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U.S. would act if Israel strikes Iran

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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November 19th, 2013
12:01 AM ET

If Israel strikes Iran, Dempsey says U.S. 'would meet' obligations
By Dan Merica

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey said Monday that if Israel were to strike Iran in an effort to damage the country's nuclear program, the United States would meet "some defined obligations" it has to the Middle East nation.

"I feel like we have a deep obligation to Israel," the military leader said. "That is why we are in constant contact and collaboration with them."

This fall, diplomats from the United States and other interested countries have met to deal with Iran's nuclear program and ways in which advancements could be halted.

According to a senior administration official last week, the United States and other countries are "getting close" to an interim deal with Iran that would prevent its nuclear program "from advancing, and roll it back" in key areas.

The deal would lessen sanctions against Iran, a move that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN on Sunday would be a mistake. Instead, the Israeli leader said Western nations should "ratchet up the sanctions" on Iran rather than go through with a proposal for a nuclear agreement that he calls an "extremely bad deal."

"Iran is really on the ropes, their economy is ... close to paralysis, and all of a sudden, you take off the pressure, everybody will understand that you're heading south," he said.

This is not the first time in the last week American leaders have looked to reaffirm the United States' commitment to Israel.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, in an exclusive interview with CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr, said Saturday night the United States is "listening carefully" to Israel. He reiterated that Washington is continuing its longtime strategy to ensure that Iran cannot gain the capability of building nuclear weapons.

Earlier on Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry made a similar statement.

"We believe deeply in our commitment to Israel," Kerry said during a media availability. "I can assure those friends and everybody else watching this that nothing that we are doing here, in my judgment, will put Israel at any additional risk."

Dempsey's Monday remarks came during the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, an event that brings CEOs from around the world to Washington to meet with policy makers and listen to public interviews.

Dempsey credited Israel with being "an example of what could be" in the Middle East.

"If we had one of my Israeli counterparts sitting here, they would tell you that most of the Arabs living in Israel have a better life than the Arabs living in the rest of the region and that is true," he said.

- CNN's Jim Sciutto and Steve Almasy contributed to this report.
November 19th, 2013
12:01 AM ET

If Israel strikes Iran, Dempsey says U.S. 'would meet' obligations
By Dan Merica

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey said Monday that if Israel were to strike Iran in an effort to damage the country's nuclear program, the United States would meet "some defined obligations" it has to the Middle East nation.

"I feel like we have a deep obligation to Israel," the military leader said. "That is why we are in constant contact and collaboration with them."

This fall, diplomats from the United States and other interested countries have met to deal with Iran's nuclear program and ways in which advancements could be halted.

According to a senior administration official last week, the United States and other countries are "getting close" to an interim deal with Iran that would prevent its nuclear program "from advancing, and roll it back" in key areas.

The deal would lessen sanctions against Iran, a move that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN on Sunday would be a mistake. Instead, the Israeli leader said Western nations should "ratchet up the sanctions" on Iran rather than go through with a proposal for a nuclear agreement that he calls an "extremely bad deal."

"Iran is really on the ropes, their economy is ... close to paralysis, and all of a sudden, you take off the pressure, everybody will understand that you're heading south," he said.

This is not the first time in the last week American leaders have looked to reaffirm the United States' commitment to Israel.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, in an exclusive interview with CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr, said Saturday night the United States is "listening carefully" to Israel. He reiterated that Washington is continuing its longtime strategy to ensure that Iran cannot gain the capability of building nuclear weapons.

Earlier on Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry made a similar statement.

"We believe deeply in our commitment to Israel," Kerry said during a media availability. "I can assure those friends and everybody else watching this that nothing that we are doing here, in my judgment, will put Israel at any additional risk."

Dempsey's Monday remarks came during the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, an event that brings CEOs from around the world to Washington to meet with policy makers and listen to public interviews.

Dempsey credited Israel with being "an example of what could be" in the Middle East.

"If we had one of my Israeli counterparts sitting here, they would tell you that most of the Arabs living in Israel have a better life than the Arabs living in the rest of the region and that is true," he said.

- CNN's Jim Sciutto and Steve Almasy contributed to this report.

The first part in bold, just shows this guy is a Christian evangelist loon. As for the second part, what in the world did that propaganda have anything to do the topic of discussion.

