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U.S. Department of State - Invitation to Iran to Attend Geneva II

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UN Secretary General's Invitation to Iran to Attend Geneva II

Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 19, 2014

The United States views the UN Secretary General’s invitation to Iran to attend the upcoming Geneva conference as conditioned on Iran’s explicit and public support for the full implementation of the Geneva communique including the establishment of a transitional governing body by mutual consent with full executive authorities. This is something Iran has never done publicly and something we have long made clear is required.

We also remain deeply concerned about Iran's contributions to the Assad regime's brutal campaign against its own people, which has contributed to the growth of extremism and instability in the region. If Iran does not fully and publicly accept the Geneva communique, the invitation must be rescinded.

Link : UN Secretary General's Invitation to Iran to Attend Geneva II



Iran Says to Attend Geneva 2 Talks on Syria, No Preconditions

JAN. 20, 2014, 8:10 A.M. E.S.T.

Iran said on Monday it had accepted "without preconditions" an invitation by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to attend talks due to start on Wednesday in Switzerland aimed at ending Syria's civil war, the student news agency ISNA reported.

But in comments that may complicate Iran's participation, two Iranian sources said Tehran's attendance at the talks, known as 'Geneva 2', did not mean it backed a plan for Syria's political transition agreed at a Geneva conference in June 2012.

Western and Gulf Arab nations say they have been reluctant to support the idea of Iran participating at all in the Geneva 2 talks this week in the city of Montreux because it is supporting Assad militarily and has never backed the 2012 transition plan.

The United States and its allies say this plan means Assad would have to step down.

"We have always rejected any precondition for attending the Geneva 2 meeting on Syria ... Based on the official invitation that we have received, Iran will attend the Geneva 2 without any preconditions," ISNA quoted Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham as saying.

Iranian lawmaker Abbasali Mansouri was more explicit, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.

"Iran will never accept the Geneva 1 as precondition for attending the talks in Switzerland," he was quoted as saying.

"The key to solving the Syrian crisis is in Iran's hands," Mansouri added.

Fars also quoted an unnamed source as saying Iran's presence at the Montreux talks did not imply its acceptance of the Geneva 1 agreement.


France said on Monday that Iran should not be allowed to attend the Syria peace talks if it did not accept the creation of a transitional government with full executive powers.

Saudi Arabia, which has strongly backed groups fighting Assad's forces, also believes Iran should not attend because of its stance on Geneva 1 and its military support for Assad, the Saudi Press Agency quoted an "official source" as saying.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban said on Sunday he had spoken at length with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in recent days and that he believed Tehran did support the Geneva 2012 plan for the Syria talks.

Ban said Zarif had assured him Iran would play a "positive and constructive role in Montreux".

Some 130,000 people have been killed and a quarter of all Syrians driven from their homes in the civil war, which began with peaceful protests against 40 years of Assad family rule and has descended into a sectarian conflict, with the opposing sides armed and funded by Sunni Arab states and Shi'ite Iran.

(Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by Gareth Jones)

The New York Times
:laugh: It is UN not US. Difference of one word is all that is required to change value of a News.

Touchdown ! :partay:

This day was really fun. :D

Under U.S. Pressure, U.N. Withdraws Iran’s Invitation to Syria Talks


Under intense American pressure, the United Nations on Monday withdrew an invitation to Iran to attend the much-anticipated Syria peace conference, reversing a decision announced a day earlier.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, whose decision to invite Iran had threatened to unravel the Syria talks less than 48 hours before the scheduled start, issued a statement on Monday rescinding the invitation. The United States had said it was surprised by the invitation because Iran had not agreed to conditions for the talks, to be held on Wednesday in Montreux, Switzerland.

Mr. Ban contended that he had been privately assured by the Iranians that they would respect the conditions. But in their public statements, Iranian officials said Iran had been invited with no such conditions attached.

“Given that it has chosen to remain outside that basic understanding, he has decided that the one-day Montreux gathering will proceed without Iran’s participation,” Mr. Ban’s spokesman said in the statement.

The invitation also angered the Syrian opposition and Saudi Arabia, Iran’s regional rival and a major backer of the Syrian insurgency, and they threatened to boycott the talks.

