US randomly killed a few Indian fishermen not long ago。

For the Americans,it was target practice。

For the Indians,it was an accident。

Lets stay on the subject.. Shall we?
Right。 The US randomly killed a few Indian fishermen not long ago。

For the Americans,it was target practice。

For the Indians,it was an accident。

Oh haven't fishermen have gotten killed by other nations as well for target practice? Accident for other nations but not for Americans? Don't compare to that. This attack was attempt to kill Americans. Not accident.
Dude, dont dodge the question by making associations that dont exist..

I am not dodging anything, but I am enjoying your consternation at your own unwitting analogy equating the US military's actions to those a rampaging mob.
I am not dodging anything, but I am enjoying your consternation at your own unwitting analogy equating the US military's actions to those a rampaging mob.

So what do you propose ? that the US must import some rednecks and let them loose in Libya ? That would equal I guess.

What in your opinion should the US do ?
So what's the plan, then?

Kill a few hundred random Libyans (ala Iraq and Afghanistan) just to 'make a point'?
That is really pathetic but it is to be expected. Any country would have done the same thing. If the host country is either incompetent or unwilling to protect guest embassies, the guest have the right and duty to protect its representatives. These are not tourists. These are agents empowered to speak for the leadership of a foreign country in civilized diplomacy instead of insults and violence.
I am not dodging anything, but I am enjoying your consternation at your own unwitting analogy equating the US military's actions to those a rampaging mob.

what you are conveniently missing or may be are not get a handle on is that US action has not resulted in any loss of life... And you are still dodging the question, because I do not see a reply ... ;)

Its back to entitlement mentality which I see in most Pakistanis I have interacted with on this forum.. Pakistanis (or Muslims when they generalize) are free to do anything but others should act responsibly when responding..
US envoy killed: Pentagon moves two warships to Libya; suspects attack was planned | NDTV.com

The Obama administration, roiled by the first killing of a U.S. ambassador in more than 30 years, is investigating whether the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was a planned terrorist strike to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and not a spontaneous mob enraged over an anti-Islam YouTube video.

President Barack Obama declared in a White House appearance that the U.S. would "work with the Libyan government to bring to justice" those who killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. The attack on the Benghazi consulate was "a planned, coordinated, well-executed military style event," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said.
Who gives a $hit now that US armed forces has killed more innocent civilians than any known terrorist organizations combined lol
Who gives a $hit now that US armed forces has killed more innocent civilians than any known terrorist organizations combined lol
If you do not -- leave the discussion. And go see your shift superior for a new script. This one gone stale a long time ago.
I don't know why they killed an innocent man instead of the creator(s) of the video itself. Argh, too much violence...where didn't my country go wrong? And most importantly, where didn't the creator go wrong?
So what do you propose ? that the US must import some rednecks and let them loose in Libya ? That would equal I guess.

What in your opinion should the US do ?

The Best thing they can do is to stay the hell out of other countries and their internal affair , Y cry when they were one who helped orchestrated so called revolution in Libya and now it is turning against them........

They should know that nobody give a damn about them. In past they have done alot of things which targeted innocent people.

PS: It is sad that people were killed in these protests.
If you do not -- leave the discussion. And go see your shift superior for a new script. This one gone stale a long time ago.

oh wait, you didn't call me a conscript reject lol. now that's something new.
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