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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
You need a good balance between public and private sector. I think US is a crap example of how capitalism has run rampant, and Denmark a bad example because they got problems regarding quality on public institutions (inkl. hospitals). wasting quite a few money tbh.

I hope the people will wake up and vote otherwise in next election, and lets see if that yields vendetta like move from opposition parties, and how much crap appears.
Ardoughan destroyed the turkısh economy. The worst president. Elected from a mob. A gangster boss Ardoughan.

İf Atatürk was alife he would sentence Ardoughan to death for treason. Ardoughan will sell out the nation soon to jews and western banksters. They grabbed him by the balls.

It's unbelievable that how many Turks try to depict themselves as foreigners here in this forum? Even this one is doing it for 4 years? Typo mistakes (like turk-ı-sh, -İ-f) clearly show he has a Turkish keyboard and probably a Turk! And he think he can cheat us by writing Ardoughan! What a miserable life! :cuckoo:

Dışardan kredi yani BORÇ bulabilmeyi, Türkiye'yi üç beş cente muhtaç edip daha sonra yalvar, yakar; kim bilir hangi tavizlerle, burnuna hangi halka takılmasına razı oluyor ve bunları sırıtarak büyük bir meziyetmiş gibi anlatabiliyor.. Enteresan..


Muhtemelen iş dünyasına uzak olduğunuz, bu işleri tüketici mantığıyla yorumladığınız için kredinin ne demek olduğunu bilmiyorsunuz. Sadece yapacağı iş için yeterli kaynağı olmayanların mı kredi kullandığını sanıyorsunuz? Koskoca Ülker'in borç yapılandırması ile ilgili haberleri duymadınız mı? Ülker isterse tüm kredilerini bir kalemde kapatamaz mı? Veya aile olarak milyarlarca dolar servetleri bulunan bu adamlar kredi kullanmadan da yatırım yapamaz mı? Bu soruların hepsinin cevapları evet, yapabilir ama yapmıyor, neden acaba? Uygun şartlarda alınan kredi kendi kaynağını kullanmaktan daha iyidir ve tüm iş dünyası da büyüğüyle, küçüğüyle bunu yapar.

Ayrıca bu haberin sembolik bir yönü var. ABD'ye mesaj var. Zaten bu haberden sonra apar topar atılan Türkiye'yi yaptırımla tehdit tweetleri mesajın yerine ulaştığını gösteriyor.
Muhtemelen iş dünyasına uzak olduğunuz, bu işleri tüketici mantığıyla yorumladığınız için kredinin ne demek olduğunu bilmiyorsunuz. Sadece yapacağı iş için yeterli kaynağı olmayanların mı kredi kullandığını sanıyorsunuz? Koskoca Ülker'in borç yapılandırması ile ilgili haberleri duymadınız mı? Ülker isterse tüm kredilerini bir kalemde kapatamaz mı? Veya aile olarak milyarlarca dolar servetleri bulunan bu adamlar kredi kullanmadan da yatırım yapamaz mı? Bu soruların hepsinin cevapları evet, yapabilir ama yapmıyor, neden acaba? Uygun şartlarda alınan kredi kendi kaynağını kullanmaktan daha iyidir ve tüm iş dünyası da büyüğüyle, küçüğüyle bunu yapar.

Ayrıca bu haberin sembolik bir yönü var. ABD'ye mesaj var. Zaten bu haberden sonra apar topar atılan Türkiye'yi yaptırımla tehdit tweetleri mesajın yerine ulaştığını gösteriyor.

ABD'nin Türkiye ile ilişkilerinin gerilmesini ABD'nin planmadan geliştiğini düşünmek bize çok pahalıya mãl olabilir. Türkiye bu süreçte Rusya, Çin eksenine daha çok yaklaşırsa tuzağa düşmüş olur. Jeopolitik konumumuz gereği denge unsuru olma özelliğimizi kaybetmemeliyiz.
Turkey's exports rose 11.8 percent in July, reaching $14.1 billion — the highest figure ever for the month of July, Turkish Exporters' Assembly (TIM) data showed Wednesday.

