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Union of Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Jul 7, 2013
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The only solution to the present problem of instability in Afghanistan and Pakistan is in the Union of these two countries based on principles of Democracy and Federalism.

In history, Durani Empire was composed of all the areas in which today's Pakistan and Afghanistan are located, and during the Mughal Empire together they were a single country. In the initial period of the British Empire, they were also the same country.

Later, some forces that had vested interests kept a distance between these lands. Consequently, border areas between these two countries became hiding places for criminals of both countries, thieves of automobiles and other stolen goods. They are stored in this region. This large uncontrollable area is a base for many evils.

Here narcotics are grown; addiction is destroying the youth and humanity. Because the region is not developed and poverty is rampant, people are attracted to extremism and militancy.

Union of both countries will make the single government more responsible in stabilizing this region and in satisfying the nationalistic pride of its inhabitants. People will be able to serve humanity as other large nations of the world do. Otherwise, this region will always remain a nuisance for the world. It destroyed Soviet Union. It may also take down the western world, which will be a great blow to the development of Science and Technology, especially Medical science.
Advantages to the world:
Control of terrorism:
Instability in this region is causing great damage to humanity. Soldiers of many countries are sacrificing their lives just to eliminate terrorists from these countries. In the presence of a unified government, it will be easier to control terrorists.
Control of extremism:
As a unified nation composed of multiethnic groups such as the Punjabis, Sindhis, Baluchis, Pashtuns, Urdu speakers, Tajiks, Persians and Hazaras, and as a multisectarian society such as Sunni and Shiites, it will become impossible for any ethnic group or religious sect to find any future in extremism.
Stabilization of the region:
Although it is now that the problems of this region have gained attention, it has suffered from instability for a long time. People here are finding no hope, no future for themselves, partly because of interference from foreign countries, such as the British Empire, Soviet Union, USA, China and India. When they were unified under the Durani Empire, the region was stable. The same was the case during the Mughal Empire.
There are three main groups in Asia, i.e. the Chinese, Hindus and Muslims. Chinese and Hindus are satisfied with their states of China and India. The Muslim population in Asia is greater than the Chinese and Hindus combined. However, having no comparable state of their own they experience the stress of inferiority. That element too is causing instability and irritation amongst common Muslims. By creating a unified state of Pakistan and Afghanistan, a sense of satisfaction, pride and respect of having a national state will be achieved. That might lead to normalization of relations with the rest of the world and stability.
Solution to economic problems
At present, both countries are burdens on others, and pose barriers in exploring the resources of Central Asia by the world. After stabilization, it will be useful not only for Central Asia and for the World, but also for the new unified nation itself.
Advantages to Pakistan:
It was the vision of Quaid-e-Azam, the Founder of Pakistan, to unify the regions of West Pakistan, Afghanistan, East Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia. That probably needs time. It took many centuries for Europeans to realize that they shared a common goal.
• By unification with Afghanistan, areas, which are included in Pakistan, will stabilize, and migration of people from disturbed areas will stop.
• Smuggling of weapons across the borders will end, and Law and Order will be established.
• Similarly, illicit drug trade will be minimized.
• Whole areas of Pukhtoons (Pashtuns) speaking population will unify, and that will help the development of culture and language of that group which is now divided in two nations.
• Expenses for Security measures on the borders will be minimal. The resultant balance can be used for the welfare of people.
• Interference of other nations in this region will subside.
• Due to unique historical importance for Buddhists and Hindus, tourism industry will flourish and business activity in the region will increase.
Advantages to Afghanistan:
• Through unification, Afghanistan will cease to be a land locked country. The union will promote freedom of people of Afghanistan to travel and engage in economic activity,
• Extremism and terrorism will come to and end, as the people will become more engaged and involved in adjusting themselves in the new union. Utilization of raw products of Afghanistan will increase.
• Security and military expenses will minimize.
• Doors to Pakistan will open to Afghanis who look for jobs in Pakistan.
• Shortage of food products in Afghanistan will decrease and it will increase the utilization of raw products of Afghanistan.
• Linking Central Asia via Afghanistan to the rest of the world will generate extraordinary development.
Based on above observations, suggestions and predictions, it is clear that unification of Pakistan and Afghanistan will be fruitful for everyone in the region and for the world at large.
Mr. M. Akram Khan Niazi can be reached at

"Union of Afghanistan and Pakistan." « PKPolitics Discuss
i just found this Thread. what Afghans and Pakistanis thinks ?
I find it to be a brilliant idea, we are brothers. The policies and tactics of India are ripping both our nations apart.
Power sharing would be a huge problem. Forget Pakistan, Afghan politicians cant even seem to run their own country in unison. I mean the country has a CEO for goodness sake. People holding this title (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_executive_officer) usually sit on director boards of commercial enterprises, not the political establishment of sovereign nations. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Executive_Officer_(Afghanistan))

Theoretically it might sound like a good idea. Pakistan would gain a direct border with the Central Asian republics and Afghanistan would get a coastline, but practically its a disaster waiting to happen.
i just found this Thread. what Afghans and Pakistanis thinks ?

It is the only idea that has the possibility to bring peace in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

This idea is not new and has been under consideration since 1950s.

