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Turkish jets raid northern Iraq, clashes kill 23


Apr 25, 2010
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ANKARA, Turkey – Turkish warplanes launched air raids at suspected Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq Saturday after a rebel attack on a military outpost in Turkey touched off clashes in which nine soldiers and 12 rebel fighters died, Turkey's military and reports said.

Two other soldiers were killed in a land mine explosion while chasing the rebels, the state-run Anatolia new agency reported, raising the overall death toll in Saturday's violence to 23.

Special forces were immediately sent to reinforce the border area where the clashes occurred and Turkish warplanes bombed detected Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq the military said, without providing any further details.

At least 14 other soldiers were wounded in the fighting.

Kurdish rebels have dramatically stepped up attacks in Turkey in recent months, threatening a government attempt to end one of the world's longest guerrilla wars. The military said Friday more than 40 soldiers had been killed since March — including six who died in a rocket attack on a vehicle near a naval base in southern Turkey — and warned it anticipated more attacks.

Turkey's military has responded by sending warplanes across the border for raids on suspected rebel bases while elite commandos crossed the border in pursuit of the rebels in a daylong incursion earlier this week.

The rebels belonging to the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, have used northern Iraq as a springboard to stage hit-and-run attacks on Turkish targets in their decades-long campaign for autonomy in Turkey's Kurdish-dominated southeast. The Turkish military says around 4,000 rebels are based just across the border in Iraq and that about 2,500 operate inside Turkey.

The group declared it was increasing attacks on June 1, a day after imprisoned Kurdish rebel chief Abdullah Ocalan said in a statement relayed by his lawyers that his calls for dialogue with Turkey had been ignored and that he was giving his consent to the rebel command in northern Iraq to determine which course of action to take.

The military said Saturday's attack occurred at 2 a.m. (2300 GMT Friday) on an outpost near the town of Semdinli — a mountainous region where the borders of Turkey, Iraq and Iran meet. The military said eight soldiers were killed but the Anatolia later reported that one missing soldier was found dead, raising the number of troops killed in the attack to nine.

Private NTV television, citing unnamed military sources, said a large group of PKK rebels infiltrated the area from hideouts across the Iraqi border to attack the military unit.

Clashes in the region were continuing sporadically, NTV said.

The United States, which along with the European Union, has declared the PKK to be a terrorist group, has provided intelligence to Turkey in support of its fight against the rebels. Turkey also uses drones it recently purchased from Israel.

Armagan Kuloglu, a retired general and military analyst, said, however, there appeared to be a deficiency in the intelligence and that the advance of the rebels should have been detected.

Saturday's attack was met with outrage among politicians in Turkey.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey was determined to press ahead with the fight "until the terrorist organization is eradicated."

A nationalist opposition party, the Nationalist Action Party, called for a wide-ranging ground offensive in northern Iraq, including the establishment of a security zone along the border inside Iraqi territory and operations against PKK commanders believed to be based on Mount Qandil, which sits on the Iranian-Iraqi border.

On Friday, the military said it had killed as many as 120 Kurdish rebels in an air raid on rebel positions in northern Iraq last month and in this week's incursion by elite commandos who crossed the border to hunt down a group of PKK rebels who escaped after a failed attack near the border town of Uludere.

Turkey has launched several air and ground incursions into northern Iraq over the 26 years of the insurgency, with mixed results. The rebels have returned to positions along the border soon after the troops have withdrawn.

The Marxist group has been labeled a terrorist organization by the West for killing civilians in urban bombings and arson attacks and slaying government teachers, engineers and clergymen.

The government has extended greater cultural rights to the Kurds such as broadcasts in the Kurdish language on television, in an effort to win their hearts and reduce support for the rebels.

Turkey, however, rejects calls from the Kurdish rebels and politicians to allow education in schools in Kurdish. The language is also barred in parliament and other official settings on the grounds that its use would divide the country along ethnic lines.

The conflict has killed as many as 40,000 people since 1984.

Turkish jets raid northern Iraq, clashes kill 23 - Yahoo! News
Yup, they are rebels according to CNN, BBC, Yahoo News, MSNBC etc... But I have never seen them calling hamas or Al Q as rebels. It must be a Turkish thing.
Kurdish Rebels..alright..

