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U.S. Report Finds One Child Policy Fuels Demand, Sex Trafficking In China


Aug 2, 2012
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Chris Smith

U.S. Report Finds One Child Policy Fuels Demand, Sex Trafficking In China

The Chinese Government was downgraded by the U.S. Department of State today and designated as one of the worst offenders in the world in combating human trafficking—joining North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe and Iran.

“China has become the sex and labor trafficking capital of the world,” said U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), the prime author of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA—Public Law 106-386) that, among its numerous provisions, authorized the State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP report) that was released today.

“As a direct consequence of the barbaric one child per couple policy in effect since 1979, China has become the global magnate for sex traffickers,” Smith said. “Women and young girls have been—and are today being—reduced to commodities and coerced into prostitution. Without serious and sustained action by Beijing, it is only going to get worse.”

Smith said that “because tens of millions of girls have been systematically killed by sex selection abortion over the past three decades—resulting in an unprecedented number ‘missing’ women and girls—demand for prostituted women and “brides” is exploding in China.

Specifically the State Department’s TIP report said:

‘The Chinese government’s birth limitation policy and a cultural preference
for sons, create a skewed sex ratio of 118 boys to 100 girls in China, which
served as a key source of demand for the trafficking of foreign women as
brides for Chinese men and forced prostitution. Women from Burma,
Malaysia, Vietnam, and Mongolia are transported to China after being
recruited through marriage brokers or fraudulent employment offers, where
they are subsequently subjected to forced prostitution or forced labor…
Traffickers recruited girls and young women, often rural areas of China,
using a combination of fraudulent job offers, imposition of large travel fees,
and threats of physical or financial harm to obtain and maintain their service
in prostitution.’
State Department 2013 TIP Report pages 157-158 (emphasis added)

Smith pointed to the fact that the TIP report said “Chinese law remains inadequate to combat all forms of trafficking…and the Government of China’s efforts to protect trafficking victims remained inadequate…” (page 161)

He also underscored that the report says China’s “government continued to perpetuate human trafficking in at least 320 state-run institutions.” (page 159)

Smith said the Chinese government’s complicity in labor trafficking is a huge problem.

“I along with Congressman Frank Wolf visited one of those state-run institutions in the early 1990’s—Beijing Prison #1. We were shocked to observe the horrific conditions imposed on inmates including more than 40 Tiananmen Square human rights activists.”

Among other findings by the TIP report:

Girls from the Tibet Autonomous Region are reportedly trafficked to other parts of China for domestic servitude and forced marriage.
State-sponsored forced labor is part of a systemic form of repression known as “re-education through labor. The government reportedly profits from this forced labor, and many prisoners and detainees…”
Well-organized international criminal syndicates and local gangs play key roles in both the outbound trafficking of Chinese women and girls and the inbound trafficking of foreign women and girls into China.
Smith, who wrote the law, said Tier 3 are countries whose governments do not fully comply with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and are not making significant efforts to do so.

The congressman said all Tier 3 countries are subject to potential sanctions that include: the United States using its voice and vote to deny such country loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other multi-lateral banks, and barring non-humanitarian, non-trade related foreign assistance, as well as certain education and cultural exchange programs.

Since the TIP Report’s inception, more than 120 countries have enacted anti-trafficking laws and many countries have taken other steps required to significantly raise their tier rankings—citing the TIP Report as a key factor in their increased anti-trafficking response.

Smith has held more than 40 hearings on human rights abuses in China, including a hearing in April of this year that looked at China's trafficking record and included the testimony of a trafficked woman who was repatriated to North Korea, where she faced death for the "crime" of being trafficked. At the April 18 hearing on human trafficking, Smith called on China, Russia and Uzbekistan to be downgraded. China had remained on the ‘Watch List’ for nine years.

