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Turkish hackers deface Pakistani Google Webpage


Jan 7, 2012
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By Web DeskPublished: November 24, 2012

Google.com.pk was apparently defaced by Turkish hackers.

Early Saturday morning, attempts to access search engine Google led to a page which appeared and behaved in a manner quite unlike the familiar logo and search bar one is used to. Google had been hacked and defaced.

The defaced webpage appeared only on the Pakistan sub-site for the search engine, Google. Those who access Google from within Pakistan are usually redirected to this portal. Though soon, the redirect stopped working and one was taken to the international page Google.com for search queries.

Hackers swapped the Google logo and a search bar with an image of two penguins walking on a bridge. A message in Turkish read (translated through Google translate):
“Eboz of a friend always there for me My homies have not shot by me with every breath”

It further added the line “Downed Pakistan” to confirm the webpage had been taken down.
At the bottom of the page, the hackers added a big question mark followed by the tag line that when translated read:

“Hello friends who are still alive, not dead!”

Turkish hackers deface Google Pakistan’s webpage – The Express Tribune
I dont think the hackers are Turkish .....Why should they do that ?..

They might very well be Turkish. Internet is full of these "script kiddies". I administer servers for a living and god knows how many times my public servers come under attack (sometimes several hundered/day). From the looks of it, seems like buch of kids trying to make a name for themselves. I wouldn't look for any kind of political motivation under it.

That being said, I am kind of impressed they were able deface an official google website. Most probably they didn't hack the google servers but some kind of DNS poisoning attack.
They might very well be Turkish. Internet is full of these "script kiddies". I administer servers for a living and god knows how many times my public servers come under attack (sometimes several hundered/day). From the looks of it, seems like buch of kids trying to make a name for themselves. I wouldn't look for any kind of political motivation under it.

That being said, I am kind of impressed they were able deface an official google website. Most probably they didn't hack the google servers but some kind of DNS poisoning attack.

Very much.
They might very well be Turkish. Internet is full of these "script kiddies". I administer servers for a living and god knows how many times my public servers come under attack (sometimes several hundered/day). From the looks of it, seems like buch of kids trying to make a name for themselves. I wouldn't look for any kind of political motivation under it.

That being said, I am kind of impressed they were able deface an official google website. Most probably they didn't hack the google servers but some kind of DNS poisoning attack.
I agree with u ... I hope they don't harm anyone ...i can only hope :-)
The Turkish proverb doesn't make sense. Why would he put that up?
I wonder what there motives were.

Also this thread is in the wrong section.
It actually does :) Their intention is most clear from the footnote

"Dostlara selam Olmedik hala yasiyoruz!" which translates to "hello to friends. We are not dead but alive!"

These kinds of groups live on publicity. What they do is deface websites and submit them on internet lists for recognition. They probably have been taking it easy in the last few months and were accused of being irrelevant so they decided to do something "big" to show they are still in the game. As I said earlier most of the attacks on the net is not politically motivated but a show of force for some teenagers.
A literal translation wouldn't make any sense but a loose translation is as follows:

My brothers are always with me, within friends
Is there a friend not with me in every breath I take
Thinking about the main objective of hacking....:thinktank:
May be just wanna check their hacking skills....:D
or maybe they have any message for us...:o
So then why did they target Google Pakistan?
Thinking about the main objective of hacking....:thinktank:
May be just wanna check their hacking skills....:D
or maybe they have any message for us...:o
well they made google suffer???
any loss???
maybe this hacking is as a reply to the movie against Islam....:coffee:
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