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US air strike kills al Qaeda leader in Pakistan


Jan 3, 2010
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US air strike kills al Qaeda leader in Pakistan | DAWN.COM

DUBAI: A US air strike in Pakistan has killed an al Qaeda leader, Khaled Bin Abdel Rahman al-Hussainan, while he was having dinner after a day of fasting, the group announced late Friday.

The militant, also known as Abu Zaid al-Kuwaiti, was killed when he was having a late dinner after fasting during the day, the group said in a brief statement posted on several militant websites.

“We announce the martyrdom of Sheikh Khaled al-Hussainan who died as he was having his sohur meal and we pray to God to accept him in heaven,” the statement said.

US television network NBC News quoted terrorism experts saying that the militant, a 46-year-old Kuwaiti, was a second generation leader of al Qaeda.

They said he was among those who could have replaced Ayman al-Zawahiri as head of the extremist network, adding that the militant had been killed
the time is coming nearer .such attacks should increase ,they are necessary for stabalizing afghanistan.
His peers has told him Amrika is fighting a War on Terror against Pakistan-
Sure this is what he wanted to hear- so he didnt questioned it-
When it comes to Pakistan- their logics- common sense- rationale- every thing fails-

You know if goes both ways ;)
How many times we have to go through this?-

As many times as it takes for you to realize that it was not america but the screwed up policies of Pakistani dictators that created this mess
the time is coming nearer .such attacks should increase ,they are necessary for stabalizing afghanistan.

Drones kill many innocents, for every real militant they kill, they kill scores of innocents, they call them 'suspected militants'.
Drones are counter productive in that sense, for every one innocent you kill, you turn their friends and family into militants and for ever news story of dead civilians you only inflame anti-US/west sentiment, the areas where drones kill civilians are in the North West where many people are illiterate and uneducated, if they witness the death of a family member, they are easy recruits for taliban and al qaeda.
Drones kill many innocents, for every real militant they kill, they kill scores of innocents, they call them 'suspected militants'.
Drones are counter productive in that sense, for every one innocent you kill, you turn their friends and family into militants and for ever news story of dead civilians you only inflame anti-US/west sentiment, the areas where drones kill civilians are in the North West where many people are illiterate and uneducated, if they witness the death of a family member, they are easy recruits for taliban and al qaeda.

Tell me.. Do all relatives of people killed by terrorists become recruited in Armed forces ?
As many times as it takes for you to realize that it was not america but the screwed up policies of Pakistani dictators that created this mess

You gona follow the Hitlers way here?- :rofl:-
what he said- make a lie- make it big- make it simple w/e........ :lol:
As many times as it takes for you to realize that it was not america but the screwed up policies of Pakistani dictators that created this mess

You're wrong.

What created this mess was the result of bloody decade long war in Afghanistan.
First there was a massive brain drain, then came deprivation and lack of education, then you had an entire generation of youth uneducated, then came the books that taught 'jihad' air mailed from the University of Nebraska, then came the Kandahar student movement, then came the massive power vacuum left by the Soviets, then came the ethnic tensions.

And you continue to put the entirety of the blame on Pakistan.
It's clear that all you know is what you know from the propaganda you are fed.
Tell me.. Do all relatives of people killed by terrorists become recruited in Armed forces ?

any looney tooney goony cannot join the army- there are procedures- standards- etc
while a mad- revenge laden- ready to any thing- ready to stoop to any low for retribution can join any terrorist organization- terrorists feast on that aspect-

kindly dont compare the two-
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