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UFOs sighted in Indian Himalayas...!!


Apr 4, 2010
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i've been with this site for quite a long time
i was mostly interested in reading only so i never thought of posting a reply or starting a new thread or even registering myself here.

ever since im here i have seen youth and smart generations of either side only ( i mean mostly ) interestd in criticizing , humiliating, violating the believes and capabilities of each other......trying to let the other side down somehow and then having the sence of claiming false victory in the mind........

i've been in and out of this site and it started with threads mostly related to the war/winner of 1948, 65, 71, 99 .......each side claiming themselves to be the sole victors and seemed very happy and proud stating.... "few thousands died on our side and many more thousands died or your side ...."

a'right moving forward i found topics related to advanced technology, talks about next gen missile tech, aricrafts, space explorations took pace. . But No matter what the topic of discussion may be , it is bound to get diverted towards ones self-arrogance, superiority, ego and hatred.

Things of past will not bring any one any good, past need not to be discussed that has no relation with the present or the future. The world is not just confined to just what happened in thepast 60 yrs, today world has a lot more to offeer than we could possibly imagine

In conmtrast to those possiblities that i have in my mind i wish to start a new thread that would require the contributed discussion of the earth as a whole

theres one thing that has been bothering me fr so long
hope not much discusson is done on it here

(Dont know if its the right place for this thread im new here)
ExtraTerrestrials Trying To Avert Sumatra Super Volcano?

Geologists and astrophysicists are slowly getting convinced that the Sumatra epicenter of the earthquake that caused the landslide and Tsunami in late December and caused the Tsunami is in the same area where a mega volcano erupted 74,000 years back and killed almost all living beings on the earth. The ash and volcanic cloud engulfed the earth for years, most vegetation suffered, all living being suffered from hunger and was almost at the point of extinction.

The 74,000 year cycle is supposed repeat within a few years. The underwater behavior in the area of Sumatra, Andaman an Nicobar islands is strange. The number of aftershocks and the pattern of socks point towards some organized activities at the tectonic levels.

According to some Geological engineers and scientists, the tectonic plate movement may have been artificially created to avoid another mega volcano. It is possible and probable that the extra-terrestrials or some one is trying to save the earth from that same kind volcanoes and reslting calamities.

By manipulating the tectonic plates, it is possible to avoid massive volcanoes. The cuurent technologies in human possession are not advanced yet so that we can really neutralize earthquakes or volcanoes. But according to UFO researchers, the extra-terrestrials do. They probably want our civilization to move forward and not evaporate into dark space.

It is possible for that they have created a series of earthquakes in December and January to save us from a massive volcanoe later on. The analogy is similar to the way the firefighters fight the forest fires. In order to cut off the oxygen source, they select an area encircling the fire and set a protective fire. The same can be done at the tectonic plate level.

Only time will say what we are going to face in 2012. It seems based on what is happening in different parts of the world, some one or some entities are trying to avert some calamity.
UFOs hidden under electromagnetic flux invisible to human eyes but thousands of them are hovering all around us

Scientists in India finally understands how UFOs hover all around us without being visible. In Pune, India, some DRDO (Indian Defence Research & Development Organization) engineers are busy experimenting with a device that can see through the stealth effects of intense electromagnetic flux. According to some of these super smart brains of India, the final stealth effects come from creating an intense electromagnetic flux around any object. The Russians have been experimenting with similar stealth mechanisms.

The electromagnetic flux can be created through very advanced applications of super conductors. There are paranormal means of creating this flux that make anything invisible in true sense. The electromagnetic flux can be created through spiritual concentration by any human being. When such an event takes place, strange phenomena happen. And people call it miracle, heavenly effects and so on.

The scientists are getting very early indications that electromagnetic flux is used to keep the UFOs invisible from human eyes. Some animals have sensors that can sense energy levels beyond the electromagnetic flux. Probably dogs or cats are seeing UFOs all the time. But they cannot express what they see.

According to these scientists, a device that can see through electromagnetic flux is able to see UFOs all the time. The reason why UFOs are visible only in very rare cases and for a short time is as follows: When a UFO enters the earth’s atmosphere and approaches an object or a destination in the earth, the UFO has to transform from ultrasonic speed (speed of light times n) and maneuvering techniques to sonic or supersonic levels and adjust to earth’s electromagnetic and gravitational effects. Right at that moment, to avoid electromagnetic interference, the artificial flux is withdrawn for a very short span of time. After reaching speed levels that the UFO can use in earth’s atmosphere, the electromagnetic flux or cloud is regenerated and put all around the UFO. That explains why in many countries the Air Force Pilots have chased an UFO only to have them disappear in front of their own eyes.

