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Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria


Apr 10, 2012
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Turkey's army on red alert, threatening retaliation against Syria

Tensions between Turkey and Syria escalated sharply on Tuesday, when Turkey's furious Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened military retaliation against Syria along the border between the two countries:

"[It is now clear that Syrian President Bashar] al-Assad’s regime has become a clear and present danger to Turkey’s security.

After this attack, we have entered into a new stage. The rules of engagement of the Turkish Armed Forces have changed. Any risk posed by Syria on the Turkish border, any military element that could pose a threat, will be considered a threat and treated as a military target.

We urge the Syrian regime not to make a mistake and test Turkey’s determinacy and capacity. … Our rational response should not be perceived as weakness, our mild manners do not mean we are a tame lamb. … Everybody should know that Turkey’s wrath is as strong and devastating as its friendship is valuable.

Turkey will use its rights born out of international law with determination and take the necessary steps by determining the time, place and method by itself in the face of this unfairness. This is what I want to stress.

Our plane was targeted on purpose and in a hostile way and not as a result of a mistake. The attitude of the Syrian officials following the incident is the most concrete evidence that our jet was attacked on purpose. The harassing fire on our Casa-type plane during the search and rescue operations is the most palpable evidence of this intent."

As an example of the change in the rules of engagement, five Syrian helicopters recently violated Turkish airspace, and no action was taken. Under the new rules of engagement, some military action would be taken.

Turkey has begun deployment of a large number of military vehicles to the Syrian border, including 15 armored tanks, long-distance guns and other military vehicles.

The U.S. and Nato are standing behind Turkey. A Pentagon spokesman said, "The fact is that [the Turkish jet] was shot down. We believe it was a deliberate act. And the Syrian regime needs to answer for it."

POLITICS - Turkish gov

Army on high alert on Syrian border as Turkey warns of retaliation

Assad says that Syria is in a 'real war'

For most of the Syria uprising, Damascus itself has been spared most of the violence. But that's changing as violence is increasing within Damascus and the nearby suburbs. According to one observer:

"Violent clashes are taking place around positions of the Republican Guard in Qudsaya and al-Hama, [8 km from Damascus]. This is the first time that the regime uses artillery in fighting so close to the capital.

This development is important because it’s the heaviest fighting in the area and close to the heart of the capital."

In the past, Syria's president Bashar al-Assad has played down the strength of the opposition, but this is now changing:

"We are witnessing a real situation of war. ... When one is in a state of war, all our policies and capabilities must be used to secure victory."

Syria's official SANA news agency said that government forces clashed with “armed terrorist groups” in al-Hama.

Syria in

British special ops cross into Syria

There are also unconfirmed first reports from British, French and Turkish sources that are saying British special forces crossed from Turkey into northern Syria Tuesday, May 26, advancing up to 10 kilometers inside the country.

The same sources report heavy fighting around the Presidential Guards compound on the outskirts of Damascus. State TV confirmed the fighting but said dozens of "terrorists" had been killed and many others taken prisoner, including foreign fighters.

If confirmed, this military drive into Syria would be designed to establish the first safe zone along the Syrian-Turkish border, to be followed by more Western military incursions to establish additional zones of safe asylum in other parts of Syria.

British forces in Syria, Assad presidential compound said under attack
Turkey's army on red alert, threatening retaliation against Syria

Tensions between Turkey and Syria escalated sharply on Tuesday, when Turkey's furious Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened military retaliation against Syria along the border between the two countries:

"[It is now clear that Syrian President Bashar] al-Assad’s regime has become a clear and present danger to Turkey’s security.

After this attack, we have entered into a new stage. The rules of engagement of the Turkish Armed Forces have changed. Any risk posed by Syria on the Turkish border, any military element that could pose a threat, will be considered a threat and treated as a military target.

We urge the Syrian regime not to make a mistake and test Turkey’s determinacy and capacity. … Our rational response should not be perceived as weakness, our mild manners do not mean we are a tame lamb. … Everybody should know that Turkey’s wrath is as strong and devastating as its friendship is valuable.

Turkey will use its rights born out of international law with determination and take the necessary steps by determining the time, place and method by itself in the face of this unfairness. This is what I want to stress.

