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US Afghanistan general linked to Petraeus scandal

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US Afghanistan general linked to Petraeus scandal
By AFP Published: November 13, 2012

FBI uncover trove of 30,000 pages of correspondence between Allen and Jill Kelley. PHOTO: FILE

ON BOARD A US MILITARY AIRCRAFT: The US commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen, is under investigation for “inappropriate” emails to a woman linked to the sex scandal involving former CIA director David Petraeus, a defense official said Tuesday.
The revelation represented yet another stunning turn in a widening scandal that has jolted Washington only days after the re-election of President Barack Obama, with lawmakers vowing to get to the bottom of case.
The Pentagon official told reporters the FBI had uncovered a trove of 30,000 pages of correspondence between Allen and Jill Kelley, a key figure in the scandal that brought down the storied former general and CIA chief.
Petraeus resigned abruptly last week over an extramarital affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell.
Kelley, of Tampa, Florida, had alerted the FBI to receiving threatening emails earlier this year that were eventually traced to Broadwell. The FBI then found emails between Broadwell and Petraeus that revealed their affair.
The senior US defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told reporters traveling with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta there was a “distinct possibility” the Allen emails were connected to the Petraeus investigation.
Panetta said in a statement that his department was informed by the FBI on Sunday about the case and that he had referred it to the Pentagon’s inspector general for investigation.
He said Allen would remain in Kabul as the commander of NATO-led security forces but that he had asked the Senate Armed Services Committee to delay action on Allen’s pending nomination to be NATO’s supreme allied commander.
Panetta praised the general’s work in Afghanistan, saying his leadership has been “instrumental” in securing progress in the war against Taliban insurgents.
However, Panetta said he requested that the Senate committee move promptly on the nomination for Allen’s successor in Afghanistan, General Joseph Dunford.
It remained unclear what allegations Allen faced, and officials declined to comment as to whether the Marine general was accused of using his work email to communicate with Kelley or had disclosed any classified information.
“It’s far too early to speculate on what the IG (inspector general) might find,” the same defense official said.
“There is enough concern that we believe it was a prudent measure to take appropriate steps to direct an investigation and notify Congress,” he said.
“We need to see where the facts lead in this matter, before jumping to any conclusions whatsoever.”
He added that Allen insisted on his innocence.
“General Allen disputes that he has engaged in any wrongdoing in this matter,” he said.
Kelley, a “social liaison” to an air force base in Tampa, had a longstanding family friendship with Petraeus but no official status in the military.
Both Petraeus and Allen served in Tampa, home to US Central Command, which Petraeus led before taking over as commander in Afghanistan in 2010.
I dont believe in this scandal. Must have something happened behind the scene.
Wow! Whats going on?

its becoming obvious that the deconstruction of the made-up war US heros over the last decade is in progress

seal team 6 giving information to video game makers and begin reprimanded
gen petratus 'all in' his biographer
and now gen allen sending 30,000 e-mail to some Jill

Pakistan is accused of having the deep state ... there is even a far deeper state opearting in the United States it seems
David Petraeus CIA scandal engulfs US Gen John Allen
Top US commander in Afghanistan Gen John Allen is being investigated for allegedly sending "inappropriate emails" to a woman at the centre of a scandal ending the career of CIA head Gen David Petraeus, officials say.

The emails are said to have been sent to Jill Kelley whose complaint led the FBI to uncover Gen Petraeus's extra-marital affair with Paula Broadwell.

Gen Allen denies any wrongdoing.

He was to face confirmation hearings to become Nato's top commander in Europe.

David Petraeus resigned on Friday as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over his affair with Mrs Broadwell.

Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has said in a statement that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) referred the matter to the Pentagon on Sunday.

Gen Allen will remain in his job, but Mr Panetta said he had asked for the general's pending nomination as Nato's supreme allied commander in Europe to be delayed.

President Barack Obama had agreed to the postponement, the statement said.

Mr Panetta ordered a Pentagon investigation of Gen Allen on Monday, and said he requested that the US Senate Armed Services Committee move promptly on the nomination for Gen Allen's successor in Afghanistan, Gen Joseph Dunford.

Gen Allen was due to face a Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday. If approved, as had been widely expected, he was expected to take up his Nato appointment in early 2013.

Mr Panetta praised the general's work in Afghanistan, saying "his leadership has been instrumental in achieving the significant progress that Isaf, working alongside our Afghan partners, has made in bringing greater security to the Afghan people and in ensuring that Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for terrorists".

Gen Petraeus had been due to testify before a closed-door congressional committee meeting about the 11 September 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the ambassador and three other Americans.

Acting CIA director Michael Morell will testify in his place, although Gen Petraeus may be called at a later date.

Email exchanges
Gen Allen is said to have sent the emails to Jill Kelley, a married socialite from Tampa, Florida. She had already been named in the Petraeus scandal after she told the FBI she had received anonymous harassing emails.

When the FBI investigated, it traced the emails to Paula Broadwell, bringing to light her affair with Gen Petraeus.

Late on Monday, the FBI carried out a search of Mrs Broadwell's home.

Mrs Kelley has been described as an unpaid social liaison at the MacDill Air Force Base based in Tampa, Florida, which is headquarters of the US Central Command.

She is a family friend of Gen Petraeus but there is no suggestion that they were having an affair.

A senior Pentagon official said up to 30,000 pages of emails and other documents from Gen Allen's communications with Mrs Kelley between 2010 and 2012 were under review.

He would not say whether they involved sexual matters or whether they are thought to include unauthorised disclosures of classified information, the Associated Press news agency reports.

Gen Allen, a four-star Marine general, succeeded Gen Petraeus as the top American commander in Afghanistan in July 2011.

He was deputy commander of Central Command before taking over in Afghanistan. He is also a veteran of the Iraq war.

Gen Petraeus's affair with Mrs Broadwell began following his retirement from the army and about two months after he became director of the CIA. He said it ended about four months ago.

Gen Petraeus joined the CIA in September 2011 after heading international forces in Iraq and later in Afghanistan.

Petraeus-Allen scandal
Early summer - Jill Kelley complains to FBI friend of harassing emails - government official
Late summer - FBI establish emails come from Paula Broadwell, and that she has had an affair with David Petraeus - government official
21 Oct - FBI interview Ms Broadwell - government official
22-29 Oct - FBI interview Gen Petraeus - FBI official
6 Nov - FBI inform James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, of Petraeus affair. Mr Clapper speaks to Gen Petraeus
7 Nov - Mr Clapper informs White House
8 Nov - White House informs President Obama. He speaks to Gen Petraeus
9 Nov - President Obama accepts Gen Petraeus' resignation. Congressional committees informed
12 Nov - FBI searches Mrs Broadwell's home
BBC News - David Petraeus CIA scandal engulfs US Gen John Allen

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