The United States’ longstanding position has been that Iran, a major backer of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, must publicly endorse the mandate of the conference, which is outlined in a communiqué from a 2012 meeting in Geneva. That mandate says that the conference’s purpose is to negotiate the establishment of a transitional administration that would govern Syria by the “mutual consent” of Mr. Assad’s government and the Syrian opposition.

“Since Iran has not publicly and fully endorsed the Geneva communiqué,” a State Department official told reporters Monday morning, “we expect the invitation will be rescinded.”

Mr. Ban’s reversal appeared to have salvaged the plan to proceed as scheduled with the talks, which the United States, the United Nations and Russia had been seeking to organize for months.

“As we’ve stated many times, the purpose of the conference is the full implementation of the Geneva communiqué,” Jen Psaki, a State Department spokeswoman, said after Mr. Ban’s decision. “We are hopeful that, in the wake of today’s announcement, all parties can now return to focus on the task at hand, which is bringing an end to the suffering of the Syrian people and beginning a process toward a long overdue political transition.”

The Syrian political opposition dropped its boycott threat. But Mr. Ban’s reversal was a diplomatic embarrassment to the United Nations and to others who had wanted Iran to participate, including Russia.

The Russian foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, said in Moscow earlier on Monday that leaving Iran out of the talks would be an “unforgivable mistake.”

“Negotiations involve sitting at the table not just with those who you like, but with those whose participation the solution depends on,” Mr. Lavrov said at a joint appearance with the foreign minister of Norway.

The United States and several of its allies have opposed Iran’s presence at the conference in part because Iran has been a strong supporter of the Assad government, sending it arms and paramilitary fighters from its Quds force. Mr. Lavrov, in arguing for Iran’s inclusion, noted that several other countries that directly backed one side in the conflict were participating.

Lakhdar Brahimi, the United Nations special envoy for Syria, has long argued that Iran, as a major regional power, should be included in the talks. But he said last week that the decisions on whether to invite Iran had to be made by consensus among the United States, the United Nations and Russia.

For his part, Mr. Assad said once again that he would not share power with his adversaries or accept the creation of a transitional government.

Mr. Assad said in an interview with Agence France-Presse that the talks in Switzerland should focus on what he called “the war against terrorism” in his country. He described the idea of sharing power as “totally unrealistic,” and said there was a “significant” likelihood that he would seek a new term as president in June.

While he has made such remarks before, the timing of his latest comments seemed to underscore the complexities facing negotiators in Switzerland, despite months of preliminary negotiations to bring the combatants to the table.

In the region’s tangles of hostility, the invitation to Iran drew immediate objections from both the exiled political opposition to Mr. Assad and from Saudi Arabia, which is a key backer of the insurgency and the arch rival of Iran, Mr. Assad’s main regional sponsor.

Mr. Ban said on Sunday that Iranian officials had pledged to play “a positive and constructive role,” implying that Tehran had accepted that the negotiations were posited on the idea of a new political order in Syria.

On Monday, however, the Iranian state news media quoted a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry in Tehran as saying, “We have always rejected any precondition for attending the Geneva II meeting on Syria.”

Within hours of Mr. Ban’s invitation to Iran, Syria’s political opposition said it would not attend the peace conference unless the gesture was rescinded.

“The Syrian coalition announces that they will withdraw their attendance in Geneva II unless Ban Ki-moon retracts Iran’s invitation,” a Twitter message said, quoting Louay Safi, a coalition spokesman.

The ultimatum came just a day after the opposition coalition, facing a boycott by one-third of its members, voted to send a delegation to the peace talks. The opposition has been under intense international pressure, including from the United States government, to participate.

In all, some 30 countries have been invited to Montreux for what may be a largely ceremonial opening day of the peace talks. Two days later, Syria’s government and opposition delegations are scheduled to move to Geneva to continue talks, mediated by Mr. Brahimi.

Diplomats and Middle East analysts say that if any breakthroughs are achieved, they will take place in Geneva, not in the opening two days in Montreux. Over all, the negotiations were not expected to yield major results, except perhaps to open up certain parts of Syria to the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The New York Times
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