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UAE Considering a Submarine Capability

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Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

Source : AMI International

Gulf Navies Seek Solutions to Iran Midget Sub Threat

Nov. 9, 2013 - 04:17PM
By Awad Mustafa

Abu Dhabi -
Iranian midget submarines are an imminent threat to maritime security in the Arabian Gulf, and regional naval leaders are looking for immediate options “within reach” to counter the threat.

That means acquiring anti-submarine weaponry in the short term and new submarines in the longer term, said Rear Adm. Ibrahim al Musharrakh, commander of United Arab Emirates (UAE) naval forces.

“Anti-submarine operations are causing a real challenge to our units in the Arabian Gulf waters due to the small subs that are being used in shallow waters, which creates a challenge for sonar systems to detect them,” Musharrakh told the Gulf Naval Commanders Conference here Nov. 6. “Furthermore, the merchant traffic creates clutter and noise that diminishes the capability of submersible devices to spot and helps the mini subs to operate without being spotted.”

The Iranian Navy and Revolutionary Guard Command have launched three classes of submarines, two of which are small subs, since 2007. The programs, however, have been very secretive and limited information has been released on them by the Iranian naval command.

According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a nonprofit nuclear watchdog, three Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines were commissioned from 1992 to 1996. They are called Tareq-class subs in Iran.

Iran reportedly paid US $600 million for each boat, and they are all based at Bandar Abbas in the Strait of Hormuz. Two of the Kilo-class submarines are operational at any one time and are occasionally deployed in the eastern mouth of the strait, the Gulf of Oman or the Arabian Sea.

However, the real threat is from the smaller submarines deployed in 2007. According to the NTI, that’s when a wave of deployments began of small Ghadir-class and Nahang-class midget submarines for use in shallow coastal waters.

NTI reports that the number of operating Ghadir-class submarines ranges from 10 to 19.

The Ghadir-class is also referred to as a sub-class of the Yono class, suggesting that the submarines may be based on North Korean technology, although the level of North Korean involvement is unknown, the organization said.

The midget subs are operated by both the Iranian Navy and Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN). Their operational capabilities include firing torpedoes (both the Ghadir and the Nahang class have two, 533mm tubes), laying mines for anti-shipping operations, as well as insertion of special forces into enemy territory. Iran is also experimenting with wet submersibles. The Sabehat-15 GPS-equipped two-seat submersible swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV), designed by the Esfahan Underwater Research Center, has undergone testing with both the Iranian Navy and the IRCGN.

Due to their limited endurance and payload, NTI’s report on Iranian Submarine Capabilities released in July states that the SDVs are primarily used for mining, reconnaissance and special operations and are restricted to operating in coastal waters.

Musharrakh stated that, despite the information collected, there remains a lack of intelligence.

“The Arabian Gulf’s natural incline and the navigation of large marine vessels on certain routes would make it very hard for conventional and mini submarines to operate in it,” he said. “However, they still present a clear danger to units operating in the gulf, infrastructure and merchant traffic.”

“We need accurate intelligence on the capabilities of these small boats, their operations, areas they are deployed and how they are operated as well as their weaknesses,” he added.

Col. Yousif al Mannaei, deputy commander of the Bahrain Naval Operations Center, echoed Musharrakh’s call for more intelligence collection.

“As we all know that the sea is very vital for our well being and the world economy, the air supremacy and surface supremacy has been achieved,” he said. “However, we have no subsurface superiority in the Arabian Gulf waters.

“It is a real threat, and the [Gulf Cooperation Council] really understands that and are pursuing ways to counter that; at this point, the exchange of information and intelligence sharing, as well as the formation of a database, is vital,” he said.

Musharrakh said many options are available in the long term, including the acquisition of a submarine fleet.

“There are many different options for combating the threat of submarines in the region, for building the capacity and the capability to acquire submarines is something that is still under process and will take a long time.” He stressed that the threat is imminent and could strike at any moment.

“What we need is something within reach that we can use to counter the threat now; in the long term, you will probably see naval forces in the region acquiring submarines,” he added.

The UAE Navy has ongoing development programs of unmanned surface vessels, among others, but Musharrakh told Defense News that, until now, no defense contractor has presented a clear and viable solution to the threat.

“USVs have not yet proven themselves as viable and effective solutions to combat midget subs,” he said. “What we need are ships with a crew and capability to follow and track these ships, and capable of using the next-generation sonar that can spot them,” he told Defense News.