Yup, they are rebels according to CNN, BBC, Yahoo News, MSNBC etc... But I have never seen them calling hamas or Al Q as rebels. It must be a Turkish thing.

who gives a ****...
PKK is the enemy of Iran and Turkey. Even if the PKK is right and we are wrong, they're still our enemy and we will bomb them if we like. The US, West, the arab world, the East, Martians, African bush people etc... can all come and kiss my ***.
who gives a ****...
PKK is the enemy of Iran and Turkey. Even if the PKK is right and we are wrong, they're still our enemy and we will bomb them if we like. The US, West, the arab world, the East, Martians, African bush people etc... can all come and kiss my ***.

True that brother.
Erdogan must be the biggest hypocrite in the world. He calls Hamas who specifically target Civilians as freedom fighters, but PKK as terrorists.

He cries if Israel blocks ship in international water. But, he has no shame in crossing the international border of another sovereign country for bombing mission.

Hope Kurdish people get their freedom and their own nation. A two state solution of Turkey and Kurdistan side by side is vital for Peace in the Middle East.
Erdogan must be the biggest hypocrite in the world. He calls Hamas who specifically target Civilians as freedom fighters, but PKK as terrorists.

He cries if Israel blocks ship in international water. But, he has no shame in crossing the international border of another sovereign country for bombing mission.

Hope Kurdish people get their freedom and their own nation. A two state solution of Turkey and Kurdistan side by side is vital for Peace in the Middle East.

I am sorry why the **** would we give them a part our OUR country. Should Palestine give Israe...oh wait. There are many kurds that live peacefully in Turkey if the PKK don't want peace then they will get bombs instead. :sniper:
Because you illegally colonized Kurdish territory.

Tell me what part was illegal provide some info here. Maybe we need the United States of America to just move since the Native Americans lived there. You do know Turkey formed out of the Ottoman empire. Which was a Turkish ruled empire.
Erdogan must be the biggest hypocrite in the world. He calls Hamas who specifically target Civilians as freedom fighters, but PKK as terrorists.

He cries if Israel blocks ship in international water. But, he has no shame in crossing the international border of another sovereign country for bombing mission.

Hope Kurdish people get their freedom and their own nation. A two state solution of Turkey and Kurdistan side by side is vital for Peace in the Middle East.

Man you dont know **** about Turkey, so just be quiet. Go learn some history. There are millions of Kurds living in Turkey in peace and there's no blockade of any sort, so you cant even compare the Kurds and the Palestinians. There are probably 5-10k terrosists out there out of 12 million Kurds.

That sovereign nation you're talking about are helping these effers to come back and kill our people. Oh yeah, since we are Turkish, we should sit back and watch. I feel so aggravated when I see ignorant low lives like you who have no clue about the topic you're talking about. Be a little open minded and research both sides of the story. I am sick and tired of being reminded of the so-called Armenian genocide and the current Kurdish problem. Israel and people who think like them like covering up their mistakes by bringing something up that was not even proven yet.
Erdogan must be the biggest hypocrite in the world. He calls Hamas who specifically target Civilians as freedom fighters, but PKK as terrorists.

He cries if Israel blocks ship in international water. But, he has no shame in crossing the international border of another sovereign country for bombing mission.

Hope Kurdish people get their freedom and their own nation. A two state solution of Turkey and Kurdistan side by side is vital for Peace in the Middle East.

Stop writing **** bout Turkey all the time if you have no clue. You can't compare the Israel-Palestine issue with the Kurds and Turks! Did israel ever had an palestinian president? WE HAD a Kurdish President.Turks and Kurds can live together. We are Brothers! Only about 15% of Kurds in Turkey are supporting PKK.

SHUT THE **** UP IF YOU HAVE NO CLUE! :disagree:
guys you wasting time with him report the post and just leave him. any one who know turkey he also know what is pkk. problem is guy don't know any thing abut turkey.

and good step turkey last night i was thinking abut possible air raids and next morning turkey done it.keep the pressure on them .
Hope Kurdish people get their freedom and their own nation. A two state solution of Turkey and Kurdistan side by side is vital for Peace in the Middle East.

You and I'm sure some Indians and Indian Politicans fear that Turkey can probably play a leading Role in Eurasia, where big ressources of Oil and Gas to be exploit which India needs. India also fear that a Turkic Union could Support Pakistan in Case of war and defeat India, it's clear why Indians favor a kurdish State.
I am sorry why the **** would we give them a part our OUR country. Should Palestine give Israe...oh wait. There are many kurds that live peacefully in Turkey if the PKK don't want peace then they will get bombs instead. :sniper:[/

Israel has a similar position vice vie Hamas....and secondly what about Northern Cyprus??
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