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UK's public angery at Chinese space programe, wants aid money back

If China is receiving British aid, it's because the UK desperately insists on it and believes aid is a conduit for political influence. Frankly, they could definitely scale back the aid and use it domestically - some parts of the UK are downright dilapidated.
lol we have been giving more aid to the developing world than the World Bank according to a study and lending over $1 trillion to America. The Brits think that 27 million will make any difference to us? :lol:

Hell, our government budget revenue alone is over $2 trillion. That's nearly the size of the entire British economy lol.

These so called 'aid' money is not really aid, its bribery to fund NGO's, political dissidents to disrupt China to collapse our economic growth by bringing social chaos.
When the disguisting robber return the treasure and relic which robbed from China, India, Egypt and other countrie to its home countries?

that will never happen they are already broke :D
The West doesn't give "aid" to anyone, that goes against the foundations of western "civilization".
No matter why, but we should thank UK on this thing, Thank you for your help no matter big hand or not!
Britishers whine a lot.

China, we are with you on this issue, at least.

Can anyone tell how much China gave in IMF bailout package for EU crisis. I remember India gave around $ 15 billion. China's share must be higher.
Oh please, the so called aid is essentially part of political formality, I agree to something, but you must give some compensation. Seriously, what exactly is 27 milion pounds going to do? Build two and a half kilometer of high speed rail?
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