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Turkish Aviation Programs


B?R TANE DAHA GEL?YOR - AirportHaber "Haberin Tek Kayna??" Güncel Sivil Havac?l?k Haberleri

News ^^ Our Little Bird Style Helo is on the Way ^^
Source : Vatan Media
Yerli HAlar 2014te havalanacak! | GAZETE VATAN
?LK PART? ?UBAT'TA TESL?M ED?L?YOR - AirportHaber "Haberin Tek Kayna??" Güncel Sivil Havac?l?k Haberleri

Türk mühendisler tarafından üretilen milli insansız hava araçlarının seri üretimine başlandı. Yerli İHA’lardan ilk parti Şubat 2014’te TSK’ya teslim edilecek. 28 İHA askeriyenin envanterine girecek.

28 UAV Systems will be delivered to Turkish Armed Forces- First Party in February 2014​

Baykar Machinery Tactical UAVs : First party 6 UAV systems in February the other 6 in May 2014 includes 2 ground control stations, 3 ground data terminal, 2 camera systems and 2 remote display terminals.



Vestel Defense Industry Tactical UAVs : Parachute landing capable Karayel would be inventory in July 2012 but army requested upgraded one pushed the date into 2014. 6 systems will be delivered to Turkish Armed Forces


TAI Anka Male UAVs : 10 Anka UAV system expected to be in TSK Inventory in 2014.

12 Baykar Machinery Caldiran Tactical Uavs
6 Vestel Defence Karayel Tactical Uavs
10 TAI Anka Male Uavs
Total of 28 Uav System

Source : Vatan Media
Yerli HAlar 2014te havalanacak! | GAZETE VATAN
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TFX is the Turkish 5th gen. fighter program:
TFX (Turkey) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was supposed to be a joint venture with Korean KFX, but the plan did not work out:
KAI KF-X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there is a Japanese program:
Mitsubishi ATD-X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
which has its own indigenous engine: IHI XF5-1

I am compiling available info on Korean and Japanese fighter programs in this thread:

I was wondering if the 3 programs could be combined and produce 3 different models (Japanese are in the process of removing export restriction of weapons systems from their constitution):

1. A twin engine 5th gen. fighter that will be similar to existing F-22 raptor or planned Japanese ATD-X or Turkish TFX-C200 with Japanese engine XF5-xx, that will be priced around $100 million
2. A twin engine 5th gen. fighter that will be similar to existing F-35 or planned Korean KFX or Turkish TFX-C100 with a lower powered version of Japanese engine XF5-xx and lower cost avionics, that will be priced around $50 million
3. UCAV similar to X-47B or based on above No. 2, but with a single XF5-xx engine
Northrop Grumman X-47B - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of the above 3 fighters will be networked and work together in battle field, together with AWACS type airborne radar.

The above program could become a standard platform for a wide variety of countries and compete with similar platforms from China and Russia in quality and similar platforms from US/EU in price.

Japan, South Korea and Turkey would be technology and financial partners, sharing development and manufacturing work. Indonesia and GCC states would guarantee a future market and share financing of R&D cost.

With this new platform and consortium, dependence could be reduced on US/EU, Russia or China based weapons systems, for many smaller less developed countries of the world and thus removing political restrictions for export of leading edge weapons systems.
Turkey has launched a competition worth hundreds of millions of dollars to equip scores of its military aircraft with high-tech missile warning systems (MWS).

A defense official said the planned MWS would boast Imaging Infrared (IIR) technology which detects a missile from heat coming from its exhaust. “We think the IIR is the best technology to meet our requirements,” he said.

Once an enemy missile has been detected, the pilot can either launch chaff flares to jam its course, or he can take on avoidance maneuvers.

Under an earlier program, military electronics concern Aselsan, Turkey’s biggest defense firm, produced a similar MWS based on ultraviolet technology and outfitted these to scores of military helicopters under a German license.

A defense expert said ultraviolet would be more suitable for helicopters whereas the IIR is better for platforms flying at higher altitude.

“The false warning ratio with the IIR sensors is smaller than ultraviolet sensors at higher altitudes,” he said.

Turkey’s defense procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM), has said the competition it opened will be for fixed-wing platforms in the inventory of the Turkish Air Force.