In addition to the original 2000 law which provided for the annual reports, Smith wrote two subsequent anti-trafficking laws (PL 108-193 and PL 109-164) increasing resources for crime prevention and expanding treatment assistance for victims.
Prostitution is a biggest problem in china.... In 1996 when i was in china the night streets were full of chinese prostitutes wearing too much makeup and acting weird towards males.... I have seen old chinese males were in numbers who went to this ladies. I felt sad and i wished womens never go through such a disgusting punishments.... I blame prostitution on Mao. He said he was against prostitution but same time he offered 10 million chinese womens to america. Mao was evil. Am shocked how this chinese worship Mao. Today rapes in china is highest in world. This is the reason china never release the rape data in fear. They are worried about image. Majority of rapes been done by chinese military. They threat people and rules nearly everything.... I hope you all remember a chinese army men went in a house and raped the women while her husband was hiding below bed in fear as the rapist was army men. China indeed a evil nation who even eaten fetus. Nothing beats china.... Here just a preview.
Chinese general's son in gang-rape trial | World news | theguardian.com
Outrage in China as city officials are accused of 'covering up' rape of six schoolgirls | Mail Online
Two men rape six girls in school dormitory - People's Daily Online
Some foreigners, esp. in the West, are so lame to try to link ANY possible negative things with the China's One Child Policy, from human rights violation to now prostitution. They will go to any extent to blame such policy... perhaps in their eyes China should relax the One Child Policy applied in the cities (ignoring the facts that the rural areas and the 55 minority ethnics are exempted from such policy) and let her population tallies another couple of hundred millions :-) as if the current population of 1.3 BILLION something is not yet gigantic enough!

Yeah, perhaps a poverty spread over additional few hundred million of population serves better their unspoken agendas, a managed demographic growth with better welfare among the Chinese population doesn't serve any good for those foreign "experts", for it will just strengthen China as a nation... a poor and weakened China will be much easier to deal with :-)

Prostitution, the world's oldest profession, is to be found everywhere. As long as there's demand, the supply will be there. After all it's just an exchange of bucks for sex, and as long as engaging in sexual activity still gives stimulating pleasure, one of the basic human needs will still generate its commercial demand and supply accordingly.

P.S. But I have no wonder at all that the crooks will prepare all the kinds of sinister reports upon the other countries, in particular those regarded as unservile nations! They gonna see, identify and report everything EXCEPT their own obviously miserable problems... :-)
They are deliberately shortsighted to be able to see the elephant in the room.

And perhaps they should try to push China to put a capital death penalty upon prostitution to eradicate this oldest profession altogether... so later on they'll have new excuse to accuse China of violating human rights :omghaha:

there are in fact equal if not a lot a lot more sex-slaves traffickers in india where indian pimps buy the life and fortune of girls from Dalits, BD, Nepal for a few hundred USD then prepare them (by expedient growth hormone injections many times) as sex workers in the thriving, billion dollars and the world's largest red light districts in bombay, calcutta and elsewhere in india

documentary films like these on u-tube and on the net have depicted the gruesome situations in india:

born into brothels

Human Trafficking in India - YouTube

Christian film aims to curb human trafficking in India :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

The Day My God died

More on YouTube:

Temple Prostitution

Daughters of Darkness ( also available in short version)

Land of missing Children - india

Hall of Shame - Temple Prostitution of 12 Year-old girls in India

Child prostitution in India

Prostitutes of God (Documentary)

...and plenty plenty more!
Some foreigners, esp. in the West, are so lame to try to link ANY possible negative things with the China's One Child Policy, from human rights violation to now prostitution. They will go to any extent to blame such policy... perhaps in their eyes China should relax the One Child Policy applied in the cities (ignoring the facts that the rural areas and the 55 minority ethnics are exempted from such policy) and let her population tallies another couple of hundred millions :-) as if the current population of 1.3 BILLION something is not yet gigantic enough!

Yeah, perhaps a poverty spread over additional few hundred million of population serves better their unspoken agendas, a managed demographic growth with better welfare among the Chinese population doesn't serve any good for those foreign "experts", for it will just strengthen China as a nation... a poor and weakened China will be much easier to deal with :-)

Prostitution, the world's oldest profession, is to be found everywhere. As long as there's demand, the supply will be there. After all it's just an exchange of bucks for sex, and as long as engaging in sexual activity still gives stimulating pleasure, one of the basic human needs will still generate its commercial demand and supply accordingly.

