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Turkic history: Khazar Line Krupa de TARNAWA "Mysteries of the Silk Road"


Jul 15, 2012
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Ernst Fuchs
Visit Official Krupa de Tarnawa site, "Along the Silk Road" here:

Central Asia has always been a strategic crossroads, where the silk route connected China to the west, the lazurite route connected the mine-rich area of northeastern Afghanistan to the Middle East, and the nephrite (jade) route ran between China and eastern Turkestan. The "Anunnaki gene" has made a remarkable migratory journey throughout the greater Silk Road area, carried by the hereditary descent of the royal Dragon Lineage.

A study published in 2004 by Stephen L. Zegura states that, "The mutational age of Q-P36*, the marker defining the entire Q lineage, is 17,700 ± 4,820 years BP". Its original source is the region of the Altay Mountains near the borders of Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China (Zegura 2004, pp. 164-175). Q1b (M378) is found in only 5% of Ashkenazi Jews and at low frequency among samples of Hazara, Sindhis.

The Tarnawa Dynasty is rooted in the Ashina Line of Turkick rulers. Ashina, depicted as a she-wolf which is equated with the Dragon, is from the nomads of the Steppes, the Xiongnu. One legend of the origin of the Türks relates how a boy is nurtured back to health by a she-wolf, who later becomes pregnant by him and gives birth in a cavern to ten boys who take the name Ashina and “in front of the gate to the camp the Türks placed a standard with a wolf’s head on it, so as to show that they had not forgotten their origins” . (Sinor, “Legendary Origin,” 224-25, see also 233-35 and Golden, “Imperial,” 42-43)

The Wolf symbolizes honour and is also considered the father of most Turkic peoples. Asena (Ashina Tuwu) is the wolf mother of Tumen Il-Qağan, the first Khan of the Göktürks. The Horse is also one of the main figures of Turkic mythology. Türks consider the horse an extension of the human, one creature. The Dragon, also expressed as a Snake or Lizard, is the symbol of might and power. It is believed, especially in mountainous Central Asia, that dragons still live in the mountains of Tian-Shan (Tangri Tagh) and Altay. Dragons also symbolize the god Tengri (Tanrı) in ancient Turkic tradition, although dragons themselves aren't worshipped as gods.

Alfred Freddy Krupa de Tarnawa


Krupa de Tarnawa is an Eastern European family of Ashkenazi origin. As forced converts to Christianity, they were adopted into the ranks of the Polish-Lithuanian Nobility (Szlachta). This custom was endorsed by the articles of the 3rd Lithuanian Statute.

A very rare and exotic Altaic Mongoloid haplogroup Q1b of male Krupa de Tarnawa lineage was recently discovered, presenting only among Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe in North-Western China (Xinjiang/Turkestan), and in the low distribution in southern Central Asia is considered fully coherent with the history of the Royal Ashina Turks and known genealogies of Turkic Royalty. The Khazar Empire has been ruled by the branch of the Ashina Royal Clan and was converted to Judaism in 740 AC or 861 AC. This ancient royal bloodline has been verified by iGENEA of Zurich, which is the largest genetic genealogy organization of Europe. iGENEA focuses on antic populations of Europe.

Khazars were the only people present in Eastern Europe and Western Asia with the "imperial pedigree" descended from the ancient ASHINA Royal Clan of ancient Turks and Huns. They ruled with over 25 nations and tribes, without the same imperial pedigree and the mandate of heaven. For some 500 years the ultimate force in eastern areas of Europe (Ukraine,South Russia etc.), Khazaria was actually the very first feudal state of Europe. Khazars were people of Turkic stock, with origin in Central Asia.

If we believe to current DNA results, my family (we are now speaking purely about male lineage, as they married with many different people) dwelled for at least 20,000 years in Central Asia/South Siberia. They believed that they are carriers of "utkha" , the "inner fire", which is transmitted in male or female line. Blood of Ashina Tribe was considered as sacred, and it was not allowed to shed the sacred blood at any conditions. Therefore, there was an inventive solution for that issue -- boiling in hot water or murder with a silk cord.

Dragon is one of the common images on the Khazarian artefacts. Khazaria was almost an absolute secret for a thousand years. Its existence was almost deleted from history. Also, it was the most tolerant and cosmopolitan society of that time. Some time around 740 AD, the imperial ruling class (around 4000 individuals) started to convert from Turkic Shamanism (Tengrism) to Judaism, and Khazaria turned into the only Hebrew Empire in whole known history.
Prof. Alfred Freddy Krupa de Tarnawa academic painter (M.F.A.)
राजकुमार अल्फ्रेड क्रुपा


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According to Wikipedia article;

"Shamanic practices may originate as early as the paleolithic, predating all organized religions, and certainly as early as the Neolithic period."

Siberia is regarded as the locus classicus of shamanism." The term "shaman" is a loan from the Tungus word saman, meaning "priest of the Ural-Altaic peoples". It also gained currency in the wider native cultures in ancient Siberia." ..."Turner and colleagues mention a phenomenon called shamanistic initiatory crisis. A rite of passage for shamans-to-be, commonly involving physical illness and/or psychological crisis. The significant role of initiatory illnesses in
the calling of a shaman can be found in the detailed case history of Chuonnasuan, the last master shaman among the Tungus peoples in Northeast China."
Therefore, the Krupa family being of true/core Siberian-Altaic genetic-spiritual root and legacy, with faced and experienced extremely severe psychological, spiritual, social and material crisis at certain point in past, can rightfully claim Shamanic Kingship re-newed and re-emerged from the Utkha (inner fire)/ Qut (cohesion force, a link between the Sky and Earth) harwired into blood of royal shamanic descent. Y-DNA findings within the Krupa male lineage and Shaman Emeliye Ulubayan prophetic messages about the Krupa family only underline this fact.

The ancient Khazar Empire was a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe. In the Dark ages it converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Ghengis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. The standard story of the origin of the Ashkenazis, or East-European Jews, holds that they descended from refugees of Crusade- and Black-Death-time persecutions of Jews from western Germany who sought a new life in Poland.

In 1976 Arthur Koestler revived the theory the bulk of the Ashkenazis were the descendants of a turkik tribe (the medieval Khazars). The Khazar Caucasian Jews -- Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe" - were later converts which arose in Slavic Lands -- they weren't from the Mid-East. The geographic contours of the jewish Pale of Settelments under Russian imperial rule overlap significantly the contours of the reduced khazarian province after the Mongols (Gazaria).

Khazars (known also as Chozars, as Khazírs in Armenian and Khwalissas in Russian chronicles), an ancient people who occupied a prominent place among the secondary powers of the Byzantine state-system. In the epic of Firdousi Khazar is the representative name for all the northern foes of Persia, and legendary invasions long before the Christian era are vaguely attributed to them. But the Khazars are an historic figure upon the borderland of Europe and Asia for at least 900 years (AD 190-1100). The epoch of their greatness is from AD 600 to 950. Their home was in the spurs of the Caucasus and along the shores of the Caspian — called by medieval Moslem geographers Bahr-al-Khazar (" sea of the Khazars ").

They were the Venetians of the Caspian and the Euxine, the organizers of the transit between the two basins, the universal carriers between East and West; and the meeting-place of the commerce of Persia, Byzantium, Armenia, Russia and ihc Bulgarians of the middle Volga. The tide of their dominion ebbed and flowed repeatedly, but the normal Khazari may be taken as the territory between the Caucasus, the Volga and the Don, with the outlying province of the Crimea, or Little Khazarh. The southern boundary never greatly altered; it did at times reach the Kur and the Aras, but on that side the Khazars were confronted by Byzantium and Persia, and were for the most part restrained within the passes of the Caucasus. Among the nomadic Ugrians and agricultural Slavs of the north their frontier fluctuated widely, and in its zenith Khazaria extended from the Dnieper to Bolgari upon the Volga, and along the eastern shore of the Caspian to Astarabad.

There were Khazars and Black Khazars. The Khazars were fair-skinned, black-haired of a remarkable beauty and stature; their women indeed were sought as wives equally at Byzantium and Bagdad; while the Kara (black) were ugly, short, and were reported by the Arabs almost as dark as Indians. The latter were indubitably the Ugrian nomads of the steppe, akin to the Tatar invaders of Europe, who convoyed the caravans of the ruling caste. But the Khazars proper were a civic commercial people, the founders of cities, remarkable for somewhat elaborate political institutions, persistence and for good faith — all qualities foreign to the Hun's character.

They appear in European history as White Huns (Ephthalites) or White Bulgarians. Owing to climatic causes thi tract they occupied was slowly drying up. They were the outpost> of civilization towards the encroaching desert, and the Tatar nomadism that advanced with it. They held in precarious subjegation the hordes whom the conditions of the climate made it impossible to supplant. They bore the brunt of the great waves of Tatar conquests, and were eventually overwhelmed.

Amidst this white race of the steppe the Khazars can be first historically distinguished at the end of the 2nd century AD They burst into Armenia in AD 198. They were repulsed and attacked in turn. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Roman and Persi?? empires, of which Armenia was often the battlefield, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. Armenia inclined to the civilization and ere long to the Christianity of Rome, whilst her Arsacid princes maintained an inveterate feud with the Sassanids of Persia. It became therefore the policy of the Persian kings to call in the Khazars in every collision with the empire (200-350).

During the 4th century however, the growing power of Persia culminated in the annexation of eastern Armenia. The Khazars, endangered by so powerful a neighbour, passed from under Persian influence into that remote alliance with Byzantium which thenceforth characterized their policy, and they aided Julian in his invasion of Persia (363). Simultaneously with the approach of Persia to the Caucasus the terrible empire of the Huns sprang upon the northern steppes. The Khazars, straitened on every side, remained passive till the danger culminated in the accession of Attila (434). Khazaria became the apanage of his eldest son, and the centre of government amongst the eastern subjects of the Hun (448). Even the iron rule of Attila was preferable to the time of anarchy that succeeded it.

Upon his death (454) the wild immigration which he had arrested revived. The Khazars and the Sarogours {i.e. White Ogors, possibly the Barsileans of the Volga delta) were swept along in a flood of mixed Tatar peoples which the conquests of the Avars had set in motion. The Khazars and their companions broke through the Persian defences of the Caucasus. They appropriated the territory up to the Kur and the Aras, and roamed at large through Iberia, Georgia and Armenia.

Throughout the 6th century Khazaria was the mere highway for the wild hordes to whom the Huns had opened the passage into Europe, and the Khazars took refuge (like the Venetians from Attila) amongst the seventy mouths of the Volga. The pressure of the Turks in Asia precipitated the Avars upon the West, The conquering Turks followed in their footsteps (560-580). They beat down all opposition, wrested even Bosporus in the Crimea from the empire, and by the annihilation of the Ephthalites completed the ruin of the White Race of the plains from the Oxus to the Don. The empires of Turks and Avars, however, ran swiftly their barbaric course, and the Khazars arose out of the chaos to more than their ancient renown. They issued from the land of Barsilia and extended their rule over the Bulgarian hordes left masterless by the Turks, compelling the more stubborn to migrate to the Danube (641).

The agricultural Slavs of the Dnieper and the Oka were reduced to tribute, and before the end of the 7th century the Khazars had annexed the Crimea, had won complete command of the Sea of Azov, and, seizing opon the narrow neck which separates the Volga from the Don, had organized the portage which has continued since an important link in the traffic between Asia and Europe. The alliance with Byzantium was revived. Simultaneously, and no doubt in concert, with the Byzantine campaign against Persia (589), the Khazars had reappeared in Armenia, though it was not till 625 that they appear as Khazars in the Byzantine annals. They are then described as " Turks from the East," a powerful nation which held the coasts of the Caspian and the Euxine, and took tribute of the Viatitsh, the Severians and the Polyane. The khakan, enticed by the promise of an imperial princess, furnished Heradius with 40.000 men for his Persian war, who shared in the victory over Chosroes at Nineveh.

Meanwhile the Moslem empire had arisen. The Persian empire was struck down (637) and the Moslems poured into Armenia, the khakan, who had defied the summons sent him by the invaders, now aided the Byzantine patrician in the defence of Armenia. The allies were defeated, and the Moslems undertook the subjugation of Khazaria (651). Eighty years of warfare followed, but in the end the Moslems prevailed. The khakan and his chieftains were captured and compelled to embrace Islam (737) and till the decay of the Mahommeaan empire Khazaria with all the other countries of the Caucasus paid an annual tribute of children and of corn (737-861). Nevertheless, though overpowered in the end, the Khazars had protected the plains of Europe from the Mahommcdans, and made the Caucasus the limit of their conquests.

While yet in their pagan state, the Khazars were exposed at one and the same time to the influences of three religions: Mohammedanism, which pursued its triumphant march from the Arabic Caliphate; Christianity, which was spreading in Byzantium, and Judaism, which, headed by the Exilarchs and Gaons of Babylonia, was centered in the Caliphate, while its ramifications spread all over the Empire of Byzantium and its colonies on the Black Sea. The Arabs and the Byzantines succeeded in converting several groups of the Khazar population to Islam and Christianity, but the lion's share fell to Judaism, for it managed to get hold of the royal dynasty and the ruling classes. The conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, which took place about 740, is described circumstantially in the traditions preserved among the Jews and in the accounts of the medieval Arabic travelers. The King, or Khagan, of the Khazars, by the name of Bulan, arranged a disputation between the advocates of the three religions, to be held in his presence. Both the Mohammedan and the Christian acknowledge the superiority of Judaism to the religion of their antagonist, so Bulan adopted the Jewish religion, and many of the Khazar nobles followed his example.

In the ninth and tenth centuries, the kingdom of the Khazars, governed by rulers professing the Jewish faith, attained to outward power and inner prosperity. The accounts of the Arabic writers of that period throw an interesting light on the inner life of the Khazars, which was marked by religious tolerance. The king of the Khazars and the governing classes professed the Jewish religion. Among the lower classes the three monotheistic religions were all represented, and in addition a considerable number of pagans still survived. In spite of the fact that royalty and nobility professed Judaism, the principle of religious equality was never violated.

In the interval between the decline of the Mahommedan rmpîre and the rise of Russia the Khazars reached the zenith of their power. The merchants of Byzantium, Armenia and Bagdad met in the markets of Itil (whither since the raids of the Mahommcdans the capital had been transferred from Scmendcr), and traded for the wax, furs, leather and honey that came down the Volga. So important was this traffic held at Constantinople that, when the portage to the Don was endangered by the irruption of a fresh horde of Turks (the Petchenegs), the emperor Theophilus himself despatched the materials and the workmen to build for the Khazars a fortress impregnable to their forays (834). Famous as the one stone structure ¡s in that stoneless region, the post became known far and wide amongst the hordes of the steppe as Sar-kel or the White Abode. Merchants from every nation found protection and good faith in the Khazar cities. The Jews, expelled from Constantinople, sought a home amongst them, developed the Khazar trade, and contended with Mahommcdans and Christians for t he theological allegiance of the Pagan people. The dynasty accepted Judaism (c. 740), but there was equal tolerance for all. and each man was held amenable to the authorized code and to the official judges of his own faith.

At the Byzantine court the khakan was held in high honor. The emperor Justinian Rhinotmetus took refuge with him during his exile and married his daughter (702). Justinian's rival Vardanes in turn sought an asylum in Khazaria, and in Leo IV. Í775) the grandson of a Khazar sovereign ascended the Byzantine throne. Khazar troops were amongst the bodyguard of the imperial court; they fought for Leo VI. against Simeon of Bulgaria ; and the khakan was honoured in diplomatic intercourse with the seal of three solidi, which marked him as a potentate of the first rank, above even the pope and the Carolingian monarch.

It was, however, from a power that Constantine did not consider that the overthrow of the Khazars came. The arrival of the Varangians amidst the scattered Slavs (862) had united them into a nation. The advance of the Petchenege from the East gave the Russians their opportunity. Before the onset of those fierce invaders the precarious suzerainty of the khakan broke up. By calling in the Uzes, the Khazars did indeed dislodge the Petchcnegs from the position they had seized yi the heart ofthe kingdom between the Volga and the Don, but only to drive them inwards to the Dnieper. The Hungarians, severed from theirkindredand theirruters. migrated to the Carpathians, whilst Oleg. the Russ prince of Kiev, passed through the Slav tribes of the Dnieper basin with the cry "Pay nothing to the Khazars" (884).

The kingdom dwindled rapidly to its ancient limits between the Caucasus, the Volga and the Don, while the Russian traders of Novgorod and Kiev supplanted the Khazars as the carriers between Constantinople and the North. When Ibn Fadian visited Khazaria forty years later, Itil was even yet a great city, with baths and market-places and thirty mosques, but there was no domestic product nor manufacture; the kingdom depended solely upon the now precarious transit dues, and administration was in the hands of a major domus also called khakan.

Slavonian tribes, who had been united under the leadership of Bussian princes, not only threw off the yoke of the Khazars, whose vassals they were, but also succeeded in invading and finally destroying their center at the mouth of the Volga. At the assault of Swiatoslav of Kiev the rotten fabric crumbled into dust. His troops were equally at home on land and water. Sarkel, Itil and Scmender surrendered to him (965-969). He pushed his conquests to the Caucasus, established Russian colonies upon the Sea of Azov, devastated the Khazar territories on the Ityl, and, penetrating to the heart of the country, dislodged the Khazars from the Caspian region.

The Khazars withdrew to their possessions on the Black Sea, and established themselves in particular on the Crimean Peninsula, which for a long time retained the name of Khazaria. The principality of Tmutarakan, founded by his grandson Mstislav (988), replaced the kingdom of Khazaria, the last trace of which was extinguished by a joint expedition of Russians and Byzantines (1016). A remnant of the nation took refuge in an island of the Caspian (Siahcouye); others retired to the Caucasus; part emigrated to the district of Kasakhi in Georgia, and appear for the first time joining with Georgia in her successful effort to throw off the yoke of the Seljuk Turks (1089).

The greatly reduced Khazar kingdom in Tauris, the survival of a mighty empire, was able to hold its own for nearly half a century, until in the eleventh century it fell a prey to the Russians and Byzantines (1016). The last of the khakans, George, Tzula, was taken prisoner. But the name is thought to survive in Kadzaria, the Georgian title for Mingrclia, and in Kadzaro, the Turkish word for the Lazis. Till the 13th century the Crimea was known to European travellers as Gazaria; the "ramparts of the Khazars" are still distinguished in the Ukraine; and the record of their dominion survives in the names of Kazarck, Kazaritshi, Kazarinovod, Kozar-owka, Kuzari, and perhaps in Kazan.

The relatives of the last khagan fled, according to tradition, to their coreligionists in Spain. The Khazar nation was scattered, and was subsequently lost among the other nations. By one account the remnants of the Khazars in the Crimea who professed Judaism were merged with the native Jews, consisting partly of Eabbanites and partly of Karaites. In this way the ancient Jewish settlements on the Crimean Peninsula suddenly received a large increase. At the same time the influx of Jewish immigrants, who, together with the Greeks, moved from Byzantium towards the northern shores of the Black Sea, continued as theretofore, the greater part of these immigrants consisting of Karaites, who were found in large numbers in the Byzantine Empire. Khazar Empire
1 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b
2 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b among Turkic Uyghurs of China
3 Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia
4 Ashina of Khazaria
5 Conversion on Judaism limited to Quaghan Bulan and 4000 of his nobles
6 Archeological and Anthropological evidences
7 Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree

Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b (Q1b1a)

The most recent discovery of a rare and exotic Altaic Mongoloid (Turanid) haplogroup Q1b of male Krupa de Tarnawa, presented only among Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe in North-Western China -Xinjiang/Eastern Turkestan (in two separate groups of Turkic Uyghurs), in the low distribution throughout Turan/Inner Asia, in particular in southern Central Asia (Hazara and Sindhi people) and Western Asia (North of Iran,Turkey,Caucaus Mountains) is considered fully coherent with the history of the Royal Ashina Turks and known genealogies of Turkic Royalty, including Khazars.

Rare samples in Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews (and other ethnos) positive on Q1b/Q1b1/Q1b1a (M-378/L-245) mutation follow and confirm the Khazarian exodus pattern after 985 AC or 1016 AC and onward. History records that Khazars fled to Iraq, Syria, Anatolia, and Spain etc.

The Black Death of 1347-8 accelerated the progressive depopulation of the former Khazar heartland between Caucasus, Don and Volga.

Gazaria was a later, but important distribution channel. Gazaria is the name given to the Genoese colonies in Crimea and around the Black Sea from the mid 13th century to the late 15th century. The word is derived from Khazaria, even though the Khazars had ceased to rule over the area by that time.

A study published in 2004 by Stephen L. Zegura states that "The mutational age of Q-P36*, the marker defining the entire Q (M-242) lineage, is 17,700 ± 4,820 years BP," and that its original source is the region of the Altay Mountains near the borders of Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China.

The Q1b (The Q1b-M378 subclade is currently defined by several mutations: M378, L214, L215, and L314, while L-275 is labeled as Q1b*) with its several submutations (Q-L245, Q-L301, and Q-L327) is situated directly below the Q1/P-36.2, and therefore, together with Q1 forms a genetic cluster that is the closest to the ancestral (original) Q (P36, M-242). Thus far, all records that have been assigned by SNP testing into Haplogroup Q1b, no matter on genetic distance, also have a null value for DYS 425.[22]

According to Behar et al. 5% of Ashkenazi males belong to haplogroup Q.[23] This has subsequently been found to be entirely the Q-M378 subclade and may be restricted to Q-L245. Behar suggests that this haplogroup is the minor Ashkenazi Jews founding lineage.

Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b among Turkic Uyghurs of China

Discovery of the Ashkenazi Jewish haplogroup Q1b among Uyghurs of China is of great importance due to the reason that
Western and North China is considered as the region of Ashina formation and therefore confirm link with ancient Ashina Tribe;
as second it makes hypothesis of the Khazar oldest and core tribal extraction from the Qasar tribe of Uyghurs much more valid, and further because certain scholars, such as D.M. Dunlop and P.B. Golden, considered the Khazars to be connected with a Uyghur or Tiele confederation tribe called He'san in Chinese sources from the 7th-century (Suishu, 84). Remarkable is the fact that the Khazar language appears to have been an Oghuric tongue, similar to that spoken by the early Bulgars and corresponding to the modern day Chuvash dialects. P.B. Golden along with M. Artamonov and A. Novoseltsev even went further claiming that Khazars were a tribal union of Uyghur, Sabir, and some other Altaic Turkic people. That particular theory is the most favorite among most of the post-Soviet Russian scholars.

and, as third, because Ashina Tribe provided Imperial House to the Uyghur Nation; namely Ichichni Shihtu, descends chiefs/kings of the Uighurs, and, father of Asyana Shad, father of [?] Ay Uzhru, their first king (487), who founded the Uighur Khaganate centered in Central Asia between the Mongols, Huns, and Chinese.

S.P.Nesterov speaks about 500 hundred Ashina families in his work "The Old Turks in Central Asia and Southern Siberia ", while André Wink in his book „Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World: The Slavic Kings and the Islamic Conquest 11th-13th century“ inform us that during the Western Turk episode , the Royal Ashina Clan has been reinforced and expanded with the scions of older Hephthalite/White Hun, Kushan and Irana subregimes. Both Kushan Empire and White Hun Empire has been ruled by the Yuezhi Royal families. They were originally settled in the arid grasslands of the eastern Tarim Basin area, in what is today Xinjiang and western Gansu, in China, before they migrated to Transoxiana, Bactria and then northern South Asia.

From perspective of a contemporary researcher, various elements or Old Turkic ruling class of the Khazarian Empire, constituted from the Ashina clan, core Khazar clans and Yuezhi elements (and others) cannot be separated in terms of valid conclusion. What connects them is the very same shamanic creed (the mandate of heaven trough blood descent).

Krupa de Tarnawa Y-DNA Haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia

One of the carriers of Q1b SNP mutation are the Sunni Hazara, also known as: Khazars, Khazara, Hazara,Hazars, Hazaragi, Aimaq Hazara, Chahar Aimaq, Char Aimaq, Four Aimaq.

Prevailing part of located carriers of haplogroup Q1b in Southern Central Asia are located in areas south and western of The Khunjerab pass,which is in a strategic position between the autonomous region of Gilgit-Baltistan (formerly known as the Northern Areas), part of the disputed region of Kashmir and the Xinjiang autonomous region of China. In turn it connects North-Western China (Xinjiang) with India and Western Asia (Y-DNA distribution from China to Hazaras and Sindhi and further).

Ashina of Khazaria

The Khazar Empire has been ruled by the branch of the Ashina Royal Tribe which was converted to Judaism in 8th century AC.

The account of al-Istakhrī, written c. 320/932, is as follows (Viae regnorum, ed. by M.J. De Goeje (1927), 223ff.):

"As to their politics and system of government, their chief is called khāqān of the Khazars. He is greater than the king of the Khazars [elsewhere called the bak or bāk, i.e., beg], except that the king of the Khazars appoints him. When they wish to appoint this khāqān, they bring him and throttle him with a piece of silk, till, when his breath is nearly cut off, they say to him, 'How long do you wish to reign?' and he says, 'So and-so many years.' If he dies short of them, well and good. If not, he is killed when he reaches that year. The khaqanate is valid among them only in a house of notables. He possesses no right of command nor of veto but he is honored, and people prostrate themselves when they enter his presence.…. The khaqanate is in a group of notables who possess neither sovereignty nor riches. When the chief place comes to one of them, they appoint him, and do not consider his condition. I have been informed by a reliable person that he had seen a young man selling bread in one of the sūqs. People said that when their khāqān died, there was none more deserving of the khaqanate than he, except that he was a Muslim, and the khaqanate is not conferred on any but a Jew."

Conversion on Judaism limited to Quaghan Bulan and 4000 of his nobles

Scholars Douglas Morton Dunlop, Robert M. Seltzer, Stephen Lowe, Raphael Patai, Abba Eban (etc.) as well as Ibn Fadlan, Ibn Dastan and many other contemporary travelers and geographers, reported about Khazar conversion on Judaism limited to the Ashina of Khazaria tribal ruling class.

Other accounts include; Gardîzî whose Zayn al-Ah_bâr dates from ca. 1050, drew from many of the same sources used by Ibn Rusta. He reports that the Qag_an and Išâd (Prince) are Jews as are all who are inclined (meil dârad ) to (these) two from among the generals (sarhangân) and great men . The rest of them have a faith (bar dînî and ) which resembles that of the religion of the Oğuz Turks (ba-dîn-i turkân-i ġuzz mânad)

Al-Mas_ûdî, in his description of the Khazar capital, Atıl/Itil, writes: In this city there are Muslims, Christians, Jews and pagans. As concerns the Jews, they are the king (malik, by which he later notes he means the Qağan), his entourage and the Khazars of his tribe (min jinsihi). The king of the Khazars converted to Judaism during the caliphate of (Hârûn) ar-Rašîd (reg. 786–809, pbg). Some Jews joined him, arriving there from various Islamic urban centers and from Byzantium (Rûm). This was because the king of Rûm, in our time i.e in 332/943 it is Armanûs (Romanos Lekapenos, reg. 920–944), converted those Jews who were in his kingdom to the Christian religion, using coercion on them . . .”

Russian History Encyclopedia quote; "Most Khazars practiced shamanist-Täri religion. In the late eighth to early ninth century (but perhaps as late as 861), THE KHAZAR RULING ELITE CONVERTED TO JUDAISM. While many questions remain concerning this conversion and its pervasiveness, it is clear that by accepting Judaism, the ruling class made Khazaria a religious neutral zone for its warring Christian and Islamic neighbors. Religious tolerance and Khazaria's international commercial interests brought Christians, Muslims, Jews, pagans, and others to trade and live within the kaghanate."

Those claims has been confirmed and fortified in full by the very latest Y-DNA studies on Jews;

A 2010 study on Jewish ancestry by Atzmon et al. says "Two major groups were identified by principal component, phylogenetic, and identity by descent (IBD) analysis: Middle Eastern Jews and European/Syrian Jews. The IBD segment sharing and the proximity of European Jews to each other and to southern European populations suggested similar origins for European Jewry and refuted large-scale genetic contributions of Central and Eastern European and Slavic populations to the formation of Ashkenazi Jewry.".

The recent archeological discovery of the Khazar Jewish Capitol - Itil/Atil by The Astrakhan State University and subsequent conclusions ,confirmed the very same.

Quote from The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia; "Ultimately, about 786-809, their king Bulan and 4,000 of his nobles accepted Judaism, the prince Obadiah being active in securing their Judaization. "

Some medieval sources give the name of the rabbi who oversaw the conversion of the Khazars as Isaac Sangari or Yitzhak ha-Sangari.

According to A. Harkavy ("Meassef Niddahim," i.), the conversion took place in 620; according to others, in 740. King Joeph, in his letter to Hasdai ibn Shaprut (about 960), gives the following account of the conversion:(see Harkavy, "Soobshchenija o Chazarakh," in "Yevreiskaya Biblioteka," vii. 153);

"Some centuries ago King Bulan reigned over the Khazars. To him God appeared in a dream and promised him might and glory. Encouraged by this dream, Bulan went by the road of Darlan to the country of Ardebil, where he gained great victories [over the Arabs]. The Byzantine emperor and the calif of the Ishmaelites sent to him envoys with presents, and sages to convert him to their respective religions. Bulan invited also wise men of Israel, and proceeded to examine them all. As each of the champions believed his religion to be the best, Bulan separately questioned the Mohammedans and the Christians as to which of the other two religions they considered the better. When both gave preference to that of the Jews, that king perceived that it must be the true religion. He therefore adopted it".

In its aftermath ... , the Khazar officers called for Jewish books which had been kept in a “cave in the plain of Tyzwl". These were produced and the explanations offered by the “sages of Israel” proved critical. “Then,” we are told, “returned Israel, with the people of Qazaria, (to Judaism) completely” and Jews began to emigrate to Khazaria from Iran, Iraq and Byzantium...

According to the Schechter Letter, early Khazar Judaism was centered on a tabernacle similar to that mentioned in the Book of Exodus. Archaeologists at Rostov-on-Don have tentatively identified a folding altar unearthed at Khumar as part of such a construct.

Names of the huge Hebrew aristocracy of Khazaria history do not record, only names of Hebrew Emperors are recorded (based upon 740 AC as conversion date),and famous Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Farisi al Istakhri records that those Hebrew Emperors (he call them kaqhan) are chosen in the very same old shamanic way based on ancient spiritual blood royal premises, despite the fact of nominal conversion;

fl. c. 740 Bulan Sabriel (amalgamation with the Babylonian Jews of Iran,Iraq and Byzant onward)
c. 786-809 Obadiah
Manasseh I
Manasseh II
fl. c. 900 Aaron I
fl. c. 920 Benjamin
c. late 920s-940 Aaron II
fl. 940-965 Joseph
c. 986-988 David
? -1016 Georgius Tzul (In Kerch on Crimea)

Archeological and Anthropological evidences

Kevin Alan Brook; "It is certain that Khazar Jews lived in Phanagoria (Tmutorokan), since over sixty tombstones bearing Jewish symbols (such as seven-branched menorahs, shofars, and lulavs) on one side and Turkic tribe symbols (tamgas) on the other side were found on the Taman peninsula. Many of these tombstones date from the eighth or ninth century. Khazarian tombstones on the Crimean peninsula also depict the shofar, menorah, and staff of Aaron, as well as Turkic tribe symbols... The artifacts from Taman and Crimea are extremely significant since their tamgas show that these Jews were ethnic Turks."

In 1972, 263 graves were discovered near the village of Chelarevo, in the Vojvodina district of present-day Serbia... More important, Jewish motifs have been found on at least seventy of the brick fragments excavated from the graves. The Jewish symbols on the fragments include menorahs, shofars, etrogs, candle-snuffers, and ash-collectors. One of the brick fragments, which was placed over the grave of Yehudah, has a Hebrew inscription that reads, 'Yehudah, oh!'[31] A recent summation of the Čelarevo complex by R.Bunardžič,“Čelarevo—nekropol’ i poselenie VIII–IX vekov” in Xazary, ed. V. Petruxin, V.Moskovič et al. in Evrei i Slavjane 16 (Ierusalim-Moskva, 2005), pp. 522–531,dates the finds to the late eighth-early ninth centuries, notes the Judaic objects in the finds,connects them with one of the three groupings represented there, a people with “northern Mongolian” physical characteristics.

Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree

The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree shows over 20 Levite and Aaronite lineages, as well as of Crimean Karaite, a group traditionally associated with Khazars. It is clear, from all genetic evidences, that this genetic tree descend from a single person or one single endogamic family , and start to rapidly expand in number some 800 to 900 years ago.

Today many Crimean Karaites deny Israelite origins and consider themselves to be descendants of the Khazars. The consensus view among historians, however, considers that religion form of the Khazars was Talmudic Judaism.Some modern Crimean Karaites seek to distance themselves from being identified as Jews, emphasizing what they view as their Turkic heritage and claiming that they are Turkic practitioners of a "Mosaic religion" separate and distinct from Judaism.

As for the Levite identity quote from "Multiple Origins of Ashkenazi Levites: Y Chromosome Evidence for Both Near Eastern and European Ancestries" by Behar et al.; Talmudic sources may possibly be interpreted to support the notion of differences in the social, religious, and legal barriers that relate to the assumption of Cohen and Levite status. These include descriptions of the possible assumption of Levite status other than through patrilineal descent, in a Talmudic passage describing a debate regarding the potential assign- ment of Levite status to a man (and his descendants) whose father was a non-Jew and whose mother was the daughter of a Levite. Such differences could have provided the backdrop for the sanctioned acceptance of Levite status other than through patrilineal descent.

The Krupa de Tarnawa genetic tree, turn to be, also the one of late Stanley Goldfoot (Eliezer Ben Yisrael), the Head of Intelligence for The Stern Group and founder of "The Times of Israel".


Great Hun Empire

Goturk Flag


KHAZAR TIMELINE: Khazar Dateline - TurkicWorld


Royal Ashina (Ashena) Line, de Tarnawa


The Babylonian Goddess Queen Tiamat (The Greek Goddess Chaos ), Mother of Gaia

The Babylonian Goddess Queen Kishar (The Greek Goddess Gaia; Mother Earth)

The Babylonian God-King Anu (Chronos-Saturn) and The High Council of Annunaki; The Jewish Elohim; The Old Gods

God Enlil, The Red Haired Zeus of The Greeks, The Jewish Jehowah, Tengri of Turks

Goddess Erish-Kigal = Nergal The King of Underworld

Queen Lilith I, The Beautiful, Lilith of The Ben Sirah; Red Haired Queen of The North, Jewish Leviathan-The Dragon of The Sea, She-Wolf = Shemo The Archer

Imperial and Royal Ashina Clan of Old Turks (500 families)

Khazar Empire Ruling Class

Ashkenazi of Eastern Europe

Krupa de Tarnawa

Latest research of Zhong,Shi and other authors confirmed that haplogroup Q1b in all EuroAsia (except Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe) can be founded only among Hazara and Sindhi people, and discovered samples of this very rare haplogroup only among Uygurs (Altaic group of languages) of Xinjiang/Turkestan (North-Western China)..

Xinjiang/Turkestan was according to ALL sources location of ultimate origin of the Ashina Royal tribe!

Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route, Hua Zhong,,Hong Shi,Xue-Bin Qi,Zi-Yuan Duan,Ping-Ping Tan,Li Jin,Bing Su, and Runlin Z. Ma, (First published online: September 13, 2010)
Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route

From Rootsweb-compiled by David Hughes;

This genealogy of the Turkish Assena Dynasty is based primarily on two sources, which are (a) Formhals' chart "Royal Race of Deuman", and (b) a chart by Mommaerts posted on the net. The genealogies reconstructed by Formhals and Mommaerts differ. Here I have hopefully successfully harmonized their conflicting genealogical data. For example Mommaerts identifies Iski Khan [Irksi Khan] with Buman's son Kara Kola Khan, but this throws the chronology out of whack; thus, I follow Formhals identification of Iski Khan [Irksi Khan] with Buman's brother Istami, which works out chronologically. Though I follow Formhals rather than Mommaerts on that particular identification; on another identification I follow Mommaerts rather than Formhals, which is where Formhals makes Kushu Mukan Kagan to be a brother of Bumen, but this cannot be correct, and, therefore, here I follow Mommaerts in making Kushu Mukan Kagan to be Buman's son. This is more sound chronologically. Too, Formhals only gives Bumen one son, whereas in nearly every source I have seen Bumen's offspring is referred to as "sons" [plural, i.e., more than one son].

The ancestry of the Ottomans from the Assena Dynasty is based on the identification of Torak Han in the traditional Ottomon pedigree with Turug in Formhals' chart, which works out chronologically. However, if Torak Han and Turug were different persons then they would have to be contemporaries, nevertheless, when one considers that the traditional Ottomon pedigree includes names found in the Assena Dynasty genealogy [e.g. Baz Kagan], one may assume that whoever drew-up the traditional Ottomon pedigree was influenced by the Assena Dynasty genealogy. Too, it is known that the Ottomans wanted to distant themselves from the Assena Dynasty and wanted a unique pedigree. This is evident where the traditional Ottomon pedigree diverges at a certain point from where it is proceeds to trace descent from Adam and Eve.
Krupa de Tarnawa - Ancestral Memories 
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