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UK's public angery at Chinese space programe, wants aid money back

I'm actually surprised that even China receives aid that too from UK

The comments under Indian space program bashing articles in British newspapers are equally hilarious.

Both Chinese and Indian govt are not asking for aid. If Britain wants, they can stop the aid.
Here we goes again aid problem of Britian and its media.I dont think PRC world second largest economy of 8 trillion taken aid from UK.Britians and its media cant resist its jealous to rise of Asian nations like India and China.Actually China is far superior than UK.Without US support ,UK is a big zero.
I think this is only against India and ISRO.Now China .man ,somebody take hammer and smash in to UK head ,let them then wake up and see world reality.UK already become jokers in the world.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
lol... it seems all brits can do these days is whine like swine...... somebody tell them to wake up and smell thecoffee... it ain't 1600 anymore....
A few days ago, Cameron visited China, and signed 9.1 billion USD investment contract with China, including HSR and nuclear contracts. Now, Chinese companies are pouring money to Britain, who is in fact giving the aid? Funny Britain media...
lol... it seems all brits can do these days is whine like swine...... somebody tell them to wake up and smell thecoffee... it ain't 1600 anymore....

But their butts and heads are stuck in 1600s
This age is what we called Asia Century, and India, China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam all of them will became the more prominent player in global politic over the next decades ahead :azn: BTW, can we call all of those GCC countries as part of our Asia Century too? :partay:
Everyone wants free money,China is not short of cash,but if there's some money for free,why not.
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