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UN implicates Bashar al-Assad (Asshead) in Syria war crimes


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
UN implicates Bashar al-Assad in Syria war crimes

The UN's human rights chief has said an inquiry has produced evidence that war crimes were authorised in Syria at the "highest level", including by President Bashar al-Assad.

It is the first time the UN's human rights office has so directly implicated Mr Assad.

Commissioner Navi Pillay said her office held a list of others implicated by the inquiry.

The UN estimates more than 100,000 people have died in the conflict.

The UN's commission of inquiry into Syria has produced "massive evidence... [of] very serious crimes, war crimes, crimes against humanity," Ms Pillay said.

"The scale of viciousness of the abuses being perpetrated by elements on both sides almost defies belief," she said.

The evidence indicated responsibility "at the highest level of government, including the head of state", she added.

The inquiry has also previously reported it has evidence that rebel forces in Syria have been guilty of human rights abuses.

However, the investigators have always said the Syrian government appears to be responsible for the majority, and that the systematic nature of the abuse points to government policy.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad was dismissive of Ms Pillay's remarks.

"She has been talking nonsense for a long time and we don't listen to her," he told AP.

Mr Mekdad was in The Hague at a meeting of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to discuss the effort to destroy Syria's chemical weapons.

He told the BBC that Syria needed more money and equipment from the international community.

He said Syria needed lorries and armoured vehicles to transport chemicals to prevent "terrorists" attacking the vehicles on their way to the port of Latakia, where they will be loaded onto a US naval vessel for destruction.

An OPCW spokesman at the conference told the BBC that any donations of dual-use equipment would be carefully monitored and there would have to be strict guidelines imposed to make sure the machinery could only be used for the purpose of removing the weapons.

Death toll 'over 125,000'

Ms Pillay said the UN commission of inquiry had compiled a list of those believed to be directly responsible for serious human rights violations.

It is assumed that senior figures in the Syrian military and government are on that list, the BBC's Imogen Foulkes reports from Geneva.

However, the names and specific evidence relating to them remain confidential pending a possible prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

She has previously called on the UN Security Council to refer Syria to the ICC.

Syria is not a state party to the ICC and therefore any investigation into the conflict would need to be mandated by the Security Council.

However, Russia and China have a veto on the council and would be highly unlikely to let such a move pass.


Human rights groups say that the regime's use of air power often amounts to war crimes

Ms Pillay's statement is a reminder of the severity of the situation in Syria as preparations are made for the Geneva II peace conference next month, our correspondent says.

Both the government and the opposition National Coalition have said they will attend the conference, but the head of the Western-backed rebel Free Syrian Army has said it will continue fighting during the talks.

The National Coalition says it categorically rejects any role for President Assad in any transitional government, while the regime has said it is not going to negotiate a "handover of power".

Also on Monday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based activist group which monitors deaths in the conflict, said its estimate of the number of dead had now reached 125,835, more than a third of them civilians.

Almost 28,000 rebel fighters had died, and more than 50,000 on the side of the government, including both regular soldiers and pro-regime militias. The latter figure also includes almost 500 dead from the Lebanese Hezbollah movement and other foreign Shia militias.

However, it said it believed these figures were an underestimate as both sides were reticent about reporting deaths in their ranks.

The SOHR also reported on Monday that Islamist rebels had seized control of the town of Maaloula, which houses a historic Christian community.

Earlier the state-run Sana news agency had claimed that fighters from Islamist brigades had stormed Maaloula's St Tekla monastery and had detained some of the nuns that live there.

However, information is difficulty to verify as access for foreign journalists is restricted.

After fighting in the town in September, a nun at the monastery told the BBC she did not think the towns Christians had been deliberately targeted by rebels.

BBC News - UN implicates Bashar al-Assad in Syria war crimes

A child-murdering and largely isolated tyrant that is desperately trying to hold onto power. Nothing more to add. His time will come and he will not escape scotch free from his horrendous war crimes and crimes against humanity. The countries aiding him will be losers in history and their role condemned. The future liberated Syria will not forget those countries assistance to the Child-Murderer either for a long time being.

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE @Yzd Khalifa @Bubblegum Crisis etc.
125.000? It was 100.000 just a couple of months ago... when will this madness end?
125.000? It was 100.000 just a couple of months ago... when will this madness end?

There can be no ending when certain countries are supporting the tyrant with all what they have (nearly) when he has lost all legitimacy long ago. This will only make the Syrian opposition more determined not to lose. The international community is not doing anything either to stop it. All this creates madness and have attracted extremists on both sides (ISIS, Nusra) on one hand and HizbAlShaitan, Shia militias etc. on the other hand aside from Al-Assheads wild Shabiha gangs who are now roaming around freely targeting the civilian Syrian population in numerous massacres in villages etc.

