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U.S. Asian Allies: US ready to fight war


Jul 15, 2012
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President Obama’s much-hyped “pivot” to Asia is leading to misunderstandings between what America’s Asian allies expect and what the U.S. is likely to do in case serious trouble blows up in the seas and small islands claimed by China all around its periphery.

The possibility for misunderstanding is most obvious in the Philippines where the U.S. and the Philippines signed a ten-year “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement” (EDCA) for U.S. troops to rotate in and out of Philippine bases. The pact could bring U.S. forces back to the Philippines in large numbers for the first time since the Philippine Senate in 1991 refused to renew the lease for two of the largest U.S. overseas bases.

Quite aside from leftist protests and questions about whether the agreement violates the Philippines constitution, the most serious misunderstanding focuses on how the U.S. would respond against Chinese encroachment on Philippine territory far out in the South China Sea.

“Expectations are not matching,” says Carlos Conde, a long-time journalist now representing Human Rights Watch in the Philippines. “Filipinos before Obama came were made to think this would be a chance for American to restate its commitments. A lot of Filipinos expect more. They think China is a bully. That’s how the Philippine government has managed the conversation.”

Map of countries occupying the Spratly Islands (Wikipedia)

In fact, it’s quite possible the Americans will take an active role if China were to attempt to take over all the Spratly Islands. China already controls several of them. In keeping with its claim to the entire South China Sea, China also challenges not only the Philippines but also Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan, that is the anti-communist Republic of China, for control of the rest of the Spratlys.

In Manila U.S. military officers and diplomats are talking to Philippine officials about setting up facilities on small islands near the long southwestern Philippine island province of Palawan, the closest jumping off point to the Spratlys. That idea remains non-publicized for now while the spotlight shines on the return of much larger U.S. forces to Subic Bay, once America’s largest overseas naval base, and Clark, the largest overseas U.S. air base in its heyday.

The U.S. encounters a misunderstanding of quite a different sort in the wake of Obama’s pledge while in Tokyo to live up to its treaty obligation to defend Japanese territory — including, of course, the islets known as the Senkakus to the Japanese, the Diaoyu to the Chinese, in the East China Sea.

The obvious question is whether the U.S. would really like to go to war with China if the Chinese carried out a lightning strike, as some believe possible, to loosen the Japanese grip on the Senkakus. Both Japan and China claim the islands are within their 200-mile exclusive economic zones though they’re closer to the nearest islands in Okinawa prefecture than they are to mainland China. (They’re slightly closer to Taiwan, which also claims them but not too loudly.)

Less obvious is what Obama’s commitment to Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe really means when it comes to a couple of other small disputed islets known as Dokdo to the Koreans and Takeshima to the Japanese. They’re out there in what’s known as the East Sea in Korea and the Sea of Japan in Japan, and the Koreans firmly hold them with a police garrison permanently posted on one of them.

Dokdo Islands, aka Takeshima (KOREA.NET )

Actually, Dokdo/Takeshima are no more than a pair of enormous rocks whose only civilian inhabitants are an aging couple that runs a post office. Fishermen (and tourists ferried over on day trips) come and g0 but don’t live there. To the Koreans, they’re of symbolic significance as reminders of Korean defiance of Japanese rule, which lasted for 35 years until the Japanese surrender in 1945. The Koreans most definitely are not going to consider the Japanese claim, which the Japanese refuse to relinquish.

So there you have it. The Americans just wish the whole Dokdo dispute would go away and refuse to get involved. Still, Obama’s assurance of U.S. support of Japan under its treaty obligation has raised eyebrows — and provoked commentary — in Korea, also bound to the U.S. in a defense treaty. Some days, Dokdo is of such emotional significance as to vie for headlines with the North Korean nuclear issue.

And that’s to say nothing of Japan’s claims to islands seized by Soviet army troops off northern Hokkaido in the last week of World War II. Latter-day Russia under President Putin seems no more inclined to consider returning any of them than did the old Soviet regime, but nobody expects anyone to go to war for them.

So which is more likely to explode into open conflict first — the Spratlys or the Senkakus? The betting would probably be the latter while China engages in diplomacy all around the South China Sea. In the Philippines, though, U.S. forces under the new agreement are eager to “preposition” much needed materiel in case of they need supplies in a hurry.

That’s something they were unable to do under a Visiting Forces Agreement under which the U.S. has had a small rotational force in the southwestern city of Zamboanga since 1999 advising Philippine forces in pursuit of Islamic terrorist groupings. That’s a conflict that percolates on and on. The other day Philippine marines killed a couple of dozen Abu Sayyaf guerrillas in a battle on a remote mountainside in the Sulu archipelago — an even unnoted outside the Philippines.
But what will the U.S. do about the specter of the much greater fear of China? “Obama made a lot of people ask, ‘What are you talking about,’ when he said the U.S. ‘is not here to confront China,’” says Carlos Conde. “The U.S. pivot to Asia has to do with China. It’s in the interests of the U.S. to be prepared in case something goes wrong.”


