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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

n erdogan is one bold man muslim countries have..last year he snubbed netanyahu right in his face n condemned israels war crimes..Bravo!!
Pakistan's government must also be a part of this expedition!!

If it goes through, this might be the tipping point that breaks the dominance of Israel from committing any further atrocities and human rights violations like preventing food and clothing to reach Gaza.
☪☪☪☪;909563 said:
Oh and any attack on Turkish Armed Forces will invoke Article 5 of NATO which means NATO will have to defend Turkey (On Papers only we all know US may very well strip Turkey off NATO Membership)

That is not true if it is Turkey who is instigating the conflict. and invading another countries territorial waters to run a blockade is an act of war
. .
god bless israel , may god help them beat the evil forces in this bad time.

Yeah evil forces like these.

That is not true if it is Turkey who is instigating the conflict. and invading another countries territorial waters to run a blockade is an act of war

Thomas last time i checked your Israeli masters attacked an unarmed vessel in International waters.
That is not true if it is Turkey who is instigating the conflict. and invading another countries territorial waters to run a blockade is an act of war

They are going to Gaza, not Israel. There is no invasion except breaking a blockade.

And by definition, you and I both know, a blockade is an act of war. So it is Israel instigating "conflict".
god bless israel , may god help them beat the evil forces in this bad time.

I wasn't aware that any country opposing Israeli policies was occupying millions of people and keeping them imprisoned in ghettos (increasingly smaller in size as Israel takes more and more of their productive land to build settlements for Israelis), starving them through a blockade and periodically launching military raids into those contained and blockaded ghettos.

Sounds like 'District 9' (the movie), except the people in the camps are ordinary humans, not aliens. Closer to reality, sounds like the restricted living spaces set up for Black South Africans by the minority Whites under apartheid.

Oh wait, Israel is doing all of the above, so are you praying that Israel defeat the 'evil forces' within it?

Apparently the excuse by the Israeli leadership, for atrocities committed by Israel, will be that 'the evil voices in my head made me do it!'.
. .
Indians will join Israel for support:victory: mother -----s...can't handle moist rebels and few freedom fighters on its own.....and praying for killers....your *** will also be screwed very soon.:rofl:
That is not true if it is Turkey who is instigating the conflict. and invading another countries territorial waters to run a blockade is an act of war

And what does USA do ? bring flowers too ppl ? Turkey is helping to free millions of ppl taken hostage by Isreal.

It would be such an un-wise move that I doubt it has any credence. Even in all the high emotions I would think Turkey would have better sense then to deliberately start a war. How would Turkey react if Israel sent warships into it's territorial waters. My guess is they would be fired upon. And they would have a right to do it.

With all due respect... do you think it was wise for US to send his armies to Afghanistan? or Iraq?
Turkish civilians are openly shot dead!
No investigation is required crime was witnessed by folks from all over the world.
It was unwise move by Israel... it has to face.. what ever comes next.
BTW... Turkey not need any support from NATO allies... it can handle Israel war machine all alone..... it will be complicated in case if Israel invite voluntiers and indians for war as it always did in past.
It is very important for Turkey to keep track of air traffic flewing into Israel.
plz tell me who were the actual inhibitants of arabia before islam came..??
khaibar , bani quraiza , bani juan etc etc etc... they all were jewish towns , who were massmurdered .

They weren't mass murdered. They broke treaties and were banished.

Also, they weren't towns, they were tribes. Shows how much you know.

From there a majority of them went north and west and spread out toward Europe and the rest of Arabia.

I can't believe you actually think Muslims hate Jews just because a bunch of 12 year olds went on about bombing Israel.

Go study Muslim Spain and the Crusades. Muslims and Jews worked together and achieved victory in defending their conquered lands.

Unfortunately, the majority of today's Jews only work for themselves, which is admirable indeed, but they overdo it and end up hurting those around them. And that is where today's conflict begins.

Generalizing and calling 1.5 billion people, "savages", really shows how little you know about Islamic History. Tell me, do you go to 'FaithFreedom' or 'AnsweringIslam'? If you do, I request you not to go there as they have been caught lieing countless times and have lost all credibility a month after both of them were born.
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Yeah evil forces like these.



what else can u do if the suicide jacket wearing kid is hellbent to kill civilians.
i can post pics too to counter ure pics , but no use. my pics will be deleted right away.
have u ever thought that y in their schools , instaed of teaching them humanity and peace they teach them hate..??
why instead of making them engineers and doctors they are making them sucide bombers.
With all due respect... do you think it was wise for US to send his armies to Afghanistan? or Iraq?
Turkish civilians are openly shot dead!
No investigation is required crime was witnessed by folks from all over the world.
It was unwise move by Israel... it has to face.. what ever comes next.
BTW... Turkey not need any support from NATO allies... it can handle Israel war machine all alone..... it will be complicated in case if Israel invite voluntiers and indians for war as it always did in past.
It is very important for Turkey to keep track of air traffic flewing into Israel.

I dont think Terkey gonna do war with Isreal ... same nuke factor applied here in case of war
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