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Two thirds of children live in poverty in Turkey: Report

Without reliable data, it would be speculation.
Why is the data from 2003 not reliable? Its only 10 years old, not much has changed in most countrys in this field since the last decade.
Besides Turkish economy almost tripled since then...

Turkey GDP

2003 - 300 biliion
2013 - 800 billion
How can two third of a countries children live in poverty, while under 20% of the general population lives in poverty :). Anyone wants to solve this :)

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How can two third of a countries children live in poverty, while under 20% of the general population lives in poverty :). Anyone wants to solve this :)
Read the article on Hürriyet, Bahcesehir University compared the situtation with European Union, so it means ''Turkish Children are poor compared to the situation in European Union'', you have to read between the line.

Like i said it earlier, its better to compare yourself with the best than with avarage. ;)
How can two third of a countries children live in poverty, while under 20% of the general population lives in poverty :). Anyone wants to solve this :)

Why""don't you want to show after 2003?
Turkey is part of emerging market. Although it is improving, they are not on western living standards. They are still doing better than others.


The thing is, Turkey is opting for steady and healthy economy instead of unhealthy quick growth which will end in collapse. Turkey also doesn't use child labor and respects the rights of employees.
why do you take that fukuoka nitwit serious and respond him? some of you guys are unbelievable...as if you desperately in need of proving something to him
First of all I'm surprised that a chienese guy shared such news about other countries' poverty rates... However since you are a known jew-illimunati obsessed nuts, I will ignore who is the OP for this time and try to enlight you about what you have posted.

The poorest region of Turkey is South-East where kurds live. And those kurds are famous with their high fertility rate, average 7-8 babies per family. ( ave 8 children for each family in Muş ) The reason why region stayed poorer is Terror. PKK terrorized all of the investments, kidnapped the doctors, engineers, teachers, killed them... They took kurdish children from families and made them terrorists etc... As a result PKK fvked the region and the people lives there (most of them are children)...

But things are changing fast in east.. West of Turkey is already in a good condition compared to east. no such a thing like hunger etc. State provides free health care, social aid, education etc. So it's better you get busy with your country's proverty rate.. We are fine and will be better...
why do they need so many?

I dont know what you mean, 2004-2009 is after 2003 or did i missed something?
dude, he is deliberately trying to make you un calm, so keep calm and ignore
I dont know what you mean, 2004-2009 is after 2003 or did i missed something?
I was looking with a smartphone, i see better now
But we see the poverty is increasing

Turkey is part of emerging market. Although it is improving, they are not on western living standards. They are still doing better than others.


The thing is, Turkey is opting for steady and healthy economy instead of unhealthy quick growth which will end in collapse. Turkey also doesn't use child labor and respects the rights of employees.
I've never had the joy to discover a turk product
why do they need so many?

It may sound like a conspiracy theory but main goal is being majority or atleast gaining considerable political power by increased kurdish voters. So they will have more representatives in the parliament. Next step is hidden in their popular saying "We are the largest nation without a state" and they defend their so-called having-a-state-right by this logic. This wet dream will lead them to a very bloody end and I will be there to see it no matter how old I will be.
It may sound like a conspiracy theory but main goal is being majority or atleast gaining considerable political power by increased kurdish voters. So they will have more representatives in the parliament. Next step is hidden in their popular saying "We are the largest nation without a state" and they defend their so-called having-a-state-right by this logic. This wet dream will lead them to a very bloody end and I will be there to see it no matter how old I will be.
wow, thats a long term strategy, why dont they just learn to live amongst everyone else, i am sure if they live like good people every country will accept them as goood citizens
I was looking with a smartphone, i see better now
But we see the poverty is increasing
It increased maybe a little bit in 2009 because of global crisis but thats almost everywhere the case.
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