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UK Inflation Rate Rises Again, hitting 10.4 percent in February


Nov 4, 2011
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UK Inflation Rate Rises Again, hitting 10.4 percent in February​

by Martin Armstrong,
Mar 22, 2023

UK inflation (CPI) hit 10.4 percent in February, 0.5 points higher than forecast and the seventh time the measure has been in double digits since the summer. After modest decreases each month since November, the jump upwards of 0.3 points in February came as somewhat of a shock. The chances of Thursday's interest rate revision being a rise are now very high.
According to the ONS, the latest increase "mainly reflected price rises in the restaurants and hotels, food and non-alcoholic beverages, and clothing and footwear divisions. These were partially offset by downward effects coming from recreation and culture, and from motor fuels within the transport division."


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This is only the beginning of a new dark reality for britain

UK Inflation Rate Rises Again, hitting 10.4 percent in February​

by Martin Armstrong,
Mar 22, 2023

UK inflation (CPI) hit 10.4 percent in February, 0.5 points higher than forecast and the seventh time the measure has been in double digits since the summer. After modest decreases each month since November, the jump upwards of 0.3 points in February came as somewhat of a shock. The chances of Thursday's interest rate revision being a rise are now very high.
According to the ONS, the latest increase "mainly reflected price rises in the restaurants and hotels, food and non-alcoholic beverages, and clothing and footwear divisions. These were partially offset by downward effects coming from recreation and culture, and from motor fuels within the transport division."


The West is collapsing and there will be no mercy when they collapse.
The West is collapsing and there will be no mercy when they collapse.
Yup. As we can see, even so called “Allies” like Saudi Arabia will be ready to draw knives once they sense weakness. There is a lot of resentment against historic western aggression and once the common understanding is that the west is failing, many countries will flip.
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inflation will go down as Bank of England increases interest rate.
The day when I see mass exodus of immigrants going back to their country of origin is the day I'll believe west is doomed. Until then, it's just propaganda.
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