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Since Gwadar is a very strategical importance for both China and Pakistan. I want to ask what does the name "Gwadar" mean?

Does it mean anything special or is it just a name?

many thanks
I know, but does the word Gwadar mean anything?

I don't think there is a lot of material on the name itself. So I'll give my view (I could be wrong).

Gwadar has two syllables for sure. 1) Gwa, 2) Dar

1) Gwa or Gawa sounds like a reference to the holy cow "Gawa" or "Gaya"
2) Dar means door, or port, or "entry point".

So the meaning could be Entry point in the name of the Sacred Cow.

Here are comparable names:

A generic name for a seaport is "Ban-dar" or "Ban-dar-Gah". Therefore Karachi's seaport is called "Karachi bandargah" or "Karachi Ban-dar" for short.

Click on the following line to see discussion about another port on Arabian sea called Keti-ban-dar
Keti Bandar: Definition and Much More from Answers.com

Summary: It is possible that the old name of Gawadar could have been "Gawa or Gaya Ban-dar" (Seaport of sacred cow), and overtime it lost the middle syllable and reduced to the current name "Gawa or Gwa"-dar
I don't think there is a lot of material on the name itself. So I'll give my view (I could be wrong).

Gwadar has two syllables for sure. 1) Gwa, 2) Dar

1) Gwa or Gawa sounds like a reference to the holy cow "Gawa" or "Gaya"
2) Dar means door, or port, or "entry point".

So the meaning could be Entry point in the name of the Sacred Cow.

Here are comparable names:

A generic name for a seaport is "Ban-dar" or "Ban-dar-Gah". Therefore Karachi's seaport is called "Karachi bandargah" or "Karachi Ban-dar" for short.

Click on the following line to see discussion about another port on Arabian sea called Keti-ban-dar
Keti Bandar: Definition and Much More from Answers.com

Summary: It is possible that the old name of Gawadar could have been "Gawa or Gaya Ban-dar" (Seaport of sacred cow), and overtime it lost the middle syllable and reduced to the current name "Gawa or Gwa"-dar

Interesting, thanks for your views.
Are you implying Hinduism here?

I am not sure what you mean by "implying Hinduism". Islam in Sindh and Balochistan started with Bin Qasim. And Bin Qasim defeated a Hindu Raja Dahir. So it is possible that the coastal area and many parts of Sindh were named by the followers of Hinduism.

At this stage it doesn't matter if the place was named by Muslims, or before them by Hindus, or before them by Buddhists, or before them by the followers of unknown religion in Moinjodaro.

What really matters is that cities and towns now belong to us and we should develop them for a bright future while cherishing their history.

How much is China willing to participate in these projects compared to Gwadar?
How much is China willing to participate in these projects compared to Gwadar?

There is not much information in regards to Chinese participation in other projects apart from Gwadar.

Probably the other projects are still in their preliminary stages, however, should Pakistan desire Chinese participation, China would be happy to cooperate with other projects.

Gwadar seems to be very successful for both China and Pakistan. So the possibility of joint projects on other ports would be high.

thats good to hear about that they are intresting to build such huge facilites in Karachi and Gawadr which really help peoples to technical experience and to earn money as well as to established mechineical infrastuctre in Pakistan ..
The name Gwadar is, in fact, a combination of two Balochi terms Giwat = Air (Oxygen) + Dir = door. Gwadar means a ‘door or passage for oxygen’. Baloch Society of North America

As a side note, Gwadar's name also has an interesting story. Pre-partition it was used by traders and merchants and tourists as a door or an entrance into Goa as it was the prime gateway into the sub-contitent from the Middle East.

Hence the name Gwadar or Goa-Dar (Door to Goa)
Metrpblogging Karachi

I hope this helps.

JF-17 very impressive indeed!
Since China is a great friend and we are giving them a way to Arabian Sea shouldn’t we provide this corridor to Russia as well? since Russia is once again emerging as a Power hence Pakistan should focus on it b/c America has never been our true friend so by developing good relations with Russia would result in more investment in Pakistan and will help them also in balancing this unipolar world.

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