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U.S. wants the Taliban to accept at least two military bases, Bagram and Shorabak. Taliban say NO

No, it is WE who will decide what happens in Afghanistan. I say the US should leave Afghanistan and let the country and the Taliban be the Muslims' problem. Sure, for a short time, the Muslims will cheer and jeered that the US was 'defeated' in Afghanistan. Another 'empire' lost. But after a few yrs, the Taliban with its nature will create troubles for ALL of you, with your Pakistan with the biggest headache. We proved our point, that if you fokk with US, we will beat you and drink from your skulls.

When I see the pure arrogance coming from your comments an old saying comes to mind. United we stand? Or divided we fall? I guess it's "Divided we fall."
When I see the pure arrogance coming from your comments an old saying comes to mind. United we stand? Or divided we fall? I guess it's "Divided we fall."
Maybe -- just maybe -- your great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren will see that day. :enjoy:
And where the fck does this leave the afghan Kabul government writ.

Appears not very far then.

Taliban promoted to a official level by the Americans.


What is the credibility of Waheed Muzhda?

Any reasonable person would assume that If there is any strategic bases US wants under its control, it would already have it under its control while it still in Afghanistan in a major way. Maybe can someone can tell me if both of these bases are under US control at the moment.
I have no doubt that US would remain in Afghanistan in the long term and would keep some bases. But i doubt the authenticity of this news.
So now after 17 years of a super power using all the might it had, has come down to begging to the people they came to fight in the first place.
Surah Al-Anfal(8:30)
And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.
Aap ney kuch zaida chorr dee.

Although the Quranic revelation is beautiful, and true.

Mullah Omar = Dead
Osama Bin Laden = Dead
Al-Qaeda Network = Eliminated?

US came to eradicate Al-Qaeda Network, and where it is now? Taliban-led government stood in its way and this is why it was punished. Taliban have lost an entire generation of its members in this war, in case you didn't knew (they are hardened nuts but still human and willing for talks).

US was not planning to eradicate Afghan Taliban (not feasible) but it has created a strong opposition for it which is also a form of punishment [if you can see through the facade]. Afghan Taliban have to adjust to this new reality actually.

Another thing is that US have learned a great deal from its exploits in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). You do not understand how the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX benefit from these expeditions, and in what ways.

I have followed this war from day one, and have vivid memories of what has transpired since 2001.

Master of getting humiliated where ever they go
FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/history-of-american-wars.538912/

You sure?

LOL kicking the Afghan Taliban's asses? Looked like the Afghan Taliban kicked your a/s/s!

Why is USA negotiating with the Afghan Taliban? Is that just for games? Why is USA admitting that there can be no military solution to Afghanistan? LOL.

Keep fighting there and get killed and maimed there!
He is referring to US-led attack on Taliban-led government and its forces across Afghanistan during the period (2001 - 2002). I was in college back then, and I recall US-led forces sweeping much of Taliban across Afghanistan at the time. In-fact, Taliban lost an entire generation of combatants during those days (and much of its conventional infrastructure). There were a handful of survivors who took refuge in the caves of Tora Bora mountains, and then fled to Pakistan. The movie 12-Strong showcase this operation up to the point of fall of Mazar-e-Sharif.

The Taliban you see today is a fresh movement (since 2014) with new faces. This is the harsh reality of Afghanistan; Afghans will never stop resisting. US on the other hand, has erected a powerful opposition to counter resurgent Taliban. Now, we see a stalemate-like situation for the Taliban and its opposition (Afghan government). Now the endgame is political; if Taliban lay down arms and decide to work with Afghan government - US still wins.
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Aap ney kuch zaida chorr dee.

Although the Quranic revelation is beautiful, and true.

Mullah Omar = Dead
Osama Bin Laden = Dead
Al-Qaeda Network = Eliminated?

US came to eradicate Al-Qaeda Network, and where it is now? Taliban-led government stood in its way and this is why it was punished. Taliban have lost an entire generation of its members in this war, in case you didn't knew (they are hardened nuts but still human and willing for talks).

US was not planning to eradicate Afghan Taliban (not feasible) but it has created a strong opposition for it which is also a form of punishment [if you can see through the facade]. Afghan Taliban have to adjust to this new reality actually.

Another thing is that US have learned a great deal from its exploits in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). You do not understand how the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX benefit from these expeditions, and in what ways.

I have followed this war from day one, and have vivid memories of what has transpired since 2001.

FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/history-of-american-wars.538912/

You sure?

He is referring to US-led attack on Taliban-led government and its forces across Afghanistan during the period (2001 and 2002). I was in the college back then, and I recall US-led forces sweeping much of Taliban across Afghanistan in those days. In-fact, Taliban lost an entire generation of combatants during those days and much ofi its infrastructure. There were a handful of survivors who took refuge in the caves of Tora Bora mountains, and then fled to Pakistan.

The Taliban you see today is a new movement with new faces. This is the hard reality of Afghanistan; Afghans will never stop resisting. US on the other hand, has erected a powerful opposition for it. Now, we see a stalemate-like situation for the new Taliban and its opposition (Afghan government).
Fine, sensible post.
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