Defense News

Summarize again… :smart:

- 4 ‘Scorpène class AIP (Air-independent propulsion) submarine’ or ‘South Korean Son Won-il (KSS-II) Type U-214 AIP class’ with ToT (9 or 10 those with KSA - GCC -)

Scorpène class AIP submarine

South Korean Son Won-il (KSS-II) Type U-214 AIP class

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About freaking time.

I always said possessing an AiP sub will enhance our self-defense capabilities.

Can you pass the salt too, please? :lol:
Yes they should do it if you look their future plans they are going for really good Navy I mean really good at size but in that plan their is no underwater capabilities so they should two or maximum 4 submarines to their Navy @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE @Arabian Legend @Aeronaut
Do they even have the manpower? The Capabilities, you dont start with a submarine. All UAE has is some patrol boats.
Why is UAE investing so much in defence equipment? What is their security threats?
Why is UAE investing so much in defence equipment? What is their security threats?
Every country should do it and be most strong economically as well as militarily those who don't they are sitting ducks when ever some one will want to eat them up they will just roast them and enjoy them so UAE should go for it
United Arab Emirates Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just look at their future plans Sir they have off course man power to do it and with these future they definitely need Submarines too minimum 2 and maximum 4

Baby surface ships manned by non nationals. They do not have the expertise or anything. They cannot maintain these vessels at home and you think they an handle a submarine? Or maybe Allah will help?

Have some basic knowledge regarding armed forces.
Baby surface ships manned by non nationals. They do not have the expertise or anything. They cannot maintain these vessels at home and you think they an handle a submarine? Or maybe Allah will help?

Have some basic knowledge regarding armed forces.
I know but majority of their Armed forces are local UAE guys not from outside and yes some are from Pakistan in fact this is the only field they have in which majority are Arabs local UAE guys because in other fields fare more education is needed and UAE is now doing something for local UAE guys the Arabs to have some education
We should come out of the 60s and 70s already, these guys are much more educated now. In fact, percentage wise they are way ahead of us. Nation states don't just decide they want to buy a sub just like that, all the points being raised here have surely already considered and planned for by their leadership.

Source : AMI International

Summarize again… :smart:

- 4 ‘Scorpène class AIP (Air-independent propulsion) submarine’ or ‘South Korean Son Won-il (KSS-II) Type U-214 AIP class’ with ToT (9 or 10 those with KSA - GCC -)

Scorpène class AIP submarine

South Korean Son Won-il (KSS-II) Type U-214 AIP class


Although it appreciable. But the ARAB States are quite late as always. Although not a bad idea. Its good for UAE, KSA, Jordan and Oman to join in EU.
I know but majority of their Armed forces are local UAE guys not from outside and yes some are from Pakistan in fact this is the only field they have in which majority are Arabs local UAE guys because in other fields fare more education is needed and UAE is now doing something for local UAE guys the Arabs to have some education

I know way more than you do about UAE armed forces. They actually have staff shortage at all levels. All local guys are officers, the non national infantrymen. They are never going to have a real army, a real military does not depend on foreigners running your ships, flying your planes, manning your air defences. They have the french flying their Mirages and the Americans as support and ground crew for F-16s. Some infact flying their F-16s. So much so that they banned Pakistani trainers from flying F-16s ( uncle being a trainer there at Dhafrah base ). Where is the ummah here. Khair dont blame them, their planes Americans rules.

Oh they have the best education available, but throwing eduation doesnt create a nation, hardwork does and the locals have no bone for hardwork. All their systems are dependant on foreigners. If they leave UAE will be a wasteland. Then comes the racism, if they see people like you they will call you miskeen on your face, treat you like shit. Khair I'm American so they were always vary and unsure of what to say :D
I know way more than you do about UAE armed forces. They actually have staff shortage at all levels. All local guys are officers, the non national infantrymen. They are never going to have a real army, a real military does not depend on foreigners running your ships, flying your planes, manning your air defences. They have the french flying their Mirages and the Americans as support and ground crew for F-16s. Some infact flying their F-16s. So much so that they banned Pakistani trainers from flying F-16s ( uncle being a trainer there at Dhafrah base ). Where is the ummah here. Khair dont blame them, their planes Americans rules.

Oh they have the best education available, but throwing eduation doesnt create a nation, hardwork does and the locals have no bone for hardwork. All their systems are dependant on foreigners. If they leave UAE will be a wasteland. Then comes the racism, if they see people like you they will call you miskeen on your face, treat you like shit. Khair I'm American so they were always vary and unsure of what to say :D
Yes this is the only country which has more outside population than locals so they have lot of others in their forces but yes they should go for strong Navy with Submarines and Saudi Arabia also needs to go for quite big number of Submarines as well as Oman
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