Our plane was targeted on purpose and in a hostile way and not as a result of a mistake. The attitude of the Syrian officials following the incident is the most concrete evidence that our jet was attacked on purpose. The harassing fire on our Casa-type plane during the search and rescue operations is the most palpable evidence of this intent."

As an example of the change in the rules of engagement, five Syrian helicopters recently violated Turkish airspace, and no action was taken. Under the new rules of engagement, some military action would be taken.

Turkey has begun deployment of a large number of military vehicles to the Syrian border, including 15 armored tanks, long-distance guns and other military vehicles.

The U.S. and Nato are standing behind Turkey. A Pentagon spokesman said, "The fact is that [the Turkish jet] was shot down. We believe it was a deliberate act. And the Syrian regime needs to answer for it."

POLITICS - Turkish gov

Army on high alert on Syrian border as Turkey warns of retaliation

Assad says that Syria is in a 'real war'

For most of the Syria uprising, Damascus itself has been spared most of the violence. But that's changing as violence is increasing within Damascus and the nearby suburbs. According to one observer:

"Violent clashes are taking place around positions of the Republican Guard in Qudsaya and al-Hama, [8 km from Damascus]. This is the first time that the regime uses artillery in fighting so close to the capital.

This development is important because it’s the heaviest fighting in the area and close to the heart of the capital."

In the past, Syria's president Bashar al-Assad has played down the strength of the opposition, but this is now changing:

"We are witnessing a real situation of war. ... When one is in a state of war, all our policies and capabilities must be used to secure victory."

Syria's official SANA news agency said that government forces clashed with “armed terrorist groups” in al-Hama.

Syria in

British special ops cross into Syria

There are also unconfirmed first reports from British, French and Turkish sources that are saying British special forces crossed from Turkey into northern Syria Tuesday, May 26, advancing up to 10 kilometers inside the country.

The same sources report heavy fighting around the Presidential Guards compound on the outskirts of Damascus. State TV confirmed the fighting but said dozens of "terrorists" had been killed and many others taken prisoner, including foreign fighters.

If confirmed, this military drive into Syria would be designed to establish the first safe zone along the Syrian-Turkish border, to be followed by more Western military incursions to establish additional zones of safe asylum in other parts of Syria.

British forces in Syria, Assad presidential compound said under attack

Dr Assad is using Classic Strategy "When my country is at Fire, project external Aggression" as Diversionary TACTIC!!
I am sad for the Syrian people. It's hard for me to understand how someone is so determined to hold on to power that he would attack his own people. I don't buy that the shelling is the work of terrorists.
Fighting terrorists has nothing to do with "attack his own people". India itself faces far more internal insurgency than Syria does.
We can always be hopeful, but Syria really did open up a whole new ballgame by shooting at Turkeys plane. No matter who is at fault you dont shoot missiles at a neighbor unless you mean business, and they also attempted to down another jet a day ago.

WRAPUP 5-Syrian forces fire at second Turkish plane -Turkey

What US would do if a hostile state would send its fighter jets to US airspace? We all know the answer, and its not "order the pizza" :azn:

Syria is preparing for war, and Turkey will be one of the attacking states (it already attacks Syria, just not on full scale yet), so if it sends fighters to another country for whatever reason (surveillance, checking enemies combat readiness, or bomb like Israel did earlier), Syria has every right to shoot down the jets. US would do the same, or any country for that matter, therefore blaming this incident on Syria "how they dared to shoot at jet from the hostile country!" is hypocritical.
What US would do if a hostile state would send its fighter jets to US airspace? We all know the answer, and its not "order the pizza" :azn:

Syria is preparing for war, and Turkey will be one of the attacking states (it already attacks Syria, just not on full scale yet), so if it sends fighters to another country for whatever reason (surveillance, checking enemies combat readiness, or bomb like Israel did earlier), Syria has every right to shoot down the jets. US would do the same, or any country for that matter, therefore blaming this incident on Syria "how they dared to shoot at jet from the hostile country!" is hypocritical.

Well our first reaction wouldnt be to fire SAM's at the plane. You notify the pilot he's in restricted airspace and then scramble some fighters. This happens quite often in the US to be honest.