P.S. But I have no wonder at all that the crooks will prepare all the kinds of sinister reports upon the other countries, in particular those regarded as unservile nations! They gonna see, identify and report everything EXCEPT their own obviously miserable problems... :-)
They are deliberately shortsighted to be able to see the elephant in the room.

And perhaps they should try to push China to put a capital death penalty upon prostitution to eradicate this oldest profession altogether... so later on they'll have new excuse to accuse China of violating human rights :omghaha:
You do not see how you actually supported the report? :lol:

Unintended consequences do not always mean unknown consequences.

Here is a lesson I asked my trainees a long time ago when I was in aviation: What happens, as in consequences, when I drill into concrete? Either the concrete cracks or I get a nice round hole. The nice round hole is the intended consequence. The concrete cracking is the unintended consequence. But is the concrete cracking an unknown consequence? No. Every mason, house contractor, and the average handyman know about it. The issue then becomes about the preparation to reduce, not avoid, the consequence of the concrete cracking.

When the Chinese One-Child policy was enacted and enforced, did the authority figures analyzed the possible consequences, intended and unintended? From what we see today -- NOT.

The goal is to control population growth, may be just in the concentrated population centers like cities, but even if the goal is so narrowly enforced, it is absurd to think that there would be no unintended consequences such as a men-women ratio disparity as FIRST, especially in a culture where males are favored over females. It may sound crude but it begs the question for all the Chinese members here, presumably all men, who supported this policy that do you know if your parents aborted any female before you came? That question, or wonderment of the self, is one unintended consequence for any Chinese man living today. For a culture that already placed women as second class moral beings, the one-child policy made women even lower.

Then when the men-women ratio disparity came, what do you think the demand for sex partners will go? Up, may be? Prostitution may have been the world's oldest profession, but as you said about demand and supply, if there are environmental, social, and cultural factors that make easier the profits from the demand, prostitution will thrive. Prostitution does not need to one-child policy to exist and thrive and this is where you are confused between need and opportunity. Prostitution does not need the one-child policy to exist and thrive but it will EXPLOIT THE OPPORTUNITY that the one-child policy opened or created via the men-women ratio disparity.

Get it, o ye with that 'high Chinese IQ'? :lol:
You do not see how you actually supported the report? :lol:

Unintended consequences do not always mean unknown consequences.

Here is a lesson I asked my trainees a long time ago when I was in aviation: What happens, as in consequences, when I drill into concrete? Either the concrete cracks or I get a nice round hole. The nice round hole is the intended consequence. The concrete cracking is the unintended consequence. But is the concrete cracking an unknown consequence? No. Every mason, house contractor, and the average handyman know about it. The issue then becomes about the preparation to reduce, not avoid, the consequence of the concrete cracking.

When the Chinese One-Child policy was enacted and enforced, did the authority figures analyzed the possible consequences, intended and unintended? From what we see today -- NOT.

The goal is to control population growth, may be just in the concentrated population centers like cities, but even if the goal is so narrowly enforced, it is absurd to think that there would be no unintended consequences such as a men-women ratio disparity as FIRST, especially in a culture where males are favored over females. It may sound crude but it begs the question for all the Chinese members here, presumably all men, who supported this policy that do you know if your parents aborted any female before you came? That question, or wonderment of the self, is one unintended consequence for any Chinese man living today. For a culture that already placed women as second class moral beings, the one-child policy made women even lower.

Then when the men-women ratio disparity came, what do you think the demand for sex partners will go? Up, may be? Prostitution may have been the world's oldest profession, but as you said about demand and supply, if there are environmental, social, and cultural factors that make easier the profits from the demand, prostitution will thrive. Prostitution does not need to one-child policy to exist and thrive and this is where you are confused between need and opportunity. Prostitution does not need the one-child policy to exist and thrive but it will EXPLOIT THE OPPORTUNITY that the one-child policy opened or created via the men-women ratio disparity.

