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US, allies pushing to place Pakistan on terror-financing watchlist: report

But you have N.M!

The cos of war for both nations will be devestating. By instigating war on Pakistan do you think india will escape the consequences? This is not Bollywood.
I am not responsible for what you are told in madrassa ,if you proof take it to the town bro.

India is not the one instigating anything here,we want to live peacefully without anyone interfering in our country.you should not be expecting us to sit quiet when someone is interfering in our country
It's better for Pakistan in the short and long run to stop supporting the terrorist groups,the last 30 years supporting these groups have not given Pakistan anything other than death , distruction and damage to it's image internationally.

Its nothing to do with terror, it has all to do with Chinese currency agreement.
Stop believing what your establishment tells you,do you agree that your tribals came up to Srinagar and instaed of Continuing what they set for started looting and killing and that gave the Indian forces to move in after the Maharaja had a treaty with us and our forces pushed your forces back to present day loc .
Regarding 71 find out what your country tried to do in 66 in the Northeast of our country.you will get your answer.

And regarding the Balochistan if you think the king of kashmir joined India against the wishes of it's people the same is true about baluchistan.
And the gourps you are talking about where not created by us,they are your creation,don't blame us if they went against you.

I ask you do the same, Stop believing what your establishment is telling you .. Kashmiri people never wants to be part of India , Raja ask for help and we invaded to get what's ours . as for 71 you help Mukti bahani a Terror group that butchered Bihari's , I agree Pakistan army handle the situation poorly but it was a internal conflict . forget about Baluchistan dude .. just read how many COAS were Balouchi's ..
Its nothing to do with terror, it has all to do with Chinese currency agreement.
All the best if you think so

I ask you do the same, Stop believing what your establishment is telling you .. Kashmiri people never wants to be part of India , Raja ask for help and we invaded to get what's ours . as for 71 you help Mukti bahani a Terror group that butchered Bihari's , I agree Pakistan army handle the situation poorly but it was a internal conflict . forget about Baluchistan dude .. just read how many COAS were Balouchi's ..
First you say we took Kashmir by force now you say you guys invaded it,make up your mind
I am not responsible for what you are told in madrassa ,if you proof take it to the town bro.

India is not the one instigating anything here,we want to live peacefully without anyone interfering in our country.you should not be expecting us to sit quiet when someone is interfering in our country
yaar koi is ki bhi sun lo, ye nada samjhdar lagata hai..
There is no evidence against Hafiz Saeed.

This portrayal of Pakistan as 'terror' sponsor state is a collusion between India, US assisted by Pakistani sell out media. This was done to mount pressure on us. If US wants its way, we should go our way and restrict cooperation on Afghanistan.
. .
As a first counter to American agressive policies on Pakistan, DAWN, Geo and Tribune should be banned with immediate effect, along with other countless "NGOs" which are working with impunity to break the fabric of our motherland.

Let the games begin then...

Anything that exposes, contradicts or does not wag its' tail to your "Establishment" aka army , should be banned....as they are the most sacred and honest of all in your country and work tirelessly to for the progress of your country without any selfish motives (especially your generals)
Anything that exposes, contradicts or does not wag its' tail to your "Establishment" aka army , should be banned....as they are the most sacred and honest of all in your country and work tirelessly to for the progress of your country without any selfish motives (especially your generals)

One lesson that I learnt from powerful countries like China, Russia, USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan, Australia is that a strong, patriotic deep state is the backbone of every successful country in the world.

In order for Pakistan to be successful, it must take these lessons from those countries and develop this strong deep state further.

Don't give a 2 shyt flying f* of what others think or say about it. Be ruthless and advance your own national interests.
This is Indian backbenching.

Pakistan needs to address supply lines and create leverage and make them understand reality.
Pakistan and Turkey should do the same, US is the biggest financier of terror in the whole world. Kick out their embassy staff and break all relations.

US, allies pushing to place Pakistan on terror-financing watchlist: report
Dawn.comFebruary 14, 2018

The United States and its European allies have tabled a motion with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) with a view to placing Pakistan on a watchlist of countries considered non-compliant with global anti-terror financing measures, an exclusive Reuters report said on Tuesday.

Miftah Ismail, Pakistan's de facto finance minister, told the news agency that the US and UK had nominated Pakistan to be put on the watchdog’s international money-laundering and terror-financing ‘grey list’ a few weeks ago, before France and Germany joined them as co-sponsors.

"We are now working with the US, UK, Germany and France for the nomination to be withdrawn," Ismail, who is the adviser to the prime minister on finance, revenue and economic affairs, told Reuters. "We are also quite hopeful that even if the US did not withdraw the nomination that we will prevail and not be put on the watchlist."

The motion against Pakistan could be adopted at the FATF meeting scheduled to take place in Paris from February 18 to 23.

The FATF maintains grey and black lists for identifying countries with weak measures to combat money laundering and terror financing. The watchdog does not have the powers to impose sanctions on a country found not meeting the required standards. However, its listing can affect international transactions from the country concerned as those would then become subject to greater scrutiny.

This will increase the cost of doing international/cross-border transactions and ultimately higher cost of doing business locally. Pakistan was last placed on FATF’s grey list in February 2012 and stayed on it for three years.

A senior official of the US government told Reutersthat the moving of the motion is a well-thought-out manoeuvre to urge Pakistan into taking action against all militant groups rather than just selective ones.

"It is time for that to stop, and so we are working with our allies, who also are affected, to see effective action against groups such as the Haqqanis and elements of the Taliban,” the official was quoted as saying.

With the upcoming FATF meeting scheduled for next week, President Mamnoon Hussain had last Friday promulgated an ordinance amending the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 with regards to proscription of terrorist individuals and organisations to include entities listed by the United Nations Security Council.

A major impact of the new ordinance would be the proscription of Hafiz Saeed-linked Jamaatud Dawa and Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation along with the UN listed outfits of Al Akhtar Trust and Al Rashid Trust.
One lesson that I learnt from powerful countries like China, Russia, USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan, Australia is that a strong, patriotic deep state is the backbone of every successful country in the world.

In order for Pakistan to be successful, it must take these lessons from those countries and develop this strong deep state further.

Don't give a 2 shyt flying f* of what others think or say about it. Be ruthless and advance your own national interests.

Agree. But "deep state" primarily focus on Nation's security related issues...not in every sphere of life...See today...all Pak channels are filled with ex army generals giving their advises on finance, politics, governance....are they SMEs of everything?. Plus why is it that a democratically elected govt. in your country has to seek approval from the establishment (now and historically)...why this drama of democracy then...why can't their be dictatorship/army rule forever!
Pakistan and Turkey should do the same, US is the biggest financier of terror in the whole world. Kick out their embassy staff and break all relations.

USA has also been financing the Pakistan people and Pakistan military for decades, what do you have to say to that?
US,UK,France & Germany are pushing for blacklisting Pakistan.Only China is supporting Pakistan,and China needs 2 more countries to block this bid.
CPEC and failure in Afghanistan , someone else has to pay the price. Sometime , it feels its all for Nawaz Sharef. Since Nawaz is gone , Indian border violation at peak and also Indian lobby in US is very active against Pakistan . Let s watch where it goes .............

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