This is not about islands anymore but against tyranny. If some think they can go on a land grab, they will be mistaken. Japan is the tip of the spear and combined with US will protect every Asian ally. It will be ZERO tolerance aproach. The only way it will work. Everybody has to make a clear statement and act when it is needed.
This is not about islands anymore but against tyranny. If some think they can go on a land grab, they will be mistaken.

Yep, they're about Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese and Indian treachery and tyranny. All of these nations are hated by every single one of their neighbors (and even large segments of their own populations), who will rally behind China in defense from these imperialist, genocidal monsters.
Yep, they're about Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese and Indian treachery and tyranny. All of these nations are hated by every single one of their neighbors (and even large segments of their own populations), who will rally behind China in defense from these imperialist, genocidal monsters.
Well, Hitler would also accuse the others of tyranny. The international community won't make the same mistake but will give a harsh and brutal answer to any aggression.

The country that kicked the Yankees out of North Korea.
No, they didn't. Fun little fact: China lost 500 thousand of their men in that war.
Well, Hitler would also accuse the others of tyranny. The international community won't make the same mistake but will give a harsh and brutal answer to any aggression.

Yes, you Turks are Hitler's tutors so you know him very well. The international community - Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia, ROC, PRC, Thailand, Indonesia, Bhutan and Nepal have all shown great concern about these four misguided, West-worshipping pawn nations.
Well, Hitler would also accuse the others of tyranny. The international community won't make the same mistake but will give a harsh and brutal answer to any aggression.

No, they didn't

Yup we did. No Yankee troops in North Korea is proof of our success.
Yankees were at the Yalu river when we entered the war and by the end of the war, the Yankees were behind the 38th parallel. Yankees were firmly spanked out of North Korea by the end of the war.
Fun little fact, Yankees lost the Korean War.
Yes, you Turks are Hitler's tutors so you know him very well. The international community - Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia, ROC, PRC, Thailand, Indonesia, Bhutan and Nepal have all shown great concern about these four misguided, West-worshipping pawn nations.
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Yes, you Turks are Hitler's tutors so you know him very well. The international community - Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia, ROC, PRC, Thailand, Indonesia, Bhutan and Nepal have all shown great concern about these four misguided, West-worshipping pawn nations.
Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese, Uighur, Tibetians Indians and all others have a different opinion. IMHO only their opinion count.

Yup we did. No Yankee troops in North Korea is proof of our success.
Yankees were at the Yalu river when we entered the war and by the end of the war, the Yankees were behind the 38th parallel. Yankees were firmly spanked out of North Korea by the end of the war.
Fun little fact, Yankees lost the Korean War.
But 500 k Chinese soldiers died and you didn't win the war.

Turks are a bunch of islamic extremists. Terrorism is part of Turk culture. Garbage 'humans' they are.
That kind of language won't be tolerated.

Nope. They are uncivilised barbaric subhumans just like filthy subhuman Turks.
So you are calling Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese, Uighur, Tibetians and Indians also gabarge humans? Why?
People like this Turkish genocide-lover are nothing but bloody-fisted little hellspawn Satan worshippers and baby shooters. No wonder they love talking about Hitler so much.
Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese, Uighur, Tibetians Indians and all others have a different opinion. IMHO only their opinion count.

IMHO your IMHO is worth less than a pail of rotten dog shit. Learn how to spell Tibetan, and most Tibetans and even the Uyghur are loyal to the PRC. China didn't have to kill 1.5 million to shut them up, then slaughter tens of thousands of Kurds in their native land.
Who won Korean war?

I might be imagining things, but last I checked South Korea exists. US bases in South Korea also exist. if the US suffered a total loss, South Korea wouldn't exist in its current form today. No US bases would be in South Korea. it was a standoff more or less (for lack of a better word) None the less, people are going to believe what they want to believe.
I might be imagining things, but last I checked South Korea exists. US bases in South Korea also exist. if the US suffered a total loss, South Korea wouldn't exist in its current form today. No US bases would be in South Korea. it was a standoff more or less (for lack of a better word) None the less, people are going to believe what they want to believe.

South Korea is also pissed at Japan right now.
I might be imagining things, but last I checked South Korea exists. US bases in South Korea also exist. if the US suffered a total loss, South Korea wouldn't exist in its current form today. No US bases would be in South Korea. it was a standoff more or less (for lack of a better word) None the less, people are going to believe what they want to believe.
US will defend their allies in East-Asia no matter what they have to do. In WW2 they stopped Japan's advance but I think this time they will look the other way and shut the door and look away. If they think they can get a with aggression they are mistaken. East-Asia allies have very strong army.
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