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U.S. Army charges 8 over death of Chinese-American soldier

As a Chinese living in the states, I too experience many racial discriminations. However these discriminations vary in degrees.

White- When they discriminate against Chinese, they do it subtlely.
Blacks- Obviously
Mexicans- These people do it very obviously.

There was a Mexican that spat his saliva infront of where I stood while waiting for get picked off from school. When a few Chinese guys were talking really loud in Chinese, a Mexican girl walked by me and I heard her utter the words "******* Chinks!"

I am very disappointed by these degenerate American fucks. I talked to my dad in detail about this and he agreed. However he always told me that China was not perfect that is why we're living the states. After reading this story I realize that most americans are stupid and are very racist against asians. The media spewing **** on TV now is going to make Chinese discrimination worst.

I am also disappointed at my own people, the Chinese race. Why is Mr.Hu and Wen so silent? Why do they take **** from the West? Why can't they make noise in the UN like Ghadaffi and step up!? The US media keeps thrashing China and CCP doesn't do anything. This is just going to lead overseas Chinese in2 greater danger. Step up CCP quit executing your own people and start executing outsiders. This is what I hate about Chinese culture of "handling internal conflicts over external ones". If CCP wants to be furious don't execute your own people and quit getting obsess with Taiwan. Execute a few white people and display on public television. We'll see if these white boys will mess with the Chinese. Fight to the death. Unite and dont take **** from the West.
Chinese even all the oriental people are aliens to the Caucasian,daily life is OK but better not to combat together with on the battle ground.It's too simple and nothing to do with racism.
CCP is clueless about how much anti-chinese there is in the western media networks.
assassinating a few of these western journalists, anchors, producers from these networks and newspapers would make these dogs think twice about freely hating and doing a massive smear campaign against china on a daily basis.

eg. financial times, bloomberg, cnbc, cnn, sky news, bbc, reuters, associated press, AFP.

chinese government need to stop being nice to everyone.
CCP is clueless about how much anti-chinese there is in the western media networks.
assassinating a few of these western journalists, anchors, producers from these networks and newspapers would make these dogs think twice about freely hating and doing a massive smear campaign against china on a daily basis.

eg. financial times, bloomberg, cnbc, cnn, sky news, bbc, reuters, associated press, AFP.

chinese government need to stop being nice to everyone.

I believe the CCP needs to take a few ideas from their fellow comrade Vladimir Putin who I believe will be President of Russia 2012?! HA!

Pred. Hu needs to SPEAK OUT BY HIMSELF. Recently, Hu told the press that the PLAN should prepare for a military war on the seas and the Western Media said "Hu told Chinese Military to prepare for War". I wonder what the Western Media would say when Pred. Hu himself says "US quit spreading lies about Tibet. Tibet is better off today than it was under Dalai Lama." or instead of using some Chinese puppet to tell the US "what global rules are we talking about", HU should do it himself and say "Don't tell us to raise our RMB. Let us into G-7 aka white men's club then we'll stop manipulating our currency!"

Recently, Medvedev aka Putin's puppet, made a direct video warning US not to place anti-ballistics missiles into Europe. Pred Hu also needs to grow some balls and do the same thing. Chinese always back down like that. I rarely see American media criticizing Russia because Russians dont take **** from nobody.
As a Chinese living in the states, I too experience many racial discriminations. However these discriminations vary in degrees.

White- When they discriminate against Chinese, they do it subtlely.
Blacks- Obviously
Mexicans- These people do it very obviously.

There was a Mexican that spat his saliva infront of where I stood while waiting for get picked off from school. When a few Chinese guys were talking really loud in Chinese, a Mexican girl walked by me and I heard her utter the words "******* Chinks!"

I am very disappointed by these degenerate American fucks. I talked to my dad in detail about this and he agreed. However he always told me that China was not perfect that is why we're living the states. After reading this story I realize that most americans are stupid and are very racist against asians.

Host countries generally want their immigrants to speak their language. It's their way of determining if you are willing to integrate into their society.

The media spewing **** on TV now is going to make Chinese discrimination worst.

A lot of people don't realise that they are being used.

I am also disappointed at my own people, the Chinese race. Why is Mr.Hu and Wen so silent? Why do they take **** from the West? Why can't they make noise in the UN like Ghadaffi and step up!? The US media keeps thrashing China and CCP doesn't do anything. This is just going to lead overseas Chinese in2 greater danger.

I agree that Libya was an internal conflict which the World needed to stay away from. This right to protect of foreign nationals outside of one's borders is pure BS.

Step up CCP quit executing your own people and start executing outsiders.

There are some (criminals) that truly deserve execution.

This is what I hate about Chinese culture of "handling internal conflicts over external ones". If CCP wants to be furious don't execute your own people and quit getting obsess with Taiwan. Execute a few white people and display on public television.

Politics. There's no point to start a shooting war over useless soundbites which most people would forget in a "New York minute". I agree about your comments regarding Taiwan. China needs to stop with the public chest pounding and take on Taiwan via economic means.

We'll see if these white boys will mess with the Chinese. Fight to the death. Unite and dont take **** from the West.

Sorry I couldn't find the raw video.

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"Host countries generally want their immigrants to speak their language. It's their way of determining if you are willing to integrate into their society."