Get it, o ye with that 'high Chinese IQ'? :lol:

Yeah, some "smart observers" know better those "unintended consequences" than China's own govt and Chinese people! They even go one step bolder by accusing the Chinese govt had implemented this "One Child Policy" WITHOUT considering in advance "the unintended consequences:". What a great accusation! :omghaha:

You may win your point of discussion here by deliberately narrowing it into your "unintended consequences" (imbalanced sex ratio; prostitution exploits, and so on) but you "forgot" to mention one much more fundamental reason why population control for a country as populous as China is a MUST, an existential decision --not even an option-- whether it's an "One Child Policy" or WHATSOEVER IRON-RULE POLICY, just to avoid the disastrous demographic explosion!!

China as a country and as a nation simply can NOT afford UNchecked population growth, it's just unsustainable, a nation-wide suicide! Even the current population is already too many!

You and other smart commentators may highlight tens of "unintended consequences" or even coin another hundreds of negative effects but they are all merely trivias compared to the fundamental problems if China has an unchecked population growth... the whole nation will be doomed to dust, they all will swim in a giant poverty pool, destroying all lives, the civilization, humanity, everything!! Just imagine a FAILED STATE of having 1,350,000,000+ mouths to feed in. But I guess that matter won't be any concern for the smart commentators. Well, needless to say, it's solely Chinese own affairs to decide the very fate of their own nation...

I do believe that one doesn't need much of an IQ to deem wisely the pros and cons of a well managed yet strict population growth control within a nation of 1,350,000,000+ population :laughcry:

As a matter of facts, any single choice or decision in life has its own both plus and minus factors, there's no such thing as a perfect, ideal solution without any unintended effects, only which one weighs in more advantages than its disadvantages!

Well, India is applying practically no regulation in population control, a very very democratic way. It's predicted that by 2020 Indian population will exceed China to claim the #1 spot as the world's most populous nation.

I detest to talk bad of any nation if it is not really necessary to convey the discussion or message, so I'm refraining myself from bad mouthing the nation of India here!
Just let the facts do the talking. Lets see then the outcome, time will reveal itself as ever...

Good day!

Edward Snowden
I'd like to strongly suggest all members and visitors of PDF to spare some time to read this valuable lecture by Albert Bartlett, a retired Physics professor on the topic of "Arithmetic, Population and Energy".

Bill Moyers interviewed Isaac Asimov. He asked Asimov, “What happens to the idea of the dignity of the human species if this population growth continues?” and Asimov says, “It’ll be completely destroyed. I like to use what I call my bathroom metaphor. If two people live in an apartment, and there are two bathrooms, then they both have freedom of the bathroom. You can go to the bathroom anytime you want, stay as long as you want, for whatever you need. And everyone believes in freedom of the bathroom. It should be right there in the constitution. But if you have twenty people in the apartment and two bathrooms, then no matter how much every person believes in freedom of the bathroom, there’s no such thing. You have to set up times for each person, you have to bang on the door, ‘Aren't you through yet?’ and so on.” And Asimov concluded with one of the most profound observations I've seen in years. He said, “In the same way, democracy cannot survive overpopulation. Human dignity cannot survive overpopulation. Convenience and decency cannot survive overpopulation. As you put more and more people into the world, the value of life not only declines, it disappears. It doesn’t matter if someone dies, the more people there are, the less one individual matters.”

"Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way aided, assisted, or advanced by further increases in population, locally, nationally, or globally?" - Prof. Al Bartlett

Read on at the "Arithmetic, Population and Energy" - a talk by Al Bartlett on the impossibility of exponential growth on a finite planet at ~ http :// bit.ly/VqkePG

The full playlist of the related lectures are also availabe at Youtube: /view_play_list?p=6A1FD147A45EF50D

The presentation is titled "Arithmetic, Population, and Energy," and I introduce it to my students as "The most boring video you'll ever see, and the most important." But then again, after viewing it most said that if you followed along with what Bartlett is saying, it's quite easy to pay attention, because the content is so damn compelling.