First manufacturer may foreign

At the end of August, SSM issued a Request for Information (RfI) in order to “gather general information on potential suppliers of the MWS in the market; have an idea of availability of the required MWS; investigate and clarify the system and sub-system based technical details and requirements; define logistics support requirements for the system as a part of the Request for Proposal (RfP) preparation effort.”

Only MWS manufacturers can receive the RfI document until Sept. 16, SSM said. The responses to the RfI should be delivered to SSM on or before Oct. 11. Procurement officials said that if Turkey decided to outfit only its F-16 fleet with the MWS, this would mean business for over 200 aircraft. “An initial batch would probably be purchased off-the-shelf from a foreign manufacturer, but the rest could be produced locally under license,” the official said.
Turkey, Russia conduct joint air military exercise

Turkey and Russia are conducting a two-day joint air military drill under the NATO-Russian Cooperative Airspace Initiative, the Turkish army announced today.

“The joint exercise is being held to test, evaluate, and develop both the equipment and personnel of the new Ankara Area Control Center’s ability to oppose the use of civilian aircraft in terror attacks while cooperating with Russia under the aegis of the NATO-Russia Cooperative Airspace Initiative,” the Chief of General Staff said in a written statement.

Both nations will be enacting the drill in the skies above Samsun, Sivas and Trabzon and international airspace over the eastern Black Sea region. The exercise will utilize two F-16 jet-fighters from the Turkish Air Command, Unified Air Operations Center-2 (Diyarbakır) personnel, as well as one TU-154 and four SU-27 jetfighters from Russian Federation Air Command.
Turkish Basic Trainer Aircraft Hürkuş Successfully Continues Test Flights


(Source: Turkish Aerospace Industries; issued Oct. 1, 2013)

The TAI-developed Hurkus turboprop basic trainer. (TAI photo)
Turkish Basic Trainer Aircraft "Hürkuş", which was designed to meet the training and Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance aircraft requirements of Turkish Armed Forces, successfully continues its test flights at TAI's premises in Ankara.

Following the completion of ground and taxi tests, HÜRKUŞ realized its maiden flight on August 29, 2013.

•First Flight: Consequent to the flight permission of SHGM (Turkish Civil Aviation General Directorate) and EASA (European Civil Aviation Authority), the first flight, which was performed on August 29, 2013, lasted 33 minutes. Following the engine start at 07:30 am, Hürkuş, which took off at 07:35 am, completed its maiden flight with open landing gear position at a height of 9500 ft. During the flight, the first checks were performed on control surfaces and a successful landing was realized.

•2nd flight was performed on September 12, 2013 at a height of 9950 ft and 135 knots. Static control tests were performed during the 2nd flight.

•3rd flight was performed on September 19, 2013 at a height of 10,200 feet and 140 knots. During the 3rd flight, which lasted 33 minutes, trim controls, flap configuration changes and direct approach tests were performed.

•4th flight was performed on September 20, 2013 at a height of 10,200 feet and 140 knots. Static stability controls with different flap configurations were checked during the 4th flight that lasted 58 minutes.

Flight tests will continue in the forthcoming period.


Turkish Basic Trainer Aircraft Hürku
Turkish 5 tonnes twin engine utility helicopter program.

26 june 2013: TAI-SSM signiture ceremony
06 Sept. 2013: Project schedule officially commenced

First Flight: 60th Month
EASA certification: 78th month
Military Certification: 90th month

Concept drawings

Helicopter Development Program

Helicopter Development Program involves the in-country design, development, test and manufacture of a helicopter with the purpose of meeting the utility helicopter requirements of Turkish Armed Forces and other institutions.

On the 26th of June, 2013 Helicopter Development Program Contract was signed with TUSAŞ A.Ş. and the Program Schedule commenced on 6th of September, 2013. Within the scope of the Contract, a 5-ton class utility helicopter with the capability of carrying 3 crews and 9 passengers will be designed, developed, tested and manufactured, as well as the receipt of the international civil certificate from European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the completion of the military qualification. According to the the Program schedule, the first flight is planned to be made in the 60th month, the civil certification is planned to be received from EASA in the 78th month and the military qualification process is planned to be completed on the 90th month.

On 11th of October 2013 the Kick-off Meeting of the Program was held in TUSAŞ facilities.


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