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U.S. Intrusion - Real Leadership is Acting not Sending Protests



New Recruit

Dec 24, 2008
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U.S. Intrusion - Real Leadership is Acting not Sending Protests

While America continually fires missiles into FATA and now increasingly into NWFP, senior US officials continue to visit Pakistan as if nothing has changed. It is unprecedented in modern history for a country to maintain such cordial relations with another while one of them is attacking and destabilizing the other on a daily basis. The Pakistani government’s empty gestures of protest while secretly assisting the US efforts, fools no one.

The current Pakistani government far from being upset, is in cahoots with the US in its undeclared war on Pakistan. For those however, who are deeply troubled about the US war, most believe that the country can do little to stop the current US campaign.

They point to the impracticality of any other option, that Pakistan is too weak to fight America and that even if they could; the country would pay a terrible price.

This is not true, America’s military strength is greatly exaggerated and with the US economy in free fall, this can only get worse. Iraq demonstrated the myth of invincibility, Afghanistan shows an inability to subdue an insurgency seven years on and North Korea a state with a fraction of Pakistan’s resources continues to gain concessions from the world’s only superpower. However the choice of all out surrender or all out war is a false choice. The Pakistani leadership could act in a number of political ways which would cripple the US effort without having to fire a single shot.

It could stop providing fuel to the US in Afghanistan. According to expert data, almost 80% of fuel used by the Americans comes from Pakistani refineries. With the US using almost 575,000 gallons of fuel every day and only one other precarious logistical supply route through rugged Central Asia, shutting down the flow of oil from Pakistan would cripple the US military. With storage facilities in Afghanistan limited and flying in fuel impractical, without Pakistani refineries pumping out oil, the US campaign could be operating on fumes within two weeks.

Pakistan could also stop allowing the US access to the port of Karachi. Almost three quarters of all US/NATO supplies to Afghanistan such as food, ammunition, military hardware comes through Karachi and is then loaded on to trucks and transported by road either through the Chaman border crossing or through the main Khyber Pass. Without Pakistan, the US has no good options, as going through Central Asia or Iran would either take much longer or would have to overcome a number of geo political challenges such as getting Russia‘s blessing which in a post Georgia world is highly unlikely.

The Pakistani government could declare the US Ambassador “persona non grata” and remove her, along with the whole western intelligence apparatus ranging from the FBI, the CIA and other foreign agencies. These in conjunction with elements of the Pakistani state are actively providing critical intelligence for the almost daily US missile strikes.

The idea that the Pakistani government has no good alternatives in preventing America’s attacks on its soil are false, they may have no backbone but that isn’t new. The Pakistani government has great options and could shut down America’s war immediately but that would require real leadership.


Since I'm a newbie and not yet allowed to post urls, kindly check for references and bibilography to this article on my blog; Haqeeqat . Org
The following is the first post in the thread headed "Why can't Pakistan shoot down U.S. drones?" in this forum. The drone attacks are the start of a campaign aimed at occupying and overtly colonising first Pakistan and then the rest of the subcontinent by the United States:-

"When recently Indian jets crossed into Pakistani air space just 1-3 miles, Pakistan scrambled its fighter jets. Why can't it intercept and shoot down the American Predator drones which make twice weekly lethal missile strikes on its territory? Just a few days ago, all parties in Pakistan's parliament had passed a resolution that Pakistan will not allow such violations of its sovereignty and will defend its territory (it was directed against American attacks on its territory; there were no Indian violations then).

The recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai were instigated by the United States through intermediaries it controls in the region to provoke military tension between Pakistan and India so that it can then more extensively and flagrantly conduct attacks, including ground invasions, on Pakistan while the Indians, stupidly, keep quiet or even support them. The idea is to establish a full-fledged overtly colonial relationship with first Pakistan and then the rest of the subcontinent, very much like the direct colonial rule Britain exercised and which the United States has established over Iraq and Afghanistan through puppet governments. The Predator attacks are the beginning of this campaign."

My later posts in that thread provide a solution. Basically, stopping the drone attacks is part of the larger problem of ejecting the United States from Afghanistan and, since the campaign is ultimately aimed at occupying and colonising the entire subcontinent, not just Pakistan, India and Pakistan should act together to militarily eject the United States from Afghanistan; as is shown in that thread, this is easier than might appear.
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