Over 4 million views for an old codger giving a lecture about arithmetic?? What's going on? You'll just have to watch to see what's so damn amazing about what he (Prof. Albert Bartlett) has to say.

When I saw this lecture at a conference in 1995, I came out blasted, thinking "This needs to be required listening for every person on the planet. Nothing else will matter if we don't understand this." The presenter is Albert Bartlett, a retired Physics prof. at U of Colorado-Boulder.
You do not see how you actually supported the report? :lol:

Unintended consequences do not always mean unknown consequences.

Here is a lesson I asked my trainees a long time ago when I was in aviation: What happens, as in consequences, when I drill into concrete? Either the concrete cracks or I get a nice round hole. The nice round hole is the intended consequence. The concrete cracking is the unintended consequence. But is the concrete cracking an unknown consequence? No. Every mason, house contractor, and the average handyman know about it. The issue then becomes about the preparation to reduce, not avoid, the consequence of the concrete cracking.

When the Chinese One-Child policy was enacted and enforced, did the authority figures analyzed the possible consequences, intended and unintended? From what we see today -- NOT.

The goal is to control population growth, may be just in the concentrated population centers like cities, but even if the goal is so narrowly enforced, it is absurd to think that there would be no unintended consequences such as a men-women ratio disparity as FIRST, especially in a culture where males are favored over females. It may sound crude but it begs the question for all the Chinese members here, presumably all men, who supported this policy that do you know if your parents aborted any female before you came? That question, or wonderment of the self, is one unintended consequence for any Chinese man living today. For a culture that already placed women as second class moral beings, the one-child policy made women even lower.

Then when the men-women ratio disparity came, what do you think the demand for sex partners will go? Up, may be? Prostitution may have been the world's oldest profession, but as you said about demand and supply, if there are environmental, social, and cultural factors that make easier the profits from the demand, prostitution will thrive. Prostitution does not need to one-child policy to exist and thrive and this is where you are confused between need and opportunity. Prostitution does not need the one-child policy to exist and thrive but it will EXPLOIT THE OPPORTUNITY that the one-child policy opened or created via the men-women ratio disparity.

Get it, o ye with that 'high Chinese IQ'? :lol:

you are trying to look smart but bite the dust once again, marginal!

the retarded american rep c smith has tried to lump China together with Syria, Iran, N Korea and Zimbawe as places of "global magnate of sex trafficking" but he has failed to mention the country which I have used to counter his claims completely and effectively ~ india.

I hate to compare countries' records and conducts in heinous crimes which are anti-humanitarian. But look at the flags of the op and the next 2 posters (though they appeared to be the same poster), and the conducts of the cheerleaders on this forum. Those things leave me with no choice but to list the cases of indian offenders very conveniently because of the abundance of material available on the net, to overthrow the nonsensical, politically intended argument presented by the american lawmaker. And you follow suite demonstrating yet again you low level mental ability to think critically.

There is no "one child policy"; "no tibetan victim" in india but trafficking of sex slaves are the most rampant.

get it, marginal.

have you seen the vids or info that I quoted above?
indians know deep in their bones the dire situation of their population problems

they once implemented a policy on compulsory vasectomy which ended up to be a political turmoil for the ruling party then. the case is briefly described hereunder. sanjay, the elder son of indira was hugely unpopular. He was later killed in an accident.

Family planning
Main article: Compulsory_sterilization#India

Sanjay Gandhi was especially concerned with issues of overpopulation. He initiated a birth control program, chiefly employing sterilisation, primarily vasectomies. Quotas were set up that enthusiastic supporters worked hard to achieve. Critics arouse anger by charging it involved coercion of unwilling Indians. In 1976-1977, the program counted 8.3 million sterilisations, up from 2.7 million the previous year. The bad name forced changes in the name of the program and every government since 1977 has stressed family planning is entirely voluntary.