All you see on CNN is one side of the story, the same pro Israel crowd over and over again for decades straight. They never get sick and tired of this pleading by American traitor Jews who support Israel's interests and hegemony over the worlds solutions.

Here is CNN again day and day out bringing the topic of Iran as to get Americans used to hearing about it so it's as if we are dealing with our own conflict and need to 'solve' it when the times come. These so called 'journalists' are foreign agents and disloyal to the American people.

This time though, the American people are well aware of their plans.

Also in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran, let's hope US pilots go against their orders and shoot down Israeli planes on their way. Even US soldiers and personnel are sick of Israel.
The first part in bold, just shows this guy is a Christian evangelist loon. As for the second part, what in the world did that propaganda have anything to do the topic of discussion.

All you see on CNN is one side of the story, the same pro Israel crowd over and over again for decades straight. They never get sick and tired of this pleading by American traitor Jews who support Israel's interests and hegemony over the worlds solutions.

Here is CNN again day and day out bringing the topic of Iran as to get Americans used to hearing about it so it's as if we are dealing with our own conflict and need to 'solve' it when the times come. These so called 'journalists' are foreign agents and disloyal to the American people.

This time though, the American people are well aware of their plans.

Also in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran, let's hope US pilots go against their orders and shoot down Israeli planes on their way. Even US soldiers and personnel are sick of Israel.

We dont need USA to protect us. They are not the good guys. Iran by itself can defend itself and retaliate and do so very agressively witn an iron fist. They dont dare coming near us
We dont need USA to protect us. They are not the good guys. Iran by itself can defend itself and retaliate and do so very agressively witn an iron fist. They dont dare coming near us
and when attitudes like this eventually force western powers to show you their militaries indeed do have a severe upperhand over Iran's military, u will see ur own loved ones face serious problems, that all started with attitudes like this.

There's courage, and there's suicidal overestimation of ur own abilities..
Damn, Iran attack news are like daily news.... one story, getting boring for every one!
till next time :wave:
and when attitudes like this eventually force western powers to show you their militaries indeed do have a severe upperhand over Iran's military, u will see ur own loved ones face serious problems, that all started with attitudes like this.

There's courage, and there's suicidal overestimation of ur own abilities..

I never said anything about us having superior conventional military, nor that we would ever start an attack. We dont play that game. Our doctrine is based on deterrence.
And for that we have developed a ROBUST assymetric defense doctrine, that no one would think about seriously consider to start a war with Iran.

US had superior military in Vietnam war, but still had their poor sorry a.sses handed to them by a guerilla movement (viet cong) and left Vietnam utterly defeated.
Iran is like that but mulitplied several times.

If anyone is overestimating it is you. You are overestimating your militarys capability to force a favorable strategic outcome. So foolish
I never said anything about us having superior conventional military, nor that we would ever start an attack. We dont play that game. Our doctrine is based on deterrence.
And for that we have developed a ROBUST assymetric defense doctrine, that no one would think about seriously consider to start a war with Iran.

US had superior military in Vietnam war, but still had their poor sorry a.sses handed to them by a guerilla movement (viet cong) and left Vietnam utterly defeated.
Iran is like that but mulitplied several times.

If anyone is overestimating it is you. You are overestimating your militarys capability to force a favorable strategic outcome. So foolish

please explain what you mean by "ROBUST assymetric defense doctrine"? What makes these defense doctrines of yours so robust? And how are they assymetric against the nato and israeli militaries that are your current most capable adversaries?
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please explain what you mean by "ROBUST assymetric defense doctrine"? What makes these defense doctrines of yours so robust? And how are they assymetric against the nato and israeli militaries that are your current most capable adversaries?

He means car-bombs against Jewish targets in other countries. Like what iran did in Argentina.

Are you going to answer my previous question to you in this thread? Or shall we consider your claims as ridiculous as the other claim you made;

I never said anything about us having superior conventional military, nor that we would ever start an attack

considering what your leaders and military are up to in Syria for instance..
Sure they would act when we going to destroy israeli military 1973 when israel was about to get crashed america acted to save israel but the soviet threaten to destroy any American ship go to help israel but the Americans supplied israel with airplanes if was not for soviets the war would had changed to israel side and if was not for USA israel have been crashed
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