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Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

Yahu kardeşim, bir insan eğer Müslüman değilse, ya da eğer deist veya ateist ise, bu, o kişinin senin dinine inanmadığı anlamına gelir. O kişi için senin dinin ve diğerleri birer peri masalıdır, senin peygamberin ise, Nişanyan'ın dediği gibi, bir Arap liderinden öte bir şey değildir. Birinin ateistim dediği anda, senin, o kişinin aynı böyle düşündüğünü zaten biliyor olman gerekir. Bunları dile getirmeyi hakaret addedip ceza vermen, Islama inanmamayı yasakladığın anlamına gelir. E o zaman tüm ateistleri, deistleri, inanmayanları toplayıp hapse mi atacağız ne yapacağız?

Bu arada, AKP Ankara İl Yönetim Kurulu üyesi ve AKP Tanıtım Medya Başkan Yardımcısı Mahmut Macit'ten geliyor:


Nişanyan'ın sözde ettiği "hakaret" 13 ay ise, bu kaç ay olmalı size göre çok merak ediyorum...

I say, Mahmut Macit should be treated similarly for what he said.
But still that doesn't make Nisanyan right.
Say anything you want, but don't interfere in others' spiritual views. That's the freedom of speech I think. Especially muslims. Because muslims cannot insult back the religion of the one who insults theirs.
To be honest, if that man would said the same statement aganist Ataturk then what would be your reaction...?
Turkey one of the 3 countries in the world that personal immunity of a statesman(MK Ataturk) taken under protection of constitutional laws..our other counterpart countries Iran and North Korea..

But there is no such constitutional protection laws for Allah, Mohammad and Qur'an as done for Aataturk....
you can reject,refute all prenciples of islam and could justify your own way unless you directly assult high common values of community..

No doubt if mr Sevan would said the same things againist Ataturk he would subject to more heavy legal punishment and our citizens who advocate advanced democracy like you was cheering the decision of court..am i mistaken?

TRT'deki ba
dude, remember article no: 5816
Atatürk Aleyhine

Although Turkey still has some lacks of democracy, quite better than all times remained in the past..and more, we are advancing in democracy not worsing over the years

At present, our judiciary system is almost accordince with EU standarst..Yet there still some anti-democratic articles in constitution but government now is trying to fix them for coming next new constitution..

Dude, Islamists are insulting Atatürk in every occasion, recently some people were even discussing whether he was a homosexual or not in their blogs. I'm not even going to talk about the claims accusing him with being agent, traitor, etc... With that being said, that immunity should be lifted for all i care since it has no function other than being a pathetic excuse for the likes of you.
To be honest, if that man would said the same statement aganist Ataturk then what would be your reaction...?
Turkey one of the 3 countries in the world that personal immunity of a statesman(MK Ataturk) taken under protection of constitutional laws..our other counterpart countries Iran and North Korea..

But there is no such constitutional protection laws for Allah, Mohammad and Qur'an as done for Aataturk....
you can reject,refute all prenciples of islam and could justify your own way unless you directly assult high common values of community..

have you ever read Iran's constitution?

I dont know abut Turkey and why Ataturk is sacred there and no one should criticize him,
but in iran, insulting anyone is a crime. All are same, even insulting foreigners who are in iran is crime,
and there is nothing in Iran's constitution to say no one should criticize
iranian leaders.
Turar,your comment on this?

To be honest, if that man would said the same statement aganist Ataturk then what would be your reaction...?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...months-blasphemy-blog-post.html#ixzz2U77H1uq7

Why would anyone deny the existence of Atatürk? You can see him in my avatar.

I say, Mahmut Macit should be treated similarly for what he said.
But still that doesn't make Nisanyan right.
Say anything you want, but don't interfere in others' spiritual views. That's the freedom of speech I think. Especially muslims. Because muslims cannot insult back the religion of the one who insults theirs.

So what he said is equal to what Nisanyan said according to you?

Forget about Mahmut, read my post again. Nobody has interfered in your spiritual views, unless you consider nonbelievers as an interference...
what was the blasphemous comments on blog... can anybody post them here..
Why would anyone deny the existence of Atatürk? You can see him in my avatar.

So what he said is equal to what Nisanyan said according to you?

Forget about Mahmut, read my post again. Nobody has interfered in your spiritual views, unless you consider nonbelievers as an interference...
He didnt mean his existence but if anyone would insult Ataturk,what would your reaction be.
Should the person be punished?
He didnt mean his existence but if anyone would insult Ataturk,what would your reaction be.

I wouldn't chop off any heads.

Should the person be punished?

Depends on the insult; you can be punished for insulting Hülya Avşar as well...

The point is, what Nişanyan said is not an insult and he doesn't deserve a punishment for it.
İdeoloji kavgası başladı yine.

The people that applauded the jailing of Hrant Dink for "insulting" turkishness, somehow cannot feel the same about a man getting jailed for " insulting" islam.
İdeoloji kavgası başladı yine.

The people that applauded the jailing of Hrant Dink for "insulting" turkishness, somehow cannot feel the same about a man getting jailed for " insulting" islam.

They wil never learn it unfortunalety. Maybe it is not Islamic state but its stil a Muslims country. If you think you can insult then you are wrong. Go to france or something...
They wil never learn it unfortunalety. Maybe it is not Islamic state but its stil a Muslims country. If you think you can insult then you are wrong. Go to france or something...

Turkey is a secular country not Muslim's. You'll learn it...

There is no insult here, if you want to be able to send people into jails over their criticisms, go to Arabia or something... WTF are you doing in Netherlands other than ruining the image of Turkey?
Turkey is a secular country not Muslim's. You'll learn it...

There is no insult here, if you want to be able to send people into jails over their criticisms, go to Arabia or something... WTF are you doing in Netherlands other than ruining the image of Turkey?

If you got bals go insult some gay or jewish netherlands:cuckoo:. Then you wil see wtf europe is. Muslim country with muslim mojarity face it:laugh:.

Hrand drink was good example. come first with answer.

You have no idea how the freedom of speech works in the Netherlands.
By constitution freedom of speech is limited by insulting.now for the majority of the population they don't apply this.
But when you insult gays and esspecially jews, you'r screwed. They are currently trying to prosecute 3 turkis underaged boys for making idiotic comments of jews.
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You have no idea how the freedom of speech works in the Netherlands.
By constitution freedom of speech is limited by insulting.now for the majority of the population they don't apply this.
But when you insult gays and esspecially jews, you'r screwed. They are currently trying to prosecute 3 turkis underaged boys for making idiotic comments of jews.

If i insult you here in this platform and if you sue me as a response, i might get into trouble. But we must first identify what is insult and what is not. In this case, what this man said against Islam is not an insult, simple as that.
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