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Two Cobra Commandos Killed

Guys, please, two uniformed personal died in line of duty, which deserves respect, can we leave the banter for some other thread.

Your AUDIO doesnt matches your VIDEO.The first person who started the banter was encouraged with Thanks by you.
But if I am wrong to conclude so, May your wish come true.Ameen.

if this news serves u a reminder then well and good but yes i need to remind you guys that just 3 days back what sort of dance you were doing on the dead bodies.

Me?? May be you are talking about some Indians members.
Good,you are balancing Sh*tty work they did in some thread by your contribution in same way in this thread .
Keep it up.

Indian Army needs to kill every single of these dirty naxalites and Maoists. RIP jawans, you will be avenged in full.

Employment, Education facilities & assuring progress to downtrodden tribes & areas can help better.
Me?? May be you are talking about some Indians members.
Good,you are balancing Sh*tty work they did in some thread by your contribution in same way in this thread .
Keep it up.
Are there any celebrations u see here from me or some maut ka tandav......no way.my ethos doesnt allow me tho stoop so low on their level..But then this should be be reminder to them.
Your AUDIO doesnt matches your VIDEO.The first person who started the banter was encouraged with Thanks by you.
But if I am wrong to conclude so, May your wish come true.Ameen.

Actually you are acting on a different wave length, nothing could stop the justification, "do onto others what they will have do onto you"....a reminder was indeed called for and in place, but what really counts is holding the high moral ground....sadly a term something our neighbours are totally oblivious to. !!
I sink even deeper when i see a lot of sympathisers popping up for these murderers.Brave soldiers killed by cowardlyscumbags.RIP to fallen Soldiers !!!
And I sink daily when i see no outrage from elite indians on the atrocities done to and exploitation of tribal by police/security force on daily basis..
A lot actually depends on who dies..... :whistle:

On topic : RIP our brave men....

The choice to whether or not celebrate deaths - that too deaths of people who are sent into battle really depends upon the amount of humanity left in you.
I wonder if i should start celebrating it but nah i'm not like PDF indians who celebrate on dead bodies and then justify their celebrations.


WTF is your problem...why would a Indian celebrate this...Oh God people are so focking crazy they sometimes cant even act fake properly.

You have already done yourself a big favour by having 2 Indian flags on your profile.Do one more..act sensible.
Actually you are acting on a different wave length, nothing could stop the justification, "do onto others what they will have do onto you"....a reminder was indeed called for and in place, but what really counts is holding the high moral ground....sadly a term something our neighbours are totally oblivious to. !!
Going off topic isn't expected from elite member.
Don't drag morality and neighbour together, who stand higher or lower on moral grounds can be discussed in different thread.
Are there any celebrations u see here from me or some maut ka tandav......no way.my ethos doesnt allow me tho stoop so low on their level..But then this should be be reminder to them.

one doesnt need to do a tandav to expres happiness. i can feel your gloating in your words.
Actually you are acting on a different wave length, nothing could stop the justification, "do onto others what they will have do onto you"....a reminder was indeed called for and in place, but what really counts is holding the high moral ground....sadly a term something our neighbours are totally oblivious to. !!

Reminder ??
First ,there is no need to support every anti-indian command to show yourself patriotic.
Second,May be low life newbees are degrading their nation by celebrating sad demise of uniformed soldiers. They are no doubt culprits but if so called senior members using fresh threads to do same BS to remind they are more guilty.

And I sink daily when i see no outrage from elite indians on the atrocities done to and exploitation of tribal by police/security force on daily basis..

So you have joined a Madarsaa too ??

Like every country India has its problem too but condition is much better than you are trying to picture it here.

Going off topic isn't expected from elite member.
Don't drag morality and neighbour together, who stand higher or lower on moral grounds can be discussed in different thread.

Well its rule here, any one can throw a anti-indian remark here but if someone answers back its low moral stand or behaviour.
Going off topic isn't expected from elite member.
Don't drag morality and neighbour together, who stand higher or lower on moral grounds can be discussed in different thread.

No matter what the credentials, replying to an accusation/query is sometimes necessary hence sometimes psyche and the subject go hand in hand.
'Rest in peace' to the brave policemen who were martyred on duty. I hope the scumbags responsible for their deaths pay a heavy price. Death of each policemen by maoists must be avenged by the death of 100 maoists.

It has gone on for far too long. I blame the government for its half hearted policies in dealing with these anarchists.
So you have joined a Madarsaa too ??

Like every country India has its problem too but condition is much better than you are trying to picture it here.
everyone thinks conditions are much better...really???In that sense conditions are much better in pakistan too see irrespective of you try to make out here.you need example ...i'm still alive and returned safe and well from there.

Well its rule here, any one can throw a anti-indian remark here but if someone answers back its low moral stand or behaviour.
Indians take refuge into morality when they are shown the mirror otherwise they keep on with their disgusting and obscene dance of celebration of death at that time morality word dont strike to them instead when reminded they throw all morality to the winds and then the real obscenity of indians is revealed in front of whole world.
everyone thinks conditions are much better...really???In that sense conditions are much better in pakistan too see irrespective of you try to make out here.you need example ...i'm still alive and returned safe and well from there.

Indians take refuge into morality when they are shown the mirror otherwise they keep on with their disgusting and obscene dance of celebration of death at that time morality word dont strike to them instead when reminded they throw all morality to the winds and then the real obscenity of indians is revealed in front of whole world.

What are you on about??? what's your problem here, a couple of soldiers have died in their line of duty and you are on here trying to bring in your cr@p morality about what?? - you want us to sympathize with a known terrorist who got killed a couple of days ago, yeah ok we sympathize for that god forsaken soul who came out trying to kill more of our fellow Indians and Indian soldiers robbed him of his Godly duty. But you should also be happy that the Indian forces sent him to his Jannat and his 72 hoors and he died in his line of duty. Plese send some more across so we can keep sending them to their maker.
everyone thinks conditions are much better...really???In that sense conditions are much better in pakistan too see irrespective of you try to make out here.you need example ...i'm still alive and returned safe and well from there.


Take it as request, dont show how you get frustrated in some thread by some indians by spoiling this thread.

No one is bringing Pakistan here except you.

Get a life !

Indians take refuge into morality when they are shown the mirror otherwise they keep on with their disgusting and obscene dance of celebration of death at that time morality word dont strike to them instead when reminded they throw all morality to the winds and then the real obscenity of indians is revealed in front of whole world.

Well You are right Mrs.Morality, but is it difficult to understand that BS posters in some threads should be answered & silenced in respective thread instead of sh*tting in every thread that comes in your way in efforts to avenge them or show up your frustration.
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