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Uighur Muslim Kicked from Home Over Niqab

yeah i totally agree, i hate how girls dress up all faces covered as if they are going to watch Talibans perform latest Beiber hits!!!

At my university there are a few burka wearers. I have to hide my head in shame that someone might think I am the same culture as them. So humiliating.
At my university there are a few burka wearers. I have to hide my head in shame that someone might think I am the same culture as them. So humiliating.

Well the thing is banning is not a solution, education is. Teach them what's what... and down the line eventually they'll learn.
Well the thing is banning is not a solution, education is. Teach them what's what... and down the line eventually they'll learn.

They go to one of the best universities in Canada. Only the top students nationwide (and internationally) can go here so education is not the key. They have no control over themselves and are forced to wear it. If the government forces a ban then they will have to be complacent.
They go to one of the best universities in Canada. Only the top students nationwide (and internationally) can go here so education is not the key. They have no control over themselves and are forced to wear it. If the government forces a ban then they will have to be complacent.
Oh you talking about Caneda i thought somewhere in Indian. well then Good luck, I hope your govt. bans it.
Oh you talking about Caneda i thought somewhere in Indian. well then Good luck, I hope your govt. bans it.

They won't. The west is islamoapologists. India seems to be even more islamoapologist.
I can see the future ridiculing the face veil, like we do at slavery. And the Muslim women who support it are like the house N***** that Malcomx talked about,
Hey @Roybot , what will you bet if I say that not more than 2 green flags will post their views on this thread ??

You are losing the bet. Not even single green has come. lol

Its kind of allowed for china. But its not allowed for India.
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No I am winning this bet as I said not more than 2 pakistani that means 0,1 or 2 pakistani, you can see they came here and thanked that chibot's post but still didn't bother speaking up for their ummah .:lol:

If not this then what will indicate that, they(Pakistan) are in bed with China.

Man.... I know that. I was just making fun. I have said it many times that my sense of humor sux. BTW I am with you on this. Like I said, its allowed for china to treat Muslims like this. Its not allowed for India though. May be because we are not higher deeper like them.
and No 'thekedars of muslims' will comment on this thread and everybody know why.
@Zarvan @turbo charged what do you think, how can pakistan using their esteemed position as the vanguard of ummah convince, if not force china to stop such practices?

Or do you support it? Since most Pakistanis who post on all kids of muslim issues in India have fallen into the deeper than oceans ''reality check'', they are unable to post.
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No Muslim country is saying any thing about the repression of Uighur people i think they are suffering more then the Muslim of india or any other non Muslim country . the reason probably is Muslim, countries sees China as counter balance to western power so they really worried to say any thing strong against China .
No Muslim country is saying any thing about the repression of Uighur people i think they are suffering more then the Muslim of india or any other non Muslim country . the reason probably is Muslim, countries sees China as counter balance to western power so they really worried to say any thing strong against China .
You said the truth buddy.
But isn't that a hypocrisy??
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