Syria is most deffinetley prepared for a war, bashar has acknowledged that he will fight it out to the end.

I wont disagree that Turkey's f4 was in Syria's airspace, but I think you need to understand how often these accidents happen. He was there for no longer than a few minutes and was supposedly warned by Turkish radio control that he was there.

Ive been reading developments about Russia sending weapons to Syria, maybe they were testing the sams while also sending the world a strong message. One thing is for sure though, you don't fire a missile at a neighbor unless you mean serious business...
Well our first reaction wouldnt be to fire SAM's at the plane. You notify the pilot he's in restricted airspace and then scramble some fighters. This happens quite often in the US to be honest.

Thats what happens in peaceful times, among neutral or friendly countries (like with Mexicans or Canada). What you miss is that its NOT what happens in war or in pre-war times with hostile countries.

Maybe you'll understand this better:

lets say North Korea is arming and sending thousands of terrorists to US to kill Americans, civilians and military alike. And then on top of that NK sends its long range bombers to US air space, what US will do? Shoot down the jets, obviously.
Its all building up.

Either way the Syrian Pers must go.

Turkey I suspect shall be the trip wire .
Well our first reaction wouldnt be to fire SAM's at the plane. You notify the pilot he's in restricted airspace and then scramble some fighters. This happens quite often in the US to be honest.

Syria is most deffinetley prepared for a war, bashar has acknowledged that he will fight it out to the end.

I wont disagree that Turkey's f4 was in Syria's airspace, but I think you need to understand how often these accidents happen. He was there for no longer than a few minutes and was supposedly warned by Turkish radio control that he was there.

Ive been reading developments about Russia sending weapons to Syria, maybe they were testing the sams while also sending the world a strong message. One thing is for sure though, you don't fire a missile at a neighbor unless you mean serious business...

well history shows your reactions would be more in line of this
1- Your navy will send fake SOS signal from a mythical Liberian tanker
2- You'll send an Aegis Cruiser into another country territory
3- Then call a civilian Airplane on military channel and ask them this question "Unidentified military plan announce your purpose"
4- When they don't answer you , you fire 2 SM-2 missile toward that Airbus
5- Now you go into damage control mode which consist of
A- Fake a map (by wiping part of another country land out of it) and showing it to your congress and claim you were in international water
B- Then lying that the plane was out of international flight Corridor
C- When everybody laugh at you because the plane is crashed exactly in middle of the 20km wide international flight corridor you claim the plane was reducing its altitude and speed and was ramming your ship
D- Then hen three different countries Radar and the data gathered from the plane black box show again you are lying ,then you claim your top of the line AEGIS Cruiser as a matter of fact could not identify the &0m long airbus from a 20m long F-14a and you thought it was an F-14a on mission to attack your ship.
E- then when again you were proven wrong by the simple fact that F-14a only mean of attacking a sea or land target is by acting as a Kamikaze plan then you showed your real face and your vice president simply said that you'll never gonna to apologize for any crime that your armed force commit no matter who is responsible .
and at last you awarded medals to the criminals who killed the Children , women and men on that plan .

Well our first reaction wouldnt be to fire SAM's at the plane. You notify the pilot he's in restricted airspace and then scramble some fighters. This happens quite often in the US to be honest.

Syria is most deffinetley prepared for a war, bashar has acknowledged that he will fight it out to the end.

I wont disagree that Turkey's f4 was in Syria's airspace, but I think you need to understand how often these accidents happen. He was there for no longer than a few minutes and was supposedly warned by Turkish radio control that he was there.

Ive been reading developments about Russia sending weapons to Syria, maybe they were testing the sams while also sending the world a strong message. One thing is for sure though, you don't fire a missile at a neighbor unless you mean serious business...

