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U.K., France may recall envoys to Israel

Racism? Last time i checked French and Britains were not races, they were nationalities. I see the blithering fool in you as it at it again.

How can Israel destroy British and French economies? Simple: If push comes to shuv, Israel will have to destroy many targets in the ME which will skyrocket oil prices. Not to mention that the Arabs will naturally blame you for anything we might do, because you are part of the West, and no amount of sucking up to the Arabs will change Islamic hatred for the West.

So if France and Britain removed their embassies from Jerusalem, Israel will "destroy many targets in the ME" (Middle east) ?

If France and Britain decided to close their embassies in Jerusalem there is nothing Israel could do about that.

You really are a moron.
The sooner Israel will withdraw from West Bank the better it is for Israel, i honestly dont give a shוt about Arabs, if Israel want two states for two people it is the path to chose, otherwise occupation will not hold to much and these Palestinians will have to merge with Israel, which i and majority of Israelis strongly oppose. For Israel sake just give east Jerusalem to Palestinians! it filled with useless Arabs anyway! of course those useless Arabs will refuse to let go their Israeli citizenship because they enjoy western developed lifestyle yet hate those Zionist who are responsible for high standard of living, Arabs, enough said.
I hope they do.
Sadly, they do not possess the cohones for such a move. I would like to see the british and frog embassies closed down one of these days though.

The two biggest colonialists lecturing Israel after the atrocities they've committed against Indians...
And now you are doing the same. If it was not for international pressure you guys would have probably killed all the Palestinians by now via organized method (perhaps a killing factory?). I'm sure a number of Israelis remember (holocaust?!) how such a killing factory should be set up.
Eh lol....there is no doubt in my mind that if Arabs could push Israelis into the sea they would have done it.

I actually support the non partition of Jerusalem as well, as it will only create tensions. Rammallah worked just fine until now.....

If Jerusalem is to not be partitioned, it will not go to the Israelis. It will and should be handed over to the UN. That would be awarding them for being illegal occupiers.
If Jerusalem is to not be partitioned, it will not go to the Israelis. It will and should be handed over to the UN. That would be awarding them for being illegal occupiers.

Keep day dreaming. Jerusalem will forever be Israel's undivided capital, till the end of time.
Tibetans? Are you kidding? You are sadly mistaken if you believe the world knows of their suffering. Most of the world thinks it's a vacation spot in India(Not China).

The US will never shift away from Christianity because then it won't be the US anymore. The US is a country which is based on Judea-Christian values.
You sound like those ultra-secularists who believe religion is a bad thing while ignoring the fact that Christianity is the core of the USA.

The world wouldn't care less for the Arabs in the West Bank as they do not care about the dozens of other disputed land issues.

There are no embassies of Britain or France in Jerusalem. I advice you to be quiet, grown ups are talking.

And now you are doing the same. If it was not for international pressure you guys would have probably killed all the Palestinians by now via organized method (perhaps a killing factory?). I'm sure a number of Israelis remember (holocaust?!) how such a killing factory should be set up.

No. Even when there was barely any media to cover such news Israelis never had it in them to commit such atrocities such as in Bangladesh or during Black September. 20000 Palestinians killed by a Pakistani general, if i recall.
This experise remains with you.
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Ptex, grow up immature kid.

Your posts basically seemed to suggest that if Britain and France withdrew their ambassadors, Israel could retaliate by bombing targets in the middle east.
Ptex, grow up immature kid.

Your posts basically seemed to suggest that if Britain and France withdrew their ambassadors, Israel could retaliate by bombing targets in the middle east.
Sometimes people like you need to be taught their place.

Britain and France both denied any attempt to withdraw their ambassadors(A pity), and thus this conversation became irrelevant.

But what i did say is that neither of these countries are friends of Israel, never were, and i would welcome them declaring themselves as hostile nations.

Your words are there for all to see, your nonsense posted above.

You clearly stated that Israel could react to Britain and France removing envoys or by other such actions by bombing the middle east (rather than Britain or France themselves).

You are clearly a moron, and a lying moron, who realizes how stupid his words are and doesn't seek to defend them but changes the subject.
Topi drama. Sorry folks, don't know the exact English for it. :D

Topi Drama:

Smoke and mirrors ..... Proper English
Hat and Soap Opera .....

Your words are there for all to see, your nonsense posted above.

You clearly stated that Israel could react to Britain and France removing envoys or by other such actions by bombing the middle east (rather than Britain or France themselves).

You are clearly a moron, and a lying moron, who realizes how stupid his words are and doesn't seek to defend them but changes the subject.

Name calling when arguements fail you, how typical. Obviously arguing with an idiot is pointless because you will beat me with experience.
Go back to your English classes.
Name calling when arguements fail you, how typical. Obviously arguing with an idiot is pointless because you will beat me with experience.
Go back to your English classes.

Playing the 'Holocaust' tune and then changing the subject, that is what the zionazis do when they have no arguments!
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