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Upcoming British Monarch visit to Pakistan


Sep 8, 2009
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Pakistan should plan extra measures to ensure security for UK's top Personality
considering Indian plotters , just reminded me of previous World wars which started
after political royalties were targetted


ISLAMABAD: Prince William and his wife Kate will visit Pakistan later this year on the first royal trip to the country in more than a decade, Kensington Palace announced on Sunday.

Pakistan has battled militancy for more than a decade, with tens of thousands of people killed, but the security situation has stabilised recently after crackdowns on militants.

The royal couple’s visit, requested by Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, shows London’s renewed interest in Pakistan.

“Further details (of the visit) will be advised in due course,” Kensington Palace tweeted.

Pakistan welcomed the royal visit.

Tour reflects the importance UK attaches to Pakistan, says envoy

“Government and the people of Pakistan warmly welcome the announcement of the royal visit,” tweeted Pakistan’s envoy to Britain, Nafees Zakaria.

He wrote: “People of Pakistan cherish & fondly recall visits of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II to Pakistan during 1961 and 1997.”

“Upcoming Royal visit reflects the importance UK attaches to Pakistan. Both countries enjoy historical links and wish to strengthen them further.”

The visit comes 13 years after Charles and Camilla — the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwell — toured the country in 2006.

But Pakistan still vividly remembers the late Princess Diana’s visit in 1996.

She travelled to Islamabad, scenic northern areas and Lahore, where she was welcomed by cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan, the current prime minister.

Diana — who was friends with Imran Khan — also attended a fundraising event of his Shaukat Khanam Memorial Cancer Hospital.

Britain is home to more than a million people of Pakistani origin, making it the largest Pakistani diaspora in Europe.

Bilateral trade was worth almost $4 billion in 2017, with the UK currently Pakistan’s third largest source of foreign investment after China and the Netherlands, according to Britain’s Department of International Trade.

British Airways also landed back in Pakistan early this month, in a major vote of confidence from a Western airline, after suspending operations due to security fears over a decade ago.
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I think the visit of UK royalty is an important bench mark of growing Pakistani Ties with UK , a revival in relations you can say, with UK set to leave EU , great opportunity exist to grow ties with UK on bilateral manner


I think with the Positive support from UK on Kashmir issue i.e Allowing the people to protest has sent a positive message, at least I was positively impacted that Pakistani community in UK were able to raise concern inside UK in a Democratic manner

British Monarchs hold a Sentimental value and yes they can still suspend UK parliament as we have seen recently

Britain holds a great possibility to build ties with

Turkey has gone in deal with UK to make next generation fighter jet
If Turkey trusts UK with defense deals , I think down the line hopefully Pakistan can also collaborate on Civil and Defense deals

Pakistanis in British Common Wealth

  • 2 Million in UK
  • 1.5 Million in Canada
  • 1.0 Million in Australia

So their is certainly potential grow the ties with Common Wealth Nations as well

The arrival of Sea King Helicopters was a great gesture, given to Pakistan after a overhaul in UK


Pakistani Military contingent won award in UK based event

The visit is also a chance for People of Pakistan to raise awareness about Kashmir and gain UK's support on the critical matter for referendum for Kashmir
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This visit is very important. Not for any tangible benefits but something far bigger. Perception. International image. Across the globe the name Pakistan conjures another Somalia, another Syria, another Yemen, a failed, terrorist state. The British royals are one of the most recognized global figures and their visit will send a potent message. That is why this visit is important. With a better international image Pakistan will attract more investment in time as a new narrative replaces the one Pakistan has at the moment.
I would like to see Pakistan's relation with the Common Wealth Countries to grow a bit more

  • UK
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Newzeland
  • South Africa

Most of these nations welcomed Pakistani Citizen in Past , and now we have 2nd / 3rd generation Pakistanis in such countries. Possibilities exist to grow Business Ties

The fact we all speak English as a common language also helps greatly

  • Pakistan still has many British Approved Education Curricula in High-school

Indian Lobby tried to put / exert massive pressure on UK to stop Kashmir protest inside Kashmir but UK openly rejected their request and allowed peaceful demonstration against Indian Atrocities and criminal acts
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Unless they are bringing news of billions in investment this visit is no more than a PR stunt.....

All focuses of the government should be on the economics front.

A PR stunt that can bring renewed interest in the Tourism industry. If choreographed correctly it would be the best advertisement for an "Emerging Pakistan" That is young, vibrant, and forward looking. Great place for British/Commonwealth tourists and a great place for British/Commonwealth investment. If Pakistan looks like it is a solid bet for British investors to make money, the British establishment will be more likely to allow Pakistan to campaign for its causes.

With the uncertainty of a number of things, such as Brexit, a "PR Stunt" can't hurt.

If the Pakistani state reforms its investment environment correctly, it can try to attract pension funds and sovereign wealth funds of overseas Pakistanis and other Brits. If this can be done by Overseas Pakistanis and others in countries like the US, Canada, and other developed nations, it would provide the funds needed to bring at least Billions into the Pakistani economy on an Annual basis. India is doing something similar.



Coupling all of this, with attracting early UK investors looking to finance a growing market and get in early, before the next recession, can be seen as keeping British companies growing, in a part of the world where they already have deep ties.

For Example if the British invest in the agricultural industry, they can utilize the Pakistani free trade agreements with the Gulf countries, China, and Asean to increase yields and sell more value added goods, and earn a healthy profit. Its not that Pakistan can't do this on its own, but the equipment and resources to modernize the 45 Million acres of arable land is more than could be done without FDI.
We should invite King in the North as well .. He is the only one that is between what lies between North and south , once the wall is gone , God knows what kind of White Walkers will come from there .
UK is Pakistan's 3rd biggest trade partner and that just show important of UK to Pakistan

And lets be 100% real

> Bahrain , imprisoned Pakistanis for Kashmir Rally in Bahrain [FACT]
> UAE gave medal to modi for Killing Kashmiri [FACT]
> Oman housed Indian ships [FACT]

Mean while UK being a democratic nation has allowed Pakistanis , to gather in peaceful manner and protest the Human Rights Violation in Kashmir being committed by Indians

I would be eagerly awaiting the visit by the delegation and hope it would mean greater cooperation between two Nations
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Unless they are bringing news of billions in investment this visit is no more than a PR stunt.....

All focuses of the government should be on the economics front.
UK is an important partner and it can benefit from closer ties to her.
Consider the number of Pak Brits in British Parliament.. for fk sakes the bald headed dude is the second most important guy in UK.

We need to further our economic and military ties & our 2-4 million diaspora can play an important role.
In term of Education
Ideas of Home, Family , Music

Love for English Premier ship football lot of common elements

I mean when Pakistan's cricket team could not host games , it was UK who hosted Pakistani Cricket team's matches for some time , that was also a commendable gesture which perhaps was lost by our Local demographic that UK allowed , British stadium to be used as Pakistani Team's home ground
On Pakistani side Sohail Ahmed Azizi in his get up of "Malka Bartania" should welcome him, it would be really a funny and awkward scene :lol:

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