Provisional export figures were announced by Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan and TİM Chairman İsmail Gülle at a meeting in the ministry in the capital Ankara.

The largest jump in exports was seen in the defense and aviation sectors, with a 38.3 percent rise. Following defense and aviation, the exports of boats and yachts saw an increase of 64 percent, while steel exports rose 60 percent.

According to TIM data, the country's exports in the first seven months of 2018 increased by 7 percent to climb to $96.3 billion. Exports in the last 12 months rose 8.1 percent, reaching $163.3 billion.

The highest monthly figure was previously registered in 2014 when exports reached $13.3 billion. Thus, the July figures correspond to an increase of $761 million compared to the same month in 2014.

Moreover, Turkey saw records broken every month this year, except June. In addition, a $15 billion-barrage in exports was exceeded for the first time on a monthly basis in March.

Meanwhile, Turkey's imports in July stood at 20.1 percent, falling 6.4 percent as the rate of exports meeting imports jumped to 70.1 percent from 58.7 percent.

On a sectoral basis, the automotive sector again registered the highest export numbers, leading the way at $2.8 billion, according to the TİM chairman, who said the figure corresponded to an increase of 13.8 percent year-on-year. The automotive sector was followed by ready-made and garment with $1.6 billion and chemicals with $1.5 billion.

According to TurkStat, exports hit an all-time high of $157.6 billion in 2014. They reached nearly $157 billion last year. The country wants to achieve a record $170 billion in exports by the end of this year.

In terms of markets, Turkey exported to 223 destinations in the world in July with Gülle noting Turkey increased exports to 170 of them. Again, Germany led the way, followed by the U.K., the U.S., Italy and Iraq.

Gülle added that increases in exports to countries such as Oman were up fourfold. Among others, exports to Libya increased threefold, while exports to Columbia, South Korea and India saw a two-and-a-half fold increase in July.

The European Union was again leader among country groups. Exports to the bloc were up 15 percent, reaching $6.9 billion in June, the TİM chairman said, adding that the share of the bloc in total exports stood at 48.7 percent.

He added an increase of 42.6 percent increase in exports to Africa where President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid an official visit on June 25-28. Exports to the continent reached $1.2 billion in July.
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AKP is planning to quit with a big bang for the Turkish people.
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20.1 percent
That is supposed to be 'billions' I suppose.

Now I think about it, even that would mean of an about 66% Exports to Imports rate, not 70.1%.

So those people who steal electricity just attacked private company workers in order to keep stealing electricity. Stealing electricity rate is more than %80 in certain cities. Why don't we just cut their electricity until they pay for it? Why do i have to pay for their electricity?

Do we have a government? Where is our government? o_O
When I said this then I was attacked with "then it would punish also those who pay, which would help the cause of PKK"..

This is the mentality of cowards, and a surrender to terrorists. Then they have achieved their goals, it means.

Our government still couldnt stop their mentality of communism. It is REALLY sad!
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Use advanced technology, so they are not able to steal electricity.

As I remember we help turkey to install such devices.
Use advanced technology, so they are not able to steal electricity.

As I remember we help turkey to install such devices.

Got nothing to do with technology. It's already the latest and newest but the Kurds just refuse to pay up and destroy whatever you build there. It's nothing new tho.
Got nothing to do with technology. It's already the latest and newest but the Kurds just refuse to pay up and destroy whatever you build there. It's nothing new tho.
You really need Azerbaijani officer there.. They will show them the language the understand.. really..
Got nothing to do with technology. It's already the latest and newest but the Kurds just refuse to pay up and destroy whatever you build there. It's nothing new tho.

Got many thing to do with technology. You have old electric mete in general, which are easy to manipulate. The newest one are hard to manipulate. You can destroy it, yes, or do not pay your bills, but you can’t steal electricity so easy. I don’t know the Turkish laws, but we would cut the electricity if they don’t pay the bills.

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