So well done to the countries who are supporting a tyrant and child-murderer that has lost all his legitimacy long ago. Their support only prolongs a already lost conflict on the long run. Let us be honest about that. There is no way that Al-Asshead will rule all of Syria ever again. Or Ba'athis.

Even the international society knows it and so do the countries that support the tyrant and have been doing that from the beginning.

Look at the silence of his supporters. You know you are on the right side.
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But is the FSA really an alternative? I highly doubt it. This does not mean i support Assad, far from it. The other side is no better though and is increasingly being taken over by Jihadist elements flocking from all over the world.

There needs to be a third way in Syria. One that is independant from both Assad and FSA.
About time!

About forking time, that UN woke up and saw the horrors inflicted by Assad the butcher on his own damned people.

He is no better than ruthless dictators like Sad-Damn (the gasser of Kurds).

However at this moement, innocent men, women, and kids do not need this political mumbo jumbo about war crime accusations.

They need real help.

And sadly all of our countries are standing around f@rting while Assad butchers his own people.

I'll say Pakistani gov is the spineless spectator. And so is Iran., Saudi, and Turkey, and Indonesia.

All these damn goons stand up and down 5 times a day quacking about Islamic Ummah.

Now that Ummah is being raped by Assad the butcher, no one moves a finger.

Oh yeah.

some support these terrorists who too go kill Syrians.

No Siree.

Noone should ship these AK-47 to the terrorists be them forking Nusra or forking Qaida.

I am talking about dragging the @rse of Syria to UN and getting approval for boots on the ground.

This is time for action

But sadly it will come only from the White Europeans.

Us the immediate neighbors are only good for f@rting 5 times a day.


Really patheitc.

p.s. Sorry to be emotional. But someone has to say what's right. No Religious mumbo jumbo, no Arab vs. Irani $hit. It is the humanity we are talking about. Humanity that a butcher is murdering and we are all standing around with hands in our pant pockets checking and scratching our own nutz.
Sure it's our paradise and its your paradise you send wahhabi pigs and we will butcher them for them it's jihad when america invaded Iraq its gave them jihad that they want

Hy Somalian barefoot bediuan change the title if you are real makkawi hashimate like you say but it's clear that u are lair because they don't use such bad words and bani hashim they don't have bad mouth

@Zakii, @Jungibaaz @WebMaster

This troll is targeting me again and is racist against Somalians and is making lies up about me and is disrespectful towards the Banu Hashim.

Al-Assad is a tyrant and a child-murderer so calling him Asshead is actually a compliment from my side.

That you cheer and support a tyrant and child-murderer is not my problem.

Please deal with him.

About time!

About forking time, that UN woke up and saw the horrors inflicted by Assad the butcher on his own damned people.

He is no better than ruthless dictators like Sad-Damn (the gasser of Kurds).

However at this moement, innocent men, women, and kids do not need this political mumbo jumbo about war crime accusations.

They need real help.

And sadly all of our countries are standing around f@rting while Assad butchers his own people.

I'll say Pakistani gov is the spineless spectator. And so is Iran., Saudi, and Turkey, and Indonesia.

All these damn goons stand up and down 5 times a day quacking about Islamic Ummah.

Now that Ummah is being raped by Assad the butcher, no one moves a finger.

Oh yeah.

some support these terrorists who too go kill Syrians.

No Siree.

Noone should ship these AK-47 to the terrorists be them forking Nusra or forking Qaida.

I am talking about dragging the @rse of Syria to UN and getting approval for boots on the ground.

This is time for action

But sadly it will come only from the White Europeans.

Us the immediate neighbors are only good for f@rting 5 times a day.


Really patheitc.

p.s. Sorry to be emotional. But someone has to say what's right. No Religious mumbo jumbo, no Arab vs. Irani $hit. It is the humanity we are talking about. Humanity that a butcher is murdering and we are all standing around with hands in our pant pockets checking and scratching our own nutz.

I approve of that message sir. You unfortunately nailed it.
@Zakii, @Jungibaaz @WebMaster

This troll is targeting me again and is racist against Somalians and is making lies up about me and is disrespectful towards the Banu Hashim.

Al-Assad is a tyrant and a child-murderer so calling him Asshead is actually a compliment from my side.

That you cheer and support a tyrant and child-murderer is not my problem.

Please deal with him.

I approve of that message sir. You unfortunately nailed it.
The only disrespectful to bani hashim is you and your stupid ummyad nationalistic hate bani hashim they don't have this nationalistic assabyyia

Sure it's our paradise and its your paradise you send wahhabi pigs and we will butcher them for them it's jihad when america invaded Iraq its gave them jihad that they want

Hy Somalian barefoot bediuan change the title if you are real makkawi hashimate like you say but it's clear that u are lair because they don't use such bad words and bani hashim they don't have bad mouth
Who gives a **** :lol:, whether Assad will face court one day is up to the military situation in Syria not the UN or any other organisation, and you could take that to the Bank:coffee:
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