Based on this new discovery, there can be innumerable UFOs all around us. There are early indications that teleport mechanisms will also come from advanced research of electromagnetic flux.
ET Can Disable ALL Nuclear Missiles

A new finding in India: Extraterrestrial UFOs have the capabilities to disable all nuke missiles in the world including those of India, Pakistan and China...

Indian scientists are slowly understanding that the Extraterrestrials have very unique power of jamming the operational characteristics of any device made by human beings. If they wish they can disable any equipment instantaneously. That may be one of the reasons why the UFOs are never really caught on the non-manipulated authenticate camera that can really prove their existence.

They can easily jam the operations of any nuke missiles in the world including that of India, Pakistan and China. They may have informed the same to all nuke powers of the world and that may be one of the reasons, major powers understand that owning nukes does not make any special strategic advantage.

In recent days, when Pakistan-India border tensions escalated, both India and Pakistan had difficulty in understanding why their nuke loaded missiles were disabled. American and Russians have experienced the same phenomenon several times in the last sixty years. The Chinese have experienced the effect and have in the past suspected Americans and others causing the problem. They have moved their nuke operational theater way below the earthís surface but the jamming effect have not gone away.

According to Indian scientists, if the extra-terrestrials ever get to know that a country is trying to use nuke missiles that will impact over the whole world to a catastrophic extent, they will immediately disable the nukes.

Reports from UK say that the extraterrestrials know very well every nuke installations and their exact locations in the world. The main reasons why these unmanned robotized UFOs visit in so many numbers on the earth is to locate all nukes that human being are making including the one made and carried by the terrorists like suitcase radiological bombs.

According to sources, all the Governments with nuke capabilities know that their delivery systems can be disabled by these extra-terrestrials and that is a major concern for them.
Extraterrestrial Mind Control in India

Mind control is a vast subject matter involving many levels of sophisticated technologies designed to control human thought, emotion and behavior. Many countries are researching this as a “non-lethal weapons technology” for a long time.

This was used first during the Second World War and then it continued to be used by various military in the world. This subject matter is private, rarely published to inform the public and is regarded as most “critical” weapon of the future. The methods known based on published research papers are complex and involve many activities. The primary goal of these methods is to control the mind without letting people know that their minds are controlled. This method involves physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components.

In spite of thousands of UFO sightings all over the world, the fact never comes out in public. India is no exception in this matter. While a secret debate is on whether to reveal the truth, there are evidence of application of mind control techniques of Indian politicians.

According to experts not all minds can be controlled. Certain personalities are difficult to hypnotize. These personalities rarely get subjected to mind control. According to India’s paranormal scientists, the UFO debate will continue to grow in intensity if the Mind Control theory is true.

India has experienced several UFO sightings in recent days. Every part of the country in the last two years has reported UFOs and suspicious activities. While the Government (current Congress and the opposition when in power one year back) have refused to comment on the UFO sightings. The military is tight lipped and only sporadically some of military personnel speak on their existence.

It is quite clear that hypno-programming is being applied in India’s Government officials and people of influence in a very sophisticated manner. While every one is concerned and scared about terrorism from Pakista’s ISI, Al-Queda and others, very few politicians in India are show their concerns about UFOs in the public.

One thing that hypno-therapists say is that once someone is under mind control, their minds go into a quasi hybernation or sleeping state. They lose their ability to react fast enough to things happening in front of their eyes. In other words parts of the brain is busy in doing other things. During the recent Tsunami, all the Government infrastructure just refused to react for hours before all damage was complete. The politicians just failed to react. There can be no reason for that other than their brain (all of them) was sluggish.

Researchers also say, if a brain is under mind control phenomenon, the brain is sluggish initially but when something catastrophic happens, the mind reacts with much extra agility and mobility. That is exactly what happened here too. After the damage was done and the politicians “woke up from hibernation”, they reacted fast, mobilized the military, devoted all the resources and the world saw one of the most efficient relief and rescue operations in India without any International Non Government Relief Organizations. The same politicians and their assistants who did not move for hours before the Tsunami in spite of several warnings from different directions and sent faxes to wrong numbers causing thousands of innocent people die, became super agile after the Tsunami and did a fantastic clean up and relief operation.

In alien mind controlled systems, the methods are more subtle and sophisticated. Overt methods are not as evident, but the psychic programming is still present. Psychic and spiritual linking makes it more difficult to detect and the mind control mechanisms are much wide spread that we can think.