I speak English and some Mandarin so I am still able to communicate with these silly Americans well however I hate those fucks that say "This is America speak English!". Even though my Mandarin isn't as good as my English I tell those assholes that its my mouth I can speak w/e the hell I want. **** them! Sometimes I feels good to cuss at those retards in a foreign language! It is indeed very sad that many Chinese defect to western imperialism. Some Chinese here call themselves "White wash" or "Bananas"(yellow on the outside but white on the inside). It really disgusts me. But these clueless assholes will learn the hardway like these 2 Chinese American soldiers Harry Lew and Danny Chen. White trashes spit on you and you will never be accepted as one of them. The ugly reality condescended upon the poor Chinese boys and they comitted suicide. Very unfortunate. Even now many Asians in SK, Taiwan, Japan, etc. Get plastic surgery to look like whites. Sharp noses, long eye lashes, double eyelids, etc. Maybe these idiots need to look at the Terracotta Army and see the true beauty of Asian faces. I cannot escape this fact that Asia is in a way "white wash". I hope CCP bans plastic surgery again.
A Chinese can only become a Chinese soldier, otherwise you are just a zombie with uniform.


The stupidity of most Chinese people on this forum is amazing.

Here are some proud Chinese Americans



(First Asian American to be ranked Brig. General)




Now weep your eyes out :azn:
These pictures are great and every Chinese from the world can be proud of their fellow Chinese that succeed in life. However these Chinese are only the small minority. It is very rare to see Chinese Americans serving in the military. And also these Chinese Americans face discrimination yet they are able to take the mental and emotional setbacks and carry on with their lives. Props to them.

I read a book from Colin Powell once and he said that when he was an Officer, he still faced discrimination in subtle manners. He talked about how a white chef gave him significantly smaller portions of shrimp than a White private. The truth is most whites just dont like other races. Of course these whites throw the curve ball and attack you in a subtle manner.

However like my dad said, these are small matters and its something that every1 goes through. Just take the pain and move along and succeed and be great. White ppl no matter how much they hate you will suck up to you when you're good at something. Hopefully one day China reaches that stage. Hopefully one day China will be a place where I can feel safe to settle in. I won't see it in my life though. However, I'll just carry on with life sit back and watch the rise of the Dragon!
Immigrants are coerced into joining the military - which the whites generally like to avoid. Grant of citizenship, education scholarships, preferences for employment and various other benefits drive immigrants to sign up.
Immigrants are coerced into joining the military - which the whites generally like to avoid. Grant of citizenship, education scholarships, preferences for employment and various other benefits drive immigrants to sign up.

Most Chinese immigrants are very rich especially from China and Taiwan. Many Taiwanese parents just get PRs while they give their children the best american education. Taiwanese parents dont have to pay the heavy taxes so they are very very rich. I doubt rich parents would allow their children to join the military. Perhaps Chinese/Taiwanese or other asians for that matter that join the military are from poor backgrounds or have been mixing with the uneducated people.

---------- Post added at 02:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 AM ----------

Dear President Hu Jintao,

learn from Russia(0:55 to begin):

Tiger Of Qin
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Immigrants are coerced into joining the military - which the whites generally like to avoid. Grant of citizenship, education scholarships, preferences for employment and various other benefits drive immigrants to sign up.

You should realize back then whites didn't want blacks to go fight on the frontlines. Same during the Civil War.
Immigrants are coerced into joining the military - which the whites generally like to avoid. Grant of citizenship, education scholarships, preferences for employment and various other benefits drive immigrants to sign up.
Nothing but nonsense here.
I hope CCP bans plastic surgery again.
That would not be enough. The CCP need to ban access to Western ideas and contacts. Bring back the Mao suit because conformity discourages individualism, of which the desire to personalize oneself promote cosmetic surgeries. Basically, China needs to be more like North Korea, which we can be certain is far more faithful to the Asian race, particularly the Korean one, than their southern countrymen.
"Host countries generally want their immigrants to speak their language. It's their way of determining if you are willing to integrate into their society."

I speak English and some Mandarin so I am still able to communicate with these silly Americans well however I hate those fucks that say "This is America speak English!". Even though my Mandarin isn't as good as my English I tell those assholes that its my mouth I can speak w/e the hell I want. **** them! Sometimes I feels good to cuss at those retards in a foreign language! It is indeed very sad that many Chinese defect to western imperialism. Some Chinese here call themselves "White wash" or "Bananas"(yellow on the outside but white on the inside). It really disgusts me. But these clueless assholes will learn the hardway like these 2 Chinese American soldiers Harry Lew and Danny Chen. White trashes spit on you and you will never be accepted as one of them. The ugly reality condescended upon the poor Chinese boys and they comitted suicide. Very unfortunate. Even now many Asians in SK, Taiwan, Japan, etc. Get plastic surgery to look like whites. Sharp noses, long eye lashes, double eyelids, etc. Maybe these idiots need to look at the Terracotta Army and see the true beauty of Asian faces. I cannot escape this fact that Asia is in a way "white wash". I hope CCP bans plastic surgery again.

Actually westerners do these type invasive plastic surgeries far more frequently than Asians (apart from the South Koreans of course). Don't let stereotypes twist your perspectives on things. On the discrimination part, as they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. My opinion is that there are way too many Chinese brain drain and financial drain going into countries such as Canada and the USA, why both those countries are still a popular destination for the rich to emigrate there is beyond to me.
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