Even Serdar Mohmamd Daud Khan Shaheed, King Zahir Shah has thought to give it serious consideration.

Bhutto was against it as he saw Afghanistan as a backward -- but that was when the USSR was intact -- the CARs Afghanistan should be under the sphere of influence of Pakistan/Iran without posing as a threat to anyone.

There is a reason Afghans have a sense of entitlement to come live, study, heal in Pakistan -- have they asked themselves the question why they feel a sense of entitlement. Why is it when Pakistan asks them for visas to come to Pakistan they cry foul. Have you seen a Bosnian claim such privileges from Serbia?

If Afghans and Pakistanis want to remain two bit players then by all means remain as two different countries and be mired in war.

If Afghans and Pakistanis want to claim their place at the high tables of humanity -- they have no option, but to think of this option.

The 40 year war between the two countries (one that is likely to go on for another 20 years or more) is just a symptom of this artificial arrangement which the two states find themselves in.

One scenario that is may play out is that over the next 20 years:
1. It looks like Pakistan is going to use its well tested playbook with some modifications: expel Afghans, seal the border and raise the temperature in Afghanistan. The pretext is going to be smashing ISIS
2. Pakistan's economy will continue to grow at 5% per year or north of that
3. Afghanistan's economy will go into free fall especially as the donor appetitive of the West gets exhausted
4. This will lead to misery inside Afghanistan
5. This will cause the elites to abandon Afghanistan like they did before -- the Afghan Americans will go back to the US, the British Afghans back to the UK and the new generation will either become disillusioned and also jump ship. With Pakistan and Iran not allowing Afghans entry they will end up in Europe or other parts of the world resulting in an intellectual and power vacuum
6. Fragmentation of the Afghan state will continue to the point of the fall of the Najeebullah regime
7. Fragmentation of the Afghan state will lead to local control of provinces, roads, sectors,
8. It is possible these local administrations can be bought over by Pakistani proxies to sign standstill agreements with Pakistan followed by local referendums to be held in the future if they want to join an Afghan-Pakistan confederation
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It is the only idea that has the possibility to bring peace in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

This idea is not new and has been under consideration since 1950s.

Even Serdar Mohmamd Daud Khan Shaheed, King Zahir Shah has thought to give it serious consideration.

Bhutto was against it as he saw Afghanistan as a backward -- but that was when the USSR was intact -- the CARs Afghanistan should be under the sphere of influence of Pakistan/Iran without posing as a threat to anyone.

There is a reason Afghans have a sense of entitlement to come live, study, heal in Pakistan -- have they asked themselves the question why they feel a sense of entitlement. Why is it when Pakistan asks them for visas to come to Pakistan they cry foul. Have you seen a Bosnian claim such privileges from Serbia?

If Afghans and Pakistanis want to remain two bit players then by all means remain as two different countries and be mired in war.

If Afghans and Pakistanis want to claim their place at the high tables of humanity -- they have no option, but to think of this option.

The 40 year war between the two countries (one that is likely to go on for another 20 years or more) is just a symptom of this artificial arrangement which the two states find themselves in.

One scenario that is may play out is that over the next 20 years:
1. It looks like Pakistan is going to use its well tested playbook with some modifications: expel Afghans, seal the border and raise the temperature in Afghanistan. The pretext is going to be smashing ISIS
2. Pakistan's economy will continue to grow at 5% per year or north of that
3. Afghanistan's economy will go into free fall especially as the donor appetitive of the West gets exhausted
4. This will lead to misery inside Afghanistan
5. This will cause the elites to abandon Afghanistan like they did before -- the Afghan Americans will go back to the US, the British Afghans back to the UK and the new generation will either become disillusioned and also jump ship. With Pakistan and Iran not allowing Afghans entry they will end up in Europe or other parts of the world resulting in an intellectual and power vacuum
6. Fragmentation of the Afghan state will continue to the point of the fall of the Najeebullah regime
7. Fragmentation of the Afghan state will lead to local control of provinces, roads, sectors,
8. It is possible these local administrations can be bought over by Pakistani proxies to sign standstill agreements with Pakistan followed by local referendums to be held in the future if they want to join an Afghan-Pakistan confederation
Would it not risk degrading Pakistan further? Not only that, jealous Afghans will then have freedom to do what they want in Pakistan and this can only be bad for Pakistan.
Would it not risk degrading Pakistan further? Not only that, jealous Afghans will then have freedom to do what they want in Pakistan and this can only be bad for Pakistan.

Yes, it is not an easy proposition. I think the fault lies on both sides.

Before such a thing can happen there needs to be national movements on both sides that consolidate opinion along those fronts -- like we're better together.

Afghans may reach that conclusion if their state collapses this time around and they may not.

You can have a confederation that links freedom of movement rights to security and a time schedule.

Pakistan is incomplete without Afghanistan and Afghanistan is not viable without Pakistan -- what you see today are just side effects.
its all about give and take and i believe in one Federation, which should represent federation in all sense not just by name,is going to be a very strong country...
Only matter of time
Why just stop at Afghanistan, it can be expanded further.
I think this thread is hypothetical and not much fruitful.
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