A local Government official was shown some strange lights and flying crafts in Port Blair, Andaman a few days before the Tsunami. He observed it and promised to look into the matter. After the Tsunami, the same person denied remembering anything about it.

India and Pakistan’s recent peace initiatives are interesting too, both were about to nuke each other just a few years back. Something happened all on a sudden and both the leaderships are proceeding to make relations better and settle all the disputes amicably. There is nothing strange about settling things in a peaceful manner – as a matter of fact that can be the best thing possible. But the way it is done is interesting. Both sides are facing stumbling blocks and occasionally flare up against each other but something or someone is controlling both the parties to come back to the table and move on with talks. They have agreed to nothing substantial as of today even after a year of negotiation but they keep coming back to the table and move forward. Both the parties are showing enough patience and maturity that were absolutely absent a few years back.

One explanation of this is in the fact that somehow some mind control work is being applied to relieve the world from the worst flashpoint of nuke exchanges.
ARE THERE EXTRA-TERRETRAILS AND UFOs???? if they are WHY they want to save us?? there must be some assumptions put farward by scientists???
In recent days, when Pakistan-India border tensions escalated, both India and Pakistan had difficulty in understanding why their nuke loaded missiles were disabled. American and Russians have experienced the same phenomenon several times in the last sixty years. The Chinese have experienced the effect and have in the past suspected Americans and others causing the problem. They have moved their nuke operational theater way below the earthís surface but the jamming effect have not gone away.
OMG this info is mindblowing if its right hooofs
In spite of thousands of UFO sightings all over the world, the fact never comes out in public. India is no exception in this matter. While a secret debate is on whether to reveal the truth, there are evidence of application of mind control techniques of Indian politicians.
While every one is concerned and scared about terrorism from Pakista’s ISI
They lose their ability to react fast enough to things happening in front of their eyes. In other words parts of the brain is busy in doing other things. During the recent Tsunami, all the Government infrastructure just refused to react for hours before all damage was complete. The politicians just failed to react. There can be no reason for that other than their brain (all of them) was sluggish.
WHO did this and why?

1.studing all your article i have come to the conclusion that the extra-terrestrails are so generous to humans! but here is a question WHY?
2. HUMANs are so evil and incompitant that thier matters are resolved by unknown's activities such as mind controlling and disabling nukes! but why did they(unknowns) not stooped US when they nuked japan? and why did they jammed the politicians that they could not save many lives???
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Provide the links, this is very fascinating.

I think Israel is behind all this. LOL

To be honest I never came across this and I really like this kind of theories, better than which country did what and whose secret service is doing who.
Provide the links, this is very fascinating.

I think Israel is behind all this. LOL
nah man!!! if they were able to do this then all worls were controlled by them lolz :D however one can assume that some of the techneques may be known by them but obviously they dont have UFOs and such high tech nuke jamming devices....
Interesting and scary stuff!

On a side note, has anyone on this forum been kidnapped, or suspected being kidnapped by aliens before? any memory lapses while in the above mentioned regions, by any chance? Next time give us a shout and don't forget to post some cool photos when you are looking down up there!
Oh god. You guys can't be taking this seriously. It's all speculation with no proof.

well same things peoples were saying in 1850 how can a plane fly even they were laughing same as you are now

well open your mind everything is possible in the world

impossible = i m possible

our science are behind from the alien and who know after 50 -100 years we will be able to talk with them
Underground Extra-terrestrial UFO bases all around the world – a mind boggling theory

Geologists in the East and West coasts are busy understanding a new theory that shows possible underground UFO bases all around the world.

According to this theory the UFO bases are along the interface of the seven large and many small tectonic plates meet each other. According to the UFO researchers, the underground UFO bases are deep under the ground where multiple tectonic plates push on top of each other. For example the Indian plate and Eurasian plates colliding against each other along the Himalayas makes it an ideal locations.

According to this theory, the UFO bases need to be deep under the ground because the UFO crafts need to be close to the mantle of the earth. Servicing of these crafts can be done in that electromagnetic environment only. In addition according to this theory the crust must be as thick as possible in that area. That is only available where one tectonic plate moves on top of another tectonic plate.

The UFO researchers are now predicting that there are many UFO bases at the sub-tectonic level. Most of these are in remote areas or under the ocean.

The UFO vehicles according to these researchers are fuelled and serviced in an environment that has much higher electromagnetic flux.

Indiadaily.com - Underground Extra-terrestrial UFO bases all around the world – a mind boggling theory
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