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Two Saudi Islands seized and yet anyone hardly knows about it


Jun 28, 2010
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Saudi silence on Israeli-seized islands
PressTV - Saudi silence on Israeli-seized islands

Saudi Arabia and the Western states have kept silent for decades regarding the occupation of two Saudi western islands by the Israeli regime.

Israeli forces reportedly occupied Saudi Arabia's Tiran and Sanafir Islands in 1967.

The two islands are located at the southern end of the Gulf of Aqaba, leading to the Red Sea.

Tiran Island, which has an area of about 80 square kilometers, is located at the inflow of the Straits of Tiran. Sanafir Island, with an area of 33 square kilometers, also lies to the east of Tiran.

The two islands were given to the former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser for logistics use in the Six Day War of 1967 against Israeli forces.

However, the islands have been occupied by Tel Aviv since Egypt's defeat.

The Straits of Tiran, which has remained under the control of Tel Aviv, has strategic significance since it serves as Israel's only direct access to the Red Sea.

Regional observers say while Saudi Arabia has maintained a total silence on its own Israeli-occupied islands, it vigorously pursues baseless claims by the United Arab Emirates against three tiny Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf.

If these Islands were in East Asia or any where else in the world then the Western Media would be reporting the story 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Does anyone even know the names of these islands? This is the first time i`ve heard of them.

They also make very large buildings! :)
Well, let's see what this part means:

The two islands were given to the former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser for logistics use in the Six Day War of 1967 against Israeli forces.

However, the islands have been occupied by Tel Aviv since Egypt's defeat.

So SA was lucky Israel did not treat this as an act of war by the Saudis, and took only the islands after it defeated the Egyptians.
Does anyone even know the names of these islands? This is the first time i`ve heard of them.

They also make very large buildings! :)

See what I mean ? The West controls the World media and we only get to know things when they release the info.
The important point is, Why KSA didn't attacked Israel ?? Are they scared ?? :what:

Too many words from too many countries, It's time for them to attack against evil Israel and whoever wins will have all the right. Time to end never ending words against Israel :tup:

Launch Missile against Israel and let see How Arrow-2, Iron Dome, Barak, SpyDer works. :azn:
lol @ Indian and Israeli posters who are conditioned to love occupation of others lands since both nations are terrorist occupiers of Kashmir and Palestine.

As for the islands, Israel has them with the full support of the Saudi regime.
See what I mean ? The West controls the World media and we only get to know things when they release the info.

Thanks, this only confirms that it's not our responsibility to find out things because being spoon fed is our right - hate that zionist western media for depriving us of our right - down, down
lol @ Indian and Israeli posters who are conditioned to love occupation of others lands since both nations are terrorist occupiers of Kashmir and Palestine.

As for the islands, Israel has them with the full support of the Saudi regime.

What about Kurdistan, East Turkmenistan, Baluchistan ? :undecided:

Are Kurd, Baloch, Turkish people are terrorist ? :what:
It is amazing how dim some people are here.

First: These islands were given to Jamal to support him in his fight against Israel. Then they were occupied and in the peace treaty he gave it to Israel which pissed us off to no end that we cut our ties with Egypt.

Second: New studies on proposed Saudi-Egyptian bridge set - Arab News

This bridge runs right through Tiran and Sanafir. Mubarak as an Israeli Slave he would refuse our proposals for it every time because of (Israeli security concerns).

Third: Our backing of the Palestinian bid and for Israel to retreat to Pre-67 borders would also make them give up these Islands as security concerns and the Multi-National contingent troops stationed there will retreat.

So again Iranian media is practically saying (If israel gets to occupy Arab lands. Why can't we??"
So again Iranian media is practically saying (If israel gets to occupy Arab lands. Why can't we??"

So it's not Zionist Western media, it's Iranian media? or is it the same thing? I guess when Islamic jihad and Hamas come to power we'll find out - I always suspected that Iranian media, they are depriving the Sodies from being spoon fed - down, down iranian media!
So it's not Zionist Western media, it's Iranian media? or is it the same thing? I guess when Islamic jihad and Hamas come to power we'll find out - I always suspected that Iranian media, they are depriving the Sodies from being spoon fed - down, down iranian media!

The article is from PressTV genius.
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