The Emergency (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, some "smart observers" know better those "unintended consequences" than China's own govt and Chinese people! They even go one step bolder by accusing the Chinese govt had implemented this "One Child Policy" WITHOUT considering in advance "the unintended consequences:". What a great accusation! :omghaha:

You may win your point of discussion here by deliberately narrowing it into your "unintended consequences" (imbalanced sex ratio; prostitution exploits, and so on) but you "forgot" to mention one much more fundamental reason why population control for a country as populous as China is a MUST, an existential decision --not even an option-- whether it's an "One Child Policy" or WHATSOEVER IRON-RULE POLICY, just to avoid the disastrous demographic explosion!!

China as a country and as a nation simply can NOT afford UNchecked population growth, it's just unsustainable, a nation-wide suicide! Even the current population is already too many!

You and other smart commentators may highlight tens of "unintended consequences" or even coin another hundreds of negative effects but they are all merely trivias compared to the fundamental problems if China has an unchecked population growth... the whole nation will be doomed to dust, they all will swim in a giant poverty pool, destroying all lives, the civilization, humanity, everything!! Just imagine a FAILED STATE of having 1,350,000,000+ mouths to feed in. But I guess that matter won't be any concern for the smart commentators. Well, needless to say, it's solely Chinese own affairs to decide the very fate of their own nation...

I do believe that one doesn't need much of an IQ to deem wisely the pros and cons of a well managed yet strict population growth control within a nation of 1,350,000,000+ population :laughcry:

As a matter of facts, any single choice or decision in life has its own both plus and minus factors, there's no such thing as a perfect, ideal solution without any unintended effects, only which one weighs in more advantages than its disadvantages!

Well, India is applying practically no regulation in population control, a very very democratic way. It's predicted that by 2020 Indian population will exceed China to claim the #1 spot as the world's most populous nation.

I detest to talk bad of any nation if it is not really necessary to convey the discussion or message, so I'm refraining myself from bad mouthing the nation of India here!
Just let the facts do the talking. Lets see then the outcome, time will reveal itself as ever...

Good day!

Edward Snowden
Good...Then we can take this as your acknowledgement that the prostitution issue is a direct consequence of the one-child policy, intended or not. Your criticism against the article is thereby invalid.
Good...Then we can take this as your acknowledgement that the prostitution issue is a direct consequence of the one-child policy, intended or not. Your criticism against the article is thereby invalid.

you are ignorant, brutally incapable and catastrophically illogical beyond the slightest belief

prostitution happens everywhere: usa, japan, vietnam, singapore, uk, the netherlands, france, russia, germany ...
how is 'one child policy' related to prostitution in these countries?

are you asking for a downgrading below the level of marginal?
you are ignorant, brutally incapable and catastrophically illogical beyond the slightest belief

prostitution happens everywhere: usa, japan, vietnam, singapore, uk, the netherlands, france, russia, germany ...
how is 'one child policy' related to prostitution in these countries?

are you asking for a downgrading below the level of marginal?
None. And it is YOU who are: ...ignorant, brutally incapable and catastrophically illogical beyond the slightest belief...

You, just like your pal earlier, completely failed to understand the difference between necessity and opportunity. Prostitution do not need the one-child policy to exist and thrive. It will exist and thrive regardless. But the one-child policy in China created an opportunity to where it is easier to engage in prostitution. Do you get it now? Just like how wealth disparity in any country creates opportunities for prostitution and this also occurs in China.
If the USA doesn't implement birth control now, it's going to have to do it when American population hits a billion.
None. And it is YOU who are: ...ignorant, brutally incapable and catastrophically illogical beyond the slightest belief...

You, just like your pal earlier, completely failed to understand the difference between necessity and opportunity. Prostitution do not need the one-child policy to exist and thrive. It will exist and thrive regardless. But the one-child policy in China created an opportunity to where it is easier to engage in prostitution. Do you get it now? Just like how wealth disparity in any country creates opportunities for prostitution and this also occurs in China.

Prostitition doesn't really matter when it's the women from other countries we are using as sperm dumpsters. You know which country supplies us the best women for the job :D
Good...Then we can take this as your acknowledgement that the prostitution issue is a direct consequence of the one-child policy, intended or not. Your criticism against the article is thereby invalid.

Can you explain why there are prostitution in US and india when you guys don't have one child policy?
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