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Turkey will closely follow Greek plans to revive oil bid in Aegean, says FM


May 11, 2012
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United States
7 January 2013 / TODAY'S ZAMAN, ANKARA ,

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said that Turkey is closely following an initiative by Greece to set the boundaries of its exclusive economic zone in the Aegean Sea and to start oil exploration within those boundaries, disregarding long-ongoing talks with Turkey to resolve territorial disagreements in the Aegean.

According to recent reports in Greek media, crisis-hit Greece is preparing to apply to the UN to determine the boundaries of its exclusive economic zone in the Aegean -- without first reaching an agreement with Turkey in this regard -- so that it can begin oil exploration as a measure to address its economic troubles. The prospect has raised concerns that the deep-seated but mostly frozen territorial disputes between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean may be revived.“Turkey would take equivalent steps to such a move by Greece,” Davutoğlu said in İzmir on Monday during the fifth edition of an annual ambassadors' conference.“We think that such unilateral steps should be avoided during critical periods,” the minister noted.Drawing attention to the positive atmosphere in Turkish-Greek ties in recent decades, Davutoğlu said that “as Turkish-Greek relations have gained such momentum, it is important that we take such steps after an agreement is reached and not unilaterally.”Davutoğlu suggested that Greece use its diplomatic channels with Turkey before taking any steps toward oil exploration in the Aegean or Turkey would respond by making a similar declaration to the UN.Turkey and Greece disagree on the demarcation of the Turkish and Greek exclusive economic zones, which set the maritime borders the respective rights to explore natural resources within them, due to a dispute over the extent to which Greek islands off the Turkish coast should be taken into consideration when determining these boundaries.

Turkey argues that distances should be measured from the continental mainland while Greece wants all islands to be taken into account equally.

Turkey will closely follow Greek plans to revive oil bid in Aegean, says FM

This is so-called greek Exclusive Economic Zone


Poor Greeks, they must be really in bad situation :D therefore they could dare to come up with such a EEZ plan
Trying to implement this so-called EEZ plan is definetely a Casus Beli for Turkish State.
They even claim Albanian waters and of course all of Turkish Aegean.

I still can't comprehend they are serious.
Turkey argues that distances should be measured from the continental mainland while Greece wants all islands to be taken into account equally.
Well of course they will. But if they take all islands into account it leaves Turkey with nothing. Then there's not much point in designating an economic zone is there?
Well of course they will. But if they take all islands into account it leaves Turkey with nothing. Then there's not much point in designating an economic zone is there?

I guess they want the whole Aegean because of Oil, if we give them the EEZ they will be able to drill very close to the Turkish coast.
The Greeks proposal is unacceptable. They left nothing to us which is not understandable since we have longest coast line in east Mediterranean. Here I wanna show our EEZ (Btw, it is not official I guess)

Trying to implement this so-called EEZ plan is definetely a Casus Belli for Turkish State.

They even claim Albanian waters and of course all of Turkish Aegean.

I still can't comprehend they are serious.

Well of course they will. But if they take all islands into account it leaves Turkey with nothing. Then there's not much point in designating an economic zone is there?

Yes ofcourse Greece is serious in the claim. Not only that but apparently with very solid legal arguments too.

To answer the question about "leaving turkey with nothing" the short story is: Too bad but that is life! In this particular instance, Geography is against Turkey. Take it up with God.

the Aegean due to the multitude of islands is a Greek sea. More over, Turkish claims are recent and inconsistent over the years which makes them weak.

Guys we covered these already. Does it not get old with you. I remember saying again, Turkey is a regional superpower, as such Turkey's opinion will be heard, and where possible, its concerns addressed.
But noone will sacrifice national interests and national space for someone else.

and before some of you start drooling over war again, you need to remember, things are never so easy in today's world. Unless ofcourse you are narrow minded.
To answer the question about "leaving turkey with nothing" the short story is: Too bad but that is life! In this particular instance, Geography is against Turkey. Take it up with God.

don't forget this.

We will say the same thing when the times comes.. Though luck! But good luck for now.
DANG, That is a lot of water!!!
Is there any internationally agreed maritime border? or any border agreed upon after WW1?

I am amazed by the amount of disputed water that has a good chance of having oil/gas:

To answer the question about "leaving turkey with nothing" the short story is: Too bad but that is life! In this particular instance, Geography is against Turkey. Take it up with God.

This is about national security mate..God has nothing to do with it..I hope you dont expect Turkey to just sit and watch..Because it is not going to happen

I remember saying again, Turkey is a regional superpower, as such Turkey's opinion will be heard, and where possible, its concerns addressed. But noone will sacrifice national interests and national space for someone else.

So you can understand our point of view..Just because Aegean sea is swarmed with Greek Islands, Turkey will not back down from her national interests..Whether we come to a mid-term solution by considering both parties mutual interests, or forget about that one sided Greek EEZ..Wont happen
we should take it seriously and act accordingly I dont realy think that Greece is alone in this game...

Greece and Cyprus, Israel, American companies, Leviathan reservoir and potantial Agean&Eastern Mediterranean reservoirs and an undersea pipeline to Europe through Greek EEZ... I dont think we are in an advantageous position... what about inviting China and to a some extent Russia to this equation? lets turn mediterranean into a battle ground for big power's economic interests

or who knows may be this time, history does not repeat itself and for the first time in the history of Turkish & Greek relations, Greece seeks for a solution which is mutually beneficial... otherwise just another disappointment awaits them...
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