well history shows your reactions would be more in line of this
1- Your navy will send fake SOS signal from a mythical Liberian tanker
2- You'll send an Aegis Cruiser into another country territory
3- Then call a civilian Airplane on military channel and ask them this question "Unidentified military plan announce your purpose"
4- When they don't answer you , you fire 2 SM-2 missile toward that Airbus
5- Now you go into damage control mode which consist of
A- Fake a map (by wiping part of another country land out of it) and showing it to your congress and claim you were in international water
B- Then lying that the plane was out of international flight Corridor
C- When everybody laugh at you because the plane is crashed exactly in middle of the 20km wide international flight corridor you claim the plane was reducing its altitude and speed and was ramming your ship
D- Then hen three different countries Radar and the data gathered from the plane black box show again you are lying ,then you claim your top of the line AEGIS Cruiser as a matter of fact could not identify the &0m long airbus from a 20m long F-14a and you thought it was an F-14a on mission to attack your ship.
E- then when again you were proven wrong by the simple fact that F-14a only mean of attacking a sea or land target is by acting as a Kamikaze plan then you showed your real face and your vice president simply said that you'll never gonna to apologize for any crime that your armed force commit no matter who is responsible .
and at last you awarded medals to the criminals who killed the Children , women and men on that plan .
well history shows your reactions would be more in line of this
1- Your navy will send fake SOS signal from a mythical Liberian tanker
2- You'll send an Aegis Cruiser into another country territory
3- Then call a civilian Airplane on military channel and ask them this question "Unidentified military plan announce your purpose"
4- When they don't answer you , you fire 2 SM-2 missile toward that Airbus
5- Now you go into damage control mode which consist of
A- Fake a map (by wiping part of another country land out of it) and showing it to your congress and claim you were in international water
B- Then lying that the plane was out of international flight Corridor
C- When everybody laugh at you because the plane is crashed exactly in middle of the 20km wide international flight corridor you claim the plane was reducing its altitude and speed and was ramming your ship
D- Then hen three different countries Radar and the data gathered from the plane black box show again you are lying ,then you claim your top of the line AEGIS Cruiser as a matter of fact could not identify the &0m long airbus from a 20m long F-14a and you thought it was an F-14a on mission to attack your ship.
E- then when again you were proven wrong by the simple fact that F-14a only mean of attacking a sea or land target is by acting as a Kamikaze plan then you showed your real face and your vice president simply said that you'll never gonna to apologize for any crime that your armed force commit no matter who is responsible .
and at last you awarded medals to the criminals who killed the Children , women and men on that plan .

well history shows your reactions would be more in line of this
1- Your navy will send fake SOS signal from a mythical Liberian tanker
2- You'll send an Aegis Cruiser into another country territory
3- Then call a civilian Airplane on military channel and ask them this question "Unidentified military plan announce your purpose"
4- When they don't answer you , you fire 2 SM-2 missile toward that Airbus
5- Now you go into damage control mode which consist of
A- Fake a map (by wiping part of another country land out of it) and showing it to your congress and claim you were in international water
B- Then lying that the plane was out of international flight Corridor
C- When everybody laugh at you because the plane is crashed exactly in middle of the 20km wide international flight corridor you claim the plane was reducing its altitude and speed and was ramming your ship
D- Then hen three different countries Radar and the data gathered from the plane black box show again you are lying ,then you claim your top of the line AEGIS Cruiser as a matter of fact could not identify the &0m long airbus from a 20m long F-14a and you thought it was an F-14a on mission to attack your ship.
E- then when again you were proven wrong by the simple fact that F-14a only mean of attacking a sea or land target is by acting as a Kamikaze plan then you showed your real face and your vice president simply said that you'll never gonna to apologize for any crime that your armed force commit no matter who is responsible .
and at last you awarded medals to the criminals who killed the Children , women and men on that plan .
Here we go..
Thats what happens in peaceful times, among neutral or friendly countries (like with Mexicans or Canada). What you miss is that its NOT what happens in war or in pre-war times with hostile countries.

Maybe you'll understand this better:

lets say North Korea is arming and sending thousands of terrorists to US to kill Americans, civilians and military alike. And then on top of that NK sends its long range bombers to US air space, what US will do? Shoot down the jets, obviously.

Last I checked the 2 countries are not at war? And before 2011Turkey and Syria had increasingly friendly relations with each other. Neither country was hostile toward the other... That is, until last friday.

And your analogy is a completely insane one. There's a big difference in "sending thousands of terrorists" and bombers and jets and having an unarmed recon plane in your airspace for 5 minutes... Do you not